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William M. Tunno, et al. versus The Florida Railroad Company, The Florida Railway and Navigation Company, et al.
Geographic Term
Fifth Circuit Court, Northern District of Florida - In Equity.
William M. Tunno, et al.
The Florida Railroad Company, the Florida Rail-
Way and Navigation Company, et. al.
In the above entitled cause, on motion of complainants' solicitors, it is ordered as follows:
That the holders of the outstanding eight per cent bonds of the Florida Railroad Company, issued in the
year 1856, called "Freeland bonds, " and of coupons thereof, produce before and exhibit them to the
Master herein appointed to be by him examined and registered, and that they be allowed three months after the
expiration of the advertisement next provided for in which to make such production.
That Samuel A. Swann is appointed Special Master of this Court for the purposes of this order; that he
cause a copy of this order to be sent by mail to each holder of any said bonds whose names and
addresses can be ascertained, and that he cause notice of the order to be published in such newspapers and for such
periods of time as in his discretion may be required to give all such bondholders an opportunity of
coming into the cause.
That on production before him of any of said bonds or coupons that he make a full and complete registry
thereof, and that he give to each owner or holder a certificate showing the production before him of the
bonds or coupons offered for registration.
That he keep a docket in which shall be entered the name of every owner or holder producing any of
such bonds, and of all proceedings and orders thereupon.
That every creditor of the fund have leave to contest before the Special Master every other claim. That
the Special Master shall from time to time take testimony when offered, and hear argument upon all
contested claims on the fund, and that he make reports from time to time of his actings and doings.
That holders of claims on the trust fund who shall appear before the Special Master shall thereby and
thereafter be considered and treated as parties to the suit.
That owners or holders of bonds and coupons shall upon production of their claims before the Special
Master, pay their ratable proportion of all costs and disbursements which may have been incurred or
made by the complainants or the Master in the prosecution of the litigation.
April 14th 1885 Thomas Settle, Judge.
Geographic Term
Display Date
Subject - Corporate
Subject - Person
Fifth Circuit Court, Northern District of Florida - In Equity.
William M. Tunno, et al.
The Florida Railroad Company, the Florida Rail-
Way and Navigation Company, et. al.
In the above entitled cause, on motion of complainants' solicitors, it is ordered as follows:
That the holders of the outstanding eight per cent bonds of the Florida Railroad Company, issued in the
year 1856, called "Freeland bonds, " and of coupons thereof, produce before and exhibit them to the
Master herein appointed to be by him examined and registered, and that they be allowed three months after the
expiration of the advertisement next provided for in which to make such production.
That Samuel A. Swann is appointed Special Master of this Court for the purposes of this order; that he
cause a copy of this order to be sent by mail to each holder of any said bonds whose names and
addresses can be ascertained, and that he cause notice of the order to be published in such newspapers and for such
periods of time as in his discretion may be required to give all such bondholders an opportunity of
coming into the cause.
That on production before him of any of said bonds or coupons that he make a full and complete registry
thereof, and that he give to each owner or holder a certificate showing the production before him of the
bonds or coupons offered for registration.
That he keep a docket in which shall be entered the name of every owner or holder producing any of
such bonds, and of all proceedings and orders thereupon.
That every creditor of the fund have leave to contest before the Special Master every other claim. That
the Special Master shall from time to time take testimony when offered, and hear argument upon all
contested claims on the fund, and that he make reports from time to time of his actings and doings.
That holders of claims on the trust fund who shall appear before the Special Master shall thereby and
thereafter be considered and treated as parties to the suit.
That owners or holders of bonds and coupons shall upon production of their claims before the Special
Master, pay their ratable proportion of all costs and disbursements which may have been incurred or
made by the complainants or the Master in the prosecution of the litigation.
April 14th 1885 Thomas Settle, Judge.
Chicago Manual of Style
William M. Tunno, et al. versus The Florida Railroad Company, The Florida Railway and Navigation Company, et al. 1885. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212438>, accessed 18 March 2025.
William M. Tunno, et al. versus The Florida Railroad Company, The Florida Railway and Navigation Company, et al. 1885. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 18 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212438>
AP Style Photo Citation