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State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0145
Advertisement for land for sale in south Florida. Six pieces of land advertised ranging from 9 acres to 3195 acres and prices from $3,000 to $19,170 cash or terms.
1938 (circa)
Geographic Term
South Florida Land
1. 480 Acres only $3400 cash, or terms $1000 down, balance in
three equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
2. 885 Acres only $6200 cash, or terms $1,550 down, balance in
three equal payments at 6 percent int.
3. 2311 Acres only $15,000 cash, or terms $3,750 down in three
equal payments at 6 percent int.
4. 3195 Acres only $19,170 cash, or terms $4,792.50 down, balance in three
equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
4, Land lies near big lake, clear streams, small lake in corner of tract which
is about half prairie and half timber, soil from rich muck to light sandy, suit-
able for fruits and vegetables. About 50 acres black much on tract 4 have
been cultivated. Good location for pineapples, papayas, limes, avocados,
mangoes, bananas, coconuts.
Imagine getting land at such price in the region of tropical fruits.
5. 25 Acres lake-front, mostly prairie, black soil, rich muck along lake good
for bananas and vegetables. Garage, well, 5-room frame house, bath room,
wired for electricity. About 15 acres ready for plow; 5 acres have been culti-
vated. $3,000 cash, or terms $1000 down, $1100 in 6 months and $1100 in
12 months.
6. 9 Acre lake-front, 2 miles from town, clear stream, exceptionally frost-
free, ideal for papayas and all tropical fruits. All level, cheap 5-room frame
house, garage, well, 11 coconut trees, 4 acres bearing bananas 10 years old,
about 50 citrus trees, some bearing, small avocado trees, 40 mango trees,
some bearing, acre bearing pineapples. $3,000 cash, or terms $1500 down
$850 in 5 months and $850 in 12 months.
Dr. G.R.Clements
Box 366, Sebring, Florida
1. 480 Acres only $3400 cash, or terms $1000 down, balance in
three equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
2. 885 Acres only $6200 cash, or terms $1,550 down, balance in
three equal payments at 6 percent int.
3. 2311 Acres only $15,000 cash, or terms $3,750 down in three
equal payments at 6 percent int.
4. 3195 Acres only $19,170 cash, or terms $4,792.50 down, balance in three
equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
4, Land lies near big lake, clear streams, small lake in corner of tract which
is about half prairie and half timber, soil from rich muck to light sandy, suit-
able for fruits and vegetables. About 50 acres black much on tract 4 have
been cultivated. Good location for pineapples, papayas, limes, avocados,
mangoes, bananas, coconuts.
Imagine getting land at such price in the region of tropical fruits.
5. 25 Acres lake-front, mostly prairie, black soil, rich muck along lake good
for bananas and vegetables. Garage, well, 5-room frame house, bath room,
wired for electricity. About 15 acres ready for plow; 5 acres have been culti-
vated. $3,000 cash, or terms $1000 down, $1100 in 6 months and $1100 in
12 months.
6. 9 Acre lake-front, 2 miles from town, clear stream, exceptionally frost-
free, ideal for papayas and all tropical fruits. All level, cheap 5-room frame
house, garage, well, 11 coconut trees, 4 acres bearing bananas 10 years old,
about 50 citrus trees, some bearing, small avocado trees, 40 mango trees,
some bearing, acre bearing pineapples. $3,000 cash, or terms $1500 down
$850 in 5 months and $850 in 12 months.
Dr. G.R.Clements
Box 366, Sebring, Florida
"South Florida Land Bargains" in Sebring
Citrus fruit industry
Tropical fruit industry
Land settlement
Advertisement for land for sale in south Florida. Six pieces of land advertised ranging from 9 acres to 3195 acres and prices from $3,000 to $19,170 cash or terms.
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0145
1938 (circa)
Depression Era Florida (1926-1939)
Geographic Term
Sebring (Fla.)
Highlands County (Fla.)
Display Date
ca. 1938
Land Sales and Development
Subject - Person
Clements, G. R.
South Florida Land
1. 480 Acres only $3400 cash, or terms $1000 down, balance in
three equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
2. 885 Acres only $6200 cash, or terms $1,550 down, balance in
three equal payments at 6 percent int.
3. 2311 Acres only $15,000 cash, or terms $3,750 down in three
equal payments at 6 percent int.
4. 3195 Acres only $19,170 cash, or terms $4,792.50 down, balance in three
equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
4, Land lies near big lake, clear streams, small lake in corner of tract which
is about half prairie and half timber, soil from rich muck to light sandy, suit-
able for fruits and vegetables. About 50 acres black much on tract 4 have
been cultivated. Good location for pineapples, papayas, limes, avocados,
mangoes, bananas, coconuts.
Imagine getting land at such price in the region of tropical fruits.
5. 25 Acres lake-front, mostly prairie, black soil, rich muck along lake good
for bananas and vegetables. Garage, well, 5-room frame house, bath room,
wired for electricity. About 15 acres ready for plow; 5 acres have been culti-
vated. $3,000 cash, or terms $1000 down, $1100 in 6 months and $1100 in
12 months.
6. 9 Acre lake-front, 2 miles from town, clear stream, exceptionally frost-
free, ideal for papayas and all tropical fruits. All level, cheap 5-room frame
house, garage, well, 11 coconut trees, 4 acres bearing bananas 10 years old,
about 50 citrus trees, some bearing, small avocado trees, 40 mango trees,
some bearing, acre bearing pineapples. $3,000 cash, or terms $1500 down
$850 in 5 months and $850 in 12 months.
Dr. G.R.Clements
Box 366, Sebring, Florida
1. 480 Acres only $3400 cash, or terms $1000 down, balance in
three equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
2. 885 Acres only $6200 cash, or terms $1,550 down, balance in
three equal payments at 6 percent int.
3. 2311 Acres only $15,000 cash, or terms $3,750 down in three
equal payments at 6 percent int.
4. 3195 Acres only $19,170 cash, or terms $4,792.50 down, balance in three
equal annual payments at 6 percent int.
4, Land lies near big lake, clear streams, small lake in corner of tract which
is about half prairie and half timber, soil from rich muck to light sandy, suit-
able for fruits and vegetables. About 50 acres black much on tract 4 have
been cultivated. Good location for pineapples, papayas, limes, avocados,
mangoes, bananas, coconuts.
Imagine getting land at such price in the region of tropical fruits.
5. 25 Acres lake-front, mostly prairie, black soil, rich muck along lake good
for bananas and vegetables. Garage, well, 5-room frame house, bath room,
wired for electricity. About 15 acres ready for plow; 5 acres have been culti-
vated. $3,000 cash, or terms $1000 down, $1100 in 6 months and $1100 in
12 months.
6. 9 Acre lake-front, 2 miles from town, clear stream, exceptionally frost-
free, ideal for papayas and all tropical fruits. All level, cheap 5-room frame
house, garage, well, 11 coconut trees, 4 acres bearing bananas 10 years old,
about 50 citrus trees, some bearing, small avocado trees, 40 mango trees,
some bearing, acre bearing pineapples. $3,000 cash, or terms $1500 down
$850 in 5 months and $850 in 12 months.
Dr. G.R.Clements
Box 366, Sebring, Florida
Chicago Manual of Style
"South Florida Land Bargains" in Sebring. 1938 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212474>, accessed 10 March 2025.
"South Florida Land Bargains" in Sebring. 1938 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 10 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212474>
AP Style Photo Citation