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[Main Narrator]: From beyond these seas came our ancestors to stand upon these shores confronting the mystery and challenge of a new continent and a new age. Here in this ancient St. Augustine schoolhouse, Florida’s educational heritage took root. Spiritually, our forefathers have heard the promise to arise and walk through the land in the length and breadth of it for I will give it to thee. And each succeeding generation of our people has taken possession of that land through work, strength, and toil. Patience and endurance through study, ingenuity against adversaries with courage and sacrifice. And through the power of faith. Now Florida has come of age in the blazing excitement of the twentieth century. To which our destiny, with that of the rest of our nation, is linked in new adventures of the mind. Industry is forever demanding universe be trained personnel whose new ideas are the lifeblood of economic growth. And more and more there is a need for experts trained to solve modern transportation problems, and the construction of new highways, to assure efficient railway service, and to increase efficiency and safety of plan travel. The tourist industry is seeking graduates trained in such professional schools as Florida State University’s hotel and restaurant administration. Equally important to Florida’s economy, especially the fishing industry, are the research findings of these Marine Biologists at the University’s Oceanographic institute. They’re examining the growth rate of transplanted clams on Florida’s Big Bend Gulf Coast. And what of our people, the richest of our resources? The professionally trained social worker is essential to the solving of the poverty and disease of our people. Only through long years of university study and training can these professional people meet the standards of performance that you will demand of them. Everywhere knowledge is on the move because our people and our society are on the move. Moving, evermoving From the mind of a child, in its early searchings into great books, that opens new worlds of ideas and values. To the fully trained expert, grappling with intricate knowledge and equipment In our advancing society, time must be our concern, for what we plan now so will our future be. And in education, above all else, we must plan. For in such planning, rests Florida’s future. Time will not stand still for this eager boy. Each year will move him closer to his university career. But will the university be ready to meet his ambitions? Will his parents have been sufficiently interested in his future to have concerned themselves with the needs of their university’s [Boy]: We regret to inform you we are unable to accept your application [Main narrator]: Unless we face facts today, this could happen to many Florida boys and girls tomorrow. For in ten years, roughly three times as many as your sons and daughters will be seeking admission to Florida State Universities. What will we answer them? [Man]: We’d like to accept you, indeed, we’d like to offer more courses, more sections. But we just don’t have the space, that together, with lack of professors. [Boy]: B..But what happened? How come my parents, the state or the university didn’t look ahead? [Man]: Looking ahead, planning ahead, that’s just what the university has been doing. That’s the reason for a study, such as this one. [Main narrator]: What would the young man have found beyond these gates; had he been accepted? A University reaching out for greatness. Buildings, repositories of the world’s knowledge. The essential space where education takes place, space that must grow as enrollments grows. A choice among the professions or pre-professional training, in a number of fields, including Medicine, Theology, and Law. An honors program, offering the students advanced study from his freshman year. A faculty dedicated to the teaching and counseling of students, as well as to research. And to the service of both the community and the state. This professor of government, has behind him four years of undergraduate and six years of graduate study. For this man’s specialized skills, both industry and the government will offer often twice the salary that the University can. Yet we must have more of these men if quality education is to be preserved. But what is quality education? It is teaching which guides the student to independent thinking and a high level of self- expression. It is the presence of enthusiasm in learning. As one professor says… [Professor]: To me quality means demanding standards. It has been very satisfying for all of us at FSU, to realize that our students have excelled in many of the national examination and thereby surpassing in many cases, national averages [Main narrator]: And standards mean hard work and creative thinking The quality education is more than an intellectual experience. It is also involved in the social and spiritual life of the University. Whether as a spectator or a participant. There’s a special joy in social life after the hard intellectual effort which the times demand of our students. It is often in moments of the sharing of mutual interests that knowledge is most deeply imprinted upon us. Knowledge that is carried into life long, after graduation. Knowledge that becomes a vital part of the exchange of ideas with others in all walks of life. The creative expression of the self, this is the heart of a university education. Whether in a laboratory or in the soda shop, in discussing the latest philosophic idea or criticizing a poem or evaluating a political theory or ruffing out an answer to a problem or sketching a figure from life. The answer to spiritual questions, a dialogue with the University’s religious leaders A Democratic student government, and with-it responsibility for decisions on university issues. A quality education means research, the discovery of new ideas is a university responsibility. Ideas which will enrich teaching, increase our knowledge, and shape the course of our thinking and our acting in the years to come. [Second professor]: You’ve just had the opportunity to see a brief experiment in reproductive physiology being conducted in my laboratory. The operator was Mr. Lawrence Estie, who had just received his doctoral degree. He is an example of the type of student that we hope to continue to turn out at FSU. His training has been highly specific, in terms of its physiology, very broad in other area, scientific areas. The equipment that Mr. Estie uses and the supportiveness Mr. Estie had, was obtained through federal funds given to me in the name of the University. [Main narrator]: State funds and federal funds together make possible the growth of Florida’s state research program. Research, such as this in meteorology, exploring the climatic conditions of the upper atmosphere. In this nuclear science building, scientists and graduate students employ a huge twelve million volt tandem venographic silerator, to examine the inner structure of the atom. This machine makes possible highly selective research which attracts many international scholars to Florida State University. Is it possible to preserve food indefinitely through radiation? This is only one question, which home economic researchers are investigating at FSU. The answers can well influence the nutritional habits of every family. The chemical basis of life is the object of intensive research, on the part of our geneticists. In both the molecular biophysics building and the Conradie building, the atomic and chemical basis of life itself is studied. Questions as to the creation of life and its relationship to the vast star systems are slowly being answered. Space exploration necessitates our understanding of conditions in the vast reaches of the universe. Here an FSU scientist measures the magnetic field around the distant planet Jupiter. Closer to earth, our researchers’ studies problems of government. And most recent research is being applied to city planning and urban renewal projects. Quality education through research, means that highly trained personnel are working directly with Florida’s people in their social, economic, and cultural lives. The daily newspapers are continually reporting new findings in the fields of knowledge familiar to university researchers in business, economics, social welfare, education, literature, and nursing are only a few. These books written by FSU faculty, examine aspects of our historical and literary traditions with trained and critical minds. In music, students hear such greats as Pablo Calzar perform and teach. At FSU’s Asolo festival, entertains thousands of theater-goers in Sarasota, Presently, there are two-hundred and fifty research projects covering seventy-five fields in progress at the university. The university’s growth have been the result of cooperation between devoted alumni, farsighