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State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0032
Searchable collections of manuscripts, war records, historic images, vital statistics, audio and video recordings from the State Library and Archives of Florida.
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Assignee's Sale in Bankruptcy, of Steam Saw Mill, Timber Lands, Stores, Houses and Furniture, Logs, Steamer, Lighters and Booms, &c., Situated in Florida and Alabama. (to be sold as an entirety) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the assignee of the Pensacola Lumber Company, bankrupt, will sell at Public Auction, On Friday, the 5th day of November, 1875, At 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, At the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, in the city of New York, By order of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, By Adrian H. Muller & Son, Auctioneers, The following described real and personal property belonging to the estate of the said bankrupt: -One large Steam Saw Mill; 28 Dwelling Houses, and Furniture in Manager's house; 1 Store, Blacksmith and Carpenter Shop and Tools; Wharf and Landing; One large Stern-Wheel Steamer; 9 Lighters; Platform Scales; Office Furniture; 6 Tons Old Iron; 110 T Rails, 12,075 lbs.; 6 Tongue Switches; 6 open Sockets; 6 Frogs, 3,774 lbs.; 1 large Safe; 1 Watchman's Clock; 1 Mule; 14 Jack Screws; 2 Slab Cars; 1 Wagon; 2 Mule Carts; 2 Single Harness; 1 Double Harness; 1 Mud Drum; 6 pairs Iron Care Wheels; Pile Driver: 7 Skiffs; 1 Yawl Boat; 11 Lumber Trucks; 1 Grist Mill; 5 Old Iron Boilers; 3 Old Engines, and between 30 and 40 thousand Pine Logs, in the stream, together with the Booms, &c., and all the appurtenances of a first-class lumbering establishment. Also, 45,466 57/100 Acres of Pine Lands, contiguous to the Big and Little Escambia Rivers, in the County of Escambia and State of Alabama. Also, an undivided half interest in 7,688 Acres of Pine Lands, in said County of Escambia and State of Alabama. Also, an undivided half interest in all the Timber standing on 4,500 Acres of Pine Lands, in the county of Escambia, Florida, together with undivided half interest in all improvements on the Big Escambia Creek and its tributaries, and undivided half interest in Booms and all the property connected therewith on the Big Escambia River, Big Escambia Creek and Pine Barren Creek. Also about 10,000 Acres of Pine Lands in the Counties of Escambia and Santa Rosa, Florida, and an undivided half interest in 175 acres in said County of Escambia, Florida. Also, One Store at Whiting, Alabama, at the Junction of the Pensacola & Louisville and Mobile & Montgomery Railroads, 20 miles north of the Mill. The Mill, Houses, &c. are situated at Molino, Florida, on the west side of Escambia River, 23 miles north of Pensacola, and on the line of the Pensacola & Louisville Railroad, whose tracks run into the Mill Yard. The Mill has been recently built is original in construction, and has many new and valuable improvements; dimensions 85x206 feet; Engine and Boiler House 65x75; Machine Shop and Fixing Room 38x50. It is provided with 8 Boilers, 2 Engines, 2 Double Circular Saws, 1 Gang, 2 Gang Edgers, Lath Machine, Cutting-off Saws, 2 Screw Cutting Lathes, 1 Planer (iron), 1 Schenck Wood Planer, and has a capacity of 75,000 feet a day. The Pine Lands in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida, are situated within easy hauling distance of the Escambia River and Pine Barren Creek, a tributary of said river. The Pine Lands in Escambia County, Alabama, are on and adjacent to the Big and Little Escambia Creeks, also tributaries of the Escambia River, and all good streams for floating logs. There are 8 commodious Dwelling Houses, for the manager and his assistants, and 20 Cottages for operatives, all pleasantly situated on high land, near the Mill. The lands have been recently selected, and are among the choicest Pine lands of the South. The attention of capitalists and lumbermen is invited to this sale as presenting a rare opportunity for investment. Sale peremptory to the highest bidder. Terms:-10 per cent cash on the day of sale; 40 per cent cash within 30 days; 50 per cent, in six equal promissory notes, with endorser, bearing interest at 7 per cent, and payable in 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months from the day of sale, secured by mortgage on the property. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at his office, No. 56 Wall Street, New York City, or to Adna C. Conn, Esq. Molino, Florida. C. Edgar Smith, Assignee, No. 56 Wall Street, New York. W. R. Darling, Solicitor for Assignee, 61 Pine Street, New York.
Pensacola Lumber Company bankruptcy auction notice
Lumber trade
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0032
broadsides (notices)
Reconstruction Era Florida (1865-1877)
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Pensacola (Fla.)
