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Broadside encouraging support for the All-American Sugar League and sugar production in Florida
Geographic Term
Produce it in America
American Labor and Capital
The War is Over
The American
Sugar Shortage
will continue
unless the Allies use German Sugar
or a large American cane-sugar industry is established.
The German-Austrian surplus sugar-crop was 2,415,395 tons.
The Allies' Sugar Shortage is 2,500,000 tons.
Java sugar available for export to Atlantic ports is only 25%
of sugar-shortage, and is 8,000 miles away.
Java one-crop cane cannot compete
with rattoon-crops of the United States and West Indies.
The Sugar Trust
Is opposed to a great American cane-sugar industry. Therefore,
the richest cane-lands in the world
are idle.
A cane-field in Florida 45.52 miles square will produce
all the sugar consumed in America,
at a cost of 2c A LB.
A great American cane-sugar and sirup [sic] industry must be
established. It will
conserve sugar and save shipping.
Full information and statistics in a new book,
"The Sugar Situation"
A strong organization is needed
One dollar pays for book and membership in the
All-American Sugar League
Jacksonville, Florida.
Mail it today
A sinking-fund of one cent a pound on sugar, for 5 years, will
pay the entire cost of cane-lands and factories, and
give America and its allies
low-priced sugar
The Drew Press
Geographic Term
Display Date
Subject - Corporate
Produce it in America
American Labor and Capital
The War is Over
The American
Sugar Shortage
will continue
unless the Allies use German Sugar
or a large American cane-sugar industry is established.
The German-Austrian surplus sugar-crop was 2,415,395 tons.
The Allies' Sugar Shortage is 2,500,000 tons.
Java sugar available for export to Atlantic ports is only 25%
of sugar-shortage, and is 8,000 miles away.
Java one-crop cane cannot compete
with rattoon-crops of the United States and West Indies.
The Sugar Trust
Is opposed to a great American cane-sugar industry. Therefore,
the richest cane-lands in the world
are idle.
A cane-field in Florida 45.52 miles square will produce
all the sugar consumed in America,
at a cost of 2c A LB.
A great American cane-sugar and sirup [sic] industry must be
established. It will
conserve sugar and save shipping.
Full information and statistics in a new book,
"The Sugar Situation"
A strong organization is needed
One dollar pays for book and membership in the
All-American Sugar League
Jacksonville, Florida.
Mail it today
A sinking-fund of one cent a pound on sugar, for 5 years, will
pay the entire cost of cane-lands and factories, and
give America and its allies
low-priced sugar
The Drew Press
Chicago Manual of Style
Broadside encouraging support for the All-American Sugar League and sugar production in Florida. 1918 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212502>, accessed 12 March 2025.
Broadside encouraging support for the All-American Sugar League and sugar production in Florida. 1918 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212502>
AP Style Photo Citation