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State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0204
Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa. On one side, Miller asks potential customers to either contact him about potential developments in specialty manufacturing or pass along the flier to someone who is interested. On the reverse side, Miller advertises a manufacturer's laboratory scale.
Geographic Term
"Friend Inquirer"
I'd like to hear from you again if you are still inter-
ested in Manufacturing. I don't want to
bother you further with my offerings if you are Not.
You've never written me again during all this time
I've been mailing you new propositions in all lines
of Specialty Manufacturing. I'm revising my Mail-
ing Lists and unless I hear from you now Your
Name Will be Taken From my File as
One Not Interested. So if these pieces of
printed matter enclosed do not interest you Please
hand them to some friend or relative who desires
to start something worth while. I've tried to interest
you in a line of products that are making money for
others-and now I ask you to me this favor-a
great favor to me. Thank You.
H. Liscomb Miller
Headquarters for the BEST Formula for Specialty
Manufacturers for 27 years
Miller-Spellman Building
Tampa, Florida
(Read the Other Side)
"Friend Inquirer"
I'd like to hear from you again if you are still inter-
ested in Manufacturing. I don't want to
bother you further with my offerings if you are Not.
You've never written me again during all this time
I've been mailing you new propositions in all lines
of Specialty Manufacturing. I'm revising my Mail-
ing Lists and unless I hear from you now Your
Name Will be Taken From my File as
One Not Interested. So if these pieces of
printed matter enclosed do not interest you Please
hand them to some friend or relative who desires
to start something worth while. I've tried to interest
you in a line of products that are making money for
others-and now I ask you to me this favor-a
great favor to me. Thank You.
H. Liscomb Miller
Headquarters for the BEST Formula for Specialty
Manufacturers for 27 years
Miller-Spellman Building
Tampa, Florida
(Read the Other Side)
Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa
Retail trade
Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa. On one side, Miller asks potential customers to either contact him about potential developments in specialty manufacturing or pass along the flier to someone who is interested. On the reverse side, Miller advertises a manufacturer's laboratory scale.
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0204
Franklin Printing Company
promotional materials
Florida during World War II (1939-1945)
Geographic Term
Tampa (Fla.)
Hillsborough County (Fla.)
Display Date
published 1940
Business and Industry
Subject - Person
Miller, H. Liscomb
"Friend Inquirer"
I'd like to hear from you again if you are still inter-
ested in Manufacturing. I don't want to
bother you further with my offerings if you are Not.
You've never written me again during all this time
I've been mailing you new propositions in all lines
of Specialty Manufacturing. I'm revising my Mail-
ing Lists and unless I hear from you now Your
Name Will be Taken From my File as
One Not Interested. So if these pieces of
printed matter enclosed do not interest you Please
hand them to some friend or relative who desires
to start something worth while. I've tried to interest
you in a line of products that are making money for
others-and now I ask you to me this favor-a
great favor to me. Thank You.
H. Liscomb Miller
Headquarters for the BEST Formula for Specialty
Manufacturers for 27 years
Miller-Spellman Building
Tampa, Florida
(Read the Other Side)
"Friend Inquirer"
I'd like to hear from you again if you are still inter-
ested in Manufacturing. I don't want to
bother you further with my offerings if you are Not.
You've never written me again during all this time
I've been mailing you new propositions in all lines
of Specialty Manufacturing. I'm revising my Mail-
ing Lists and unless I hear from you now Your
Name Will be Taken From my File as
One Not Interested. So if these pieces of
printed matter enclosed do not interest you Please
hand them to some friend or relative who desires
to start something worth while. I've tried to interest
you in a line of products that are making money for
others-and now I ask you to me this favor-a
great favor to me. Thank You.
H. Liscomb Miller
Headquarters for the BEST Formula for Specialty
Manufacturers for 27 years
Miller-Spellman Building
Tampa, Florida
(Read the Other Side)
Absolutely Accurate
[image of scale]
Manufacturers Laboratory Scale
Owing to the difficulty of my Manufacturing friends in obtaining
an Accurate, Reliable small scale at a reasonable price, I have ar-
ranged with one of America's Largest Manufacturers-a five million
dollar concern- to supply me with the scale described herein lots
of 250 at a time, which enables me to place this scale in the hands
of my clients at a very nominal price- in fact about one-fifth of
what a regular laboratory scale usually costs.
Designed especially for the small Manufacturer and a real necessity
for any one who must weigh small quantities of Chemicals, Drugs
or Spices, etc.
This a beautiful scale with a Solid Mahogany finished base. All
bearings are of hardened Carbon Steel and all metal parts are
heavily nickel-plated, with delicate screw adjustments, enabling you
to make it balance perfectly on any surface not perfectly level.
Six heavily nickeled weights are supplied from 50 grains to two
ounces- larger weights may be used if necessary-and the use of
smaller weights are made unnecessary by a beam of Oxidized Brass
with the letter and figures in White with sliding weight for weighing
from one to 50 grains.
I supply this scale neatly packed in a heavy fibre board box and
case securely wrapped, safe delivery guaranteed, Express Pre-
paid for $5.00.
Others who are not customers of mine are required to pay express
H. Liscomb Miller
Miller-Spellman Building
Tampa, Florida
(read the Other Side)
[image of scale]
Manufacturers Laboratory Scale
Owing to the difficulty of my Manufacturing friends in obtaining
an Accurate, Reliable small scale at a reasonable price, I have ar-
ranged with one of America's Largest Manufacturers-a five million
dollar concern- to supply me with the scale described herein lots
of 250 at a time, which enables me to place this scale in the hands
of my clients at a very nominal price- in fact about one-fifth of
what a regular laboratory scale usually costs.
Designed especially for the small Manufacturer and a real necessity
for any one who must weigh small quantities of Chemicals, Drugs
or Spices, etc.
This a beautiful scale with a Solid Mahogany finished base. All
bearings are of hardened Carbon Steel and all metal parts are
heavily nickel-plated, with delicate screw adjustments, enabling you
to make it balance perfectly on any surface not perfectly level.
Six heavily nickeled weights are supplied from 50 grains to two
ounces- larger weights may be used if necessary-and the use of
smaller weights are made unnecessary by a beam of Oxidized Brass
with the letter and figures in White with sliding weight for weighing
from one to 50 grains.
I supply this scale neatly packed in a heavy fibre board box and
case securely wrapped, safe delivery guaranteed, Express Pre-
paid for $5.00.
Others who are not customers of mine are required to pay express
H. Liscomb Miller
Miller-Spellman Building
Tampa, Florida
(read the Other Side)
Chicago Manual of Style
Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa. 1940. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212492>, accessed 10 March 2025.
Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa. 1940. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 10 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212492>
AP Style Photo Citation