Escambia County (Fla.)
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published 1875
Land Sales and Development
Assignee's Sale in Bankruptcy, of Steam Saw Mill, Timber Lands, Stores, Houses and Furniture, Logs, Steamer, Lighters and Booms, &c., Situated in Florida and Alabama. (to be sold as an entirety) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the assignee of the Pensacola Lumber Company, bankrupt, will sell at Public Auction, On Friday, the 5th day of November, 1875, At 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, At the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, in the city of New York, By order of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, By Adrian H. Muller & Son, Auctioneers, The following described real and personal property belonging to the estate of the said bankrupt: -One large Steam Saw Mill; 28 Dwelling Houses, and Furniture in Manager's house; 1 Store, Blacksmith and Carpenter Shop and Tools; Wharf and Landing; One large Stern-Wheel Steamer; 9 Lighters; Platform Scales; Office Furniture; 6 Tons Old Iron; 110 T Rails, 12,075 lbs.; 6 Tongue Switches; 6 open Sockets; 6 Frogs, 3,774 lbs.; 1 large Safe; 1 Watchman's Clock; 1 Mule; 14 Jack Screws; 2 Slab Cars; 1 Wagon; 2 Mule Carts; 2 Single Harness; 1 Double Harness; 1 Mud Drum; 6 pairs Iron Care Wheels; Pile Driver: 7 Skiffs; 1 Yawl Boat; 11 Lumber Trucks; 1 Grist Mill; 5 Old Iron Boilers; 3 Old Engines, and between 30 and 40 thousand Pine Logs, in the stream, together with the Booms, &c., and all the appurtenances of a first-class lumbering establishment. Also, 45,466 57/100 Acres of Pine Lands, contiguous to the Big and Little Escambia Rivers, in the County of Escambia and State of Alabama. Also, an undivided half interest in 7,688 Acres of Pine Lands, in said County of Escambia and State of Alabama. Also, an undivided half interest in all the Timber standing on 4,500 Acres of Pine Lands, in the county of Escambia, Florida, together with undivided half interest in all improvements on the Big Escambia Creek and its tributaries, and undivided half interest in Booms and all the property connected therewith on the Big Escambia River, Big Escambia Creek and Pine Barren Creek. Also about 10,000 Acres of Pine Lands in the Counties of Escambia and Santa Rosa, Florida, and an undivided half interest in 175 acres in said County of Escambia, Florida. Also, One Store at Whiting, Alabama, at the Junction of the Pensacola & Louisville and Mobile & Montgomery Railroads, 20 miles north of the Mill. The Mill, Houses, &c. are situated at Molino, Florida, on the west side of Escambia River, 23 miles north of Pensacola, and on the line of the Pensacola & Louisville Railroad, whose tracks run into the Mill Yard. The Mill has been recently built is original in construction, and has many new and valuable improvements; dimensions 85x206 feet; Engine and Boiler House 65x75; Machine Shop and Fixing Room 38x50. It is provided with 8 Boilers, 2 Engines, 2 Double Circular Saws, 1 Gang, 2 Gang Edgers, Lath Machine, Cutting-off Saws, 2 Screw Cutting Lathes, 1 Planer (iron), 1 Schenck Wood Planer, and has a capacity of 75,000 feet a day. The Pine Lands in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida, are situated within easy hauling distance of the Escambia River and Pine Barren Creek, a tributary of said river. The Pine Lands in Escambia County, Alabama, are on and adjacent to the Big and Little Escambia Creeks, also tributaries of the Escambia River, and all good streams for floating logs. There are 8 commodious Dwelling Houses, for the manager and his assistants, and 20 Cottages for operatives, all pleasantly situated on high land, near the Mill. The lands have been recently selected, and are among the choicest Pine lands of the South. The attention of capitalists and lumbermen is invited to this sale as presenting a rare opportunity for investment. Sale peremptory to the highest bidder. Terms:-10 per cent cash on the day of sale; 40 per cent cash within 30 days; 50 per cent, in six equal promissory notes, with endorser, bearing interest at 7 per cent, and payable in 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months from the day of sale, secured by mortgage on the property. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at his office, No. 56 Wall Street, New York City, or to Adna C. Conn, Esq. Molino, Florida. C. Edgar Smith, Assignee, No. 56 Wall Street, New York. W. R. Darling, Solicitor for Assignee, 61 Pine Street, New York.
Chicago Manual of Style
Pensacola Lumber Company bankruptcy auction notice. 1875. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212440>, accessed 17 March 2025.
Pensacola Lumber Company bankruptcy auction notice. 1875. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 17 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212440>
AP Style Photo Citation