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State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0126
Flier advertising Pfeiffer's Bread, produced in Pensacola by John F. Pfeiffer. The flier incorporates an article written by B.F. Arthur, a medical doctor, endorsing the bread as particularly healthful.
1890 (circa)
Geographic Term
What the New York Journal of Health Says
About Pfeiffer's Bread.
Article Written by B. F. Arthur, M.D.
[left column]
That the health and well-being of all its members depend
upon the quality of bread consumed in the household will
be conceded by every student of dietetic science, for the in-
vestigator in this field finds that no single article of food is
so productive of good or so fraught with harm as the family
loaf when made by skilled and conscientious labor upon
the one part, or carelessly thrown together by the
ignorant and irresponsible upon the other.
Such being the case it is
the duty of every hygienic
publication to advise its
readers regarding the rela-
tive value of such food pro-
ducts and to teach those in
each city where the highest
quality of bread may be ob-
tained. This can not be
done by the daily papers,
which seek the advertising
patronage of all bakeries,
but must fall to the lot of
such periodicals as the
American Journal of Health,
or other papers of equal
standing and unquestioned
The suggestion concern-
ing the bread made in other
cities have elicited so many
hearty expressions of satis-
faction that a view of the
subject as it affects the peo-
ple of Pensacola can but
prove interesting and in-
structive to the residents of
that city.
A thorough investigation
has been made, with a result
which shows that Pensacola
is no exception to other
places in regard to the wide
range of quality exhibited in
the product of her bakeries.
The product of the smaller
bakeries is hardly up to the
average among such estab-
lishments, although we have
learned to expect very poor
bread from such places. In
fact, we must seek the larger bakeries in any city for bread of
the highest standard of quality. In Pensacola the leading one
among the baking establishment is that of John F. Pfeiffer,
the excellence of whose product is not surpassed by that
of any other brand of bread in the United States. At the
outset it should be understood that it is primarily upon the
quality of the flour utilized that the value of the bread pro-
duced therefrom depends; hence the matter of flour must re-
[right column]
ceive the first consideration. Flour varies from the lowest
"red dog" to the highest fancy patent, with values all the
way from feed prices to the highest market quotations. There
is a vast difference in the bread-making qualities of these
various grades of flour and the amount of nutrition contained
in each. John F. Pfeiffer's bakery uses the best flour obtain-
able, and as a result its product stands highest. Moreover,
all the processes of baking are scientifically conducted, and
not only is the starch re-
duced to a condition fitting
it for digestion without an
effort on the part of the di-
gestive organs, but the fer-
mentative processes are so
neutralized that not only is
Pfeiffer bread entirely free
from the sourness which gen-
erally characterises "bakers'
bread," but it does not mold
when kept for several days.
This feature appeals strong-
ly to those who have noticed
that the excess of moisture
commonly found in the ordi-
nary product unfits the bread
for use when the loaf is kept
on hand longer than usual.
The people of Pensacola
are unusually fortunate in
the quality of bread offered
for their use, for while much
that is sold is unfit for hu-
man consumption, they can,
if they please, obtain bread
which cannot be surpassed.
Taking into consideration
the care and cleanliness pre-
vailing in the surroundings,
the intelligence and skill
exercised in the making,
and the high quality of the
ingredients which enter into
its composition, the product
of John F. Pfeiffer's bakery
is deserving of the highest
place. It is a pleasure to
add that this bakery enjoys
the patronage of the most
refined and exacting fam-
ilies and the trade of the leading hotel and restaurants of
Pensacola, but notwithstanding such prosperity, it is but
truth to say that if the people generally were fully awake
to the vital importance of eating none but the very best
bread obtainable, ten loaves of Pfeiffer's bread would be
sold where one is sold today. No other bread sold in Pensa-
cola equals it in the essentials of a perfect food.
About Pfeiffer's Bread.
Article Written by B. F. Arthur, M.D.
[left column]
That the health and well-being of all its members depend
upon the quality of bread consumed in the household will
be conceded by every student of dietetic science, for the in-
vestigator in this field finds that no single article of food is
so productive of good or so fraught with harm as the family
loaf when made by skilled and conscientious labor upon
the one part, or carelessly thrown together by the
ignorant and irresponsible upon the other.
Such being the case it is
the duty of every hygienic
publication to advise its
readers regarding the rela-
tive value of such food pro-
ducts and to teach those in
each city where the highest
quality of bread may be ob-
tained. This can not be
done by the daily papers,
which seek the advertising
patronage of all bakeries,
but must fall to the lot of
such periodicals as the
American Journal of Health,
or other papers of equal
standing and unquestioned
The suggestion concern-
ing the bread made in other
cities have elicited so many
hearty expressions of satis-
faction that a view of the
subject as it affects the peo-
ple of Pensacola can but
prove interesting and in-
structive to the residents of
that city.
A thorough investigation
has been made, with a result
which shows that Pensacola
is no exception to other
places in regard to the wide
range of quality exhibited in
the product of her bakeries.
The product of the smaller
bakeries is hardly up to the
average among such estab-
lishments, although we have
learned to expect very poor
bread from such places. In
fact, we must seek the larger bakeries in any city for bread of
the highest standard of quality. In Pensacola the leading one
among the baking establishment is that of John F. Pfeiffer,
the excellence of whose product is not surpassed by that
of any other brand of bread in the United States. At the
outset it should be understood that it is primarily upon the
quality of the flour utilized that the value of the bread pro-
duced therefrom depends; hence the matter of flour must re-
[right column]
ceive the first consideration. Flour varies from the lowest
"red dog" to the highest fancy patent, with values all the
way from feed prices to the highest market quotations. There
is a vast difference in the bread-making qualities of these
various grades of flour and the amount of nutrition contained
in each. John F. Pfeiffer's bakery uses the best flour obtain-
able, and as a result its product stands highest. Moreover,
all the processes of baking are scientifically conducted, and
not only is the starch re-
duced to a condition fitting
it for digestion without an
effort on the part of the di-
gestive organs, but the fer-
mentative processes are so
neutralized that not only is
Pfeiffer bread entirely free
from the sourness which gen-
erally characterises "bakers'
bread," but it does not mold
when kept for several days.
This feature appeals strong-
ly to those who have noticed
that the excess of moisture
commonly found in the ordi-
nary product unfits the bread
for use when the loaf is kept
on hand longer than usual.
The people of Pensacola
are unusually fortunate in
the quality of bread offered
for their use, for while much
that is sold is unfit for hu-
man consumption, they can,
if they please, obtain bread
which cannot be surpassed.
Taking into consideration
the care and cleanliness pre-
vailing in the surroundings,
the intelligence and skill
exercised in the making,
and the high quality of the
ingredients which enter into
its composition, the product
of John F. Pfeiffer's bakery
is deserving of the highest
place. It is a pleasure to
add that this bakery enjoys
the patronage of the most
refined and exacting fam-
ilies and the trade of the leading hotel and restaurants of
Pensacola, but notwithstanding such prosperity, it is but
truth to say that if the people generally were fully awake
to the vital importance of eating none but the very best
bread obtainable, ten loaves of Pfeiffer's bread would be
sold where one is sold today. No other bread sold in Pensa-
cola equals it in the essentials of a perfect food.
Advertisement for Pfeiffer's Bread, incorporating an article by B.F. Arthur, M.D.
Bread industry
Flier advertising Pfeiffer's Bread, produced in Pensacola by John F. Pfeiffer. The flier incorporates an article written by B.F. Arthur, a medical doctor, endorsing the bread as particularly healthful.
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0126
1890 (circa)
promotional materials
Late 19th-Century Florida (1877-1900)
Geographic Term
Pensacola (Fla.)
Escambia County (Fla.)
Display Date
ca. 1890
Business and Industry
Subject - Person
Arthur, B. F.
Pfeiffer, John F.
What the New York Journal of Health Says
About Pfeiffer's Bread.
Article Written by B. F. Arthur, M.D.
[left column]
That the health and well-being of all its members depend
upon the quality of bread consumed in the household will
be conceded by every student of dietetic science, for the in-
vestigator in this field finds that no single article of food is
so productive of good or so fraught with harm as the family
loaf when made by skilled and conscientious labor upon
the one part, or carelessly thrown together by the
ignorant and irresponsible upon the other.
Such being the case it is
the duty of every hygienic
publication to advise its
readers regarding the rela-
tive value of such food pro-
ducts and to teach those in
each city where the highest
quality of bread may be ob-
tained. This can not be
done by the daily papers,
which seek the advertising
patronage of all bakeries,
but must fall to the lot of
such periodicals as the
American Journal of Health,
or other papers of equal
standing and unquestioned
The suggestion concern-
ing the bread made in other
cities have elicited so many
hearty expressions of satis-
faction that a view of the
subject as it affects the peo-
ple of Pensacola can but
prove interesting and in-
structive to the residents of
that city.
A thorough investigation
has been made, with a result
which shows that Pensacola
is no exception to other
places in regard to the wide
range of quality exhibited in
the product of her bakeries.
The product of the smaller
bakeries is hardly up to the
average among such estab-
lishments, although we have
learned to expect very poor
bread from such places. In
fact, we must seek the larger bakeries in any city for bread of
the highest standard of quality. In Pensacola the leading one
among the baking establishment is that of John F. Pfeiffer,
the excellence of whose product is not surpassed by that
of any other brand of bread in the United States. At the
outset it should be understood that it is primarily upon the
quality of the flour utilized that the value of the bread pro-
duced therefrom depends; hence the matter of flour must re-
[right column]
ceive the first consideration. Flour varies from the lowest
"red dog" to the highest fancy patent, with values all the
way from feed prices to the highest market quotations. There
is a vast difference in the bread-making qualities of these
various grades of flour and the amount of nutrition contained
in each. John F. Pfeiffer's bakery uses the best flour obtain-
able, and as a result its product stands highest. Moreover,
all the processes of baking are scientifically conducted, and
not only is the starch re-
duced to a condition fitting
it for digestion without an
effort on the part of the di-
gestive organs, but the fer-
mentative processes are so
neutralized that not only is
Pfeiffer bread entirely free
from the sourness which gen-
erally characterises "bakers'
bread," but it does not mold
when kept for several days.
This feature appeals strong-
ly to those who have noticed
that the excess of moisture
commonly found in the ordi-
nary product unfits the bread
for use when the loaf is kept
on hand longer than usual.
The people of Pensacola
are unusually fortunate in
the quality of bread offered
for their use, for while much
that is sold is unfit for hu-
man consumption, they can,
if they please, obtain bread
which cannot be surpassed.
Taking into consideration
the care and cleanliness pre-
vailing in the surroundings,
the intelligence and skill
exercised in the making,
and the high quality of the
ingredients which enter into
its composition, the product
of John F. Pfeiffer's bakery
is deserving of the highest
place. It is a pleasure to
add that this bakery enjoys
the patronage of the most
refined and exacting fam-
ilies and the trade of the leading hotel and restaurants of
Pensacola, but notwithstanding such prosperity, it is but
truth to say that if the people generally were fully awake
to the vital importance of eating none but the very best
bread obtainable, ten loaves of Pfeiffer's bread would be
sold where one is sold today. No other bread sold in Pensa-
cola equals it in the essentials of a perfect food.
About Pfeiffer's Bread.
Article Written by B. F. Arthur, M.D.
[left column]
That the health and well-being of all its members depend
upon the quality of bread consumed in the household will
be conceded by every student of dietetic science, for the in-
vestigator in this field finds that no single article of food is
so productive of good or so fraught with harm as the family
loaf when made by skilled and conscientious labor upon
the one part, or carelessly thrown together by the
ignorant and irresponsible upon the other.
Such being the case it is
the duty of every hygienic
publication to advise its
readers regarding the rela-
tive value of such food pro-
ducts and to teach those in
each city where the highest
quality of bread may be ob-
tained. This can not be
done by the daily papers,
which seek the advertising
patronage of all bakeries,
but must fall to the lot of
such periodicals as the
American Journal of Health,
or other papers of equal
standing and unquestioned
The suggestion concern-
ing the bread made in other
cities have elicited so many
hearty expressions of satis-
faction that a view of the
subject as it affects the peo-
ple of Pensacola can but
prove interesting and in-
structive to the residents of
that city.
A thorough investigation
has been made, with a result
which shows that Pensacola
is no exception to other
places in regard to the wide
range of quality exhibited in
the product of her bakeries.
The product of the smaller
bakeries is hardly up to the
average among such estab-
lishments, although we have
learned to expect very poor
bread from such places. In
fact, we must seek the larger bakeries in any city for bread of
the highest standard of quality. In Pensacola the leading one
among the baking establishment is that of John F. Pfeiffer,
the excellence of whose product is not surpassed by that
of any other brand of bread in the United States. At the
outset it should be understood that it is primarily upon the
quality of the flour utilized that the value of the bread pro-
duced therefrom depends; hence the matter of flour must re-
[right column]
ceive the first consideration. Flour varies from the lowest
"red dog" to the highest fancy patent, with values all the
way from feed prices to the highest market quotations. There
is a vast difference in the bread-making qualities of these
various grades of flour and the amount of nutrition contained
in each. John F. Pfeiffer's bakery uses the best flour obtain-
able, and as a result its product stands highest. Moreover,
all the processes of baking are scientifically conducted, and
not only is the starch re-
duced to a condition fitting
it for digestion without an
effort on the part of the di-
gestive organs, but the fer-
mentative processes are so
neutralized that not only is
Pfeiffer bread entirely free
from the sourness which gen-
erally characterises "bakers'
bread," but it does not mold
when kept for several days.
This feature appeals strong-
ly to those who have noticed
that the excess of moisture
commonly found in the ordi-
nary product unfits the bread
for use when the loaf is kept
on hand longer than usual.
The people of Pensacola
are unusually fortunate in
the quality of bread offered
for their use, for while much
that is sold is unfit for hu-
man consumption, they can,
if they please, obtain bread
which cannot be surpassed.
Taking into consideration
the care and cleanliness pre-
vailing in the surroundings,
the intelligence and skill
exercised in the making,
and the high quality of the
ingredients which enter into
its composition, the product
of John F. Pfeiffer's bakery
is deserving of the highest
place. It is a pleasure to
add that this bakery enjoys
the patronage of the most
refined and exacting fam-
ilies and the trade of the leading hotel and restaurants of
Pensacola, but notwithstanding such prosperity, it is but
truth to say that if the people generally were fully awake
to the vital importance of eating none but the very best
bread obtainable, ten loaves of Pfeiffer's bread would be
sold where one is sold today. No other bread sold in Pensa-
cola equals it in the essentials of a perfect food.
Chicago Manual of Style
Advertisement for Pfeiffer's Bread, incorporating an article by B.F. Arthur, M.D. 1890 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212483>, accessed 8 March 2025.
Advertisement for Pfeiffer's Bread, incorporating an article by B.F. Arthur, M.D. 1890 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 8 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212483>
AP Style Photo Citation