State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0085
In the last issue of the Banner of Liberty some letters were published ... This letter is written solely for the purpose of answering the false charges in the last issue of the Banner of Liberty. Frank Adams.
The Banner of Liberty. Devoted to the Interest of Jasper and Hamilton County Vol 3 Extra! Jasper, Fla., Monday May 14, 1906 Extra No The Truth Burns The Truth will be Known in this Campaign Truth Beareth the Victory The Hon. Frank Adams Refutes the False Charges of his Enemies To the Voters of Hamilton County: [left column] In the last lesson of the Banner of Liberty some letters were published, signed by J.L. Wetherington, M.L. Horton, John High, A.W. Miller, who is commonly known as "Snap," and another letter, which is so devoid of truth, that the writer was ashamed to put his name to it and signed it "Oppressed Farmer." Joe L. Wetherington has simply mis-stated the facts and for proof just ask his brother, Hon. J.B. Wetherington, clerk of the circuit court at Jasper. His letter is published in this paper. M.L. Horton is simply sour on mankind, because, he was so ignominiously defeated by Isadore S. Geiger in the last campaign for the office of Tax Accessor. John High is mad, because, the [left middle column] people took him off the Board of County Commissioners in the last campaign, for incompetency, insufficiency, and misadministration of the county affairs. This is just what they should have done- was one of the best things for [tear] county that ever has been [tear] A.W. miller, commonly [tear] "Soap Miller," is the man, it will be remembered, who was turned out of Hebron church for swearing to a lie, which he openly admitted in the courthouse at Jasper on Saturday, May the 5th, 1906. Now, when such a man accuses me of "assailing his CHARACTER" all the reply I have to make is, that I am not skilled sufficiently as a marksman to hit a tobacco seed with a rifle ball. As to "Oppressed Farmer's" let[ right middle column] ter, it is so utterly false that he was ashamed to sign his name to it. If he will produce any widow in Hamilton county, or elsewhere, whom I have ever individually wronged to the value of one cent, one thousand dollars will be paid him by the Bank of Jasper, but his charge is untrue and "Oppressed Farmer," whom I have done many favors, knows it. Mr. High charges the use of money and whiskey in this cam paign. This may be true so far as he and his friends are concerned- they may use it. I have not used one drop of whiskey, money, falsehood, nor mud slinging to influence votes, nor have I authorized any body else to use whiskey, or money, or false hood, or mud. [right column] Can Mr. High say as much? The prices of long cotton has been as high in Jasper for the past 18 years they were at any other place on the face of the globe. I have paid every cent for it that I could, including ofttimes [smudge] [tear] Cotton from the sur[ tear] country comes to Jasper, because the prices are better and the cash is promptly paid for it. All those charges made by Mr. High, Snap Miller and their kind, is done for the purpose of putting Mr. High in charge of the affairs of the State, like Mr. High had charge of the country's affairs. This letter is written solely for the purpose of answering the false charges in the last issue of the Banner of Liberty. Frank Adams [bottom portion print too blurry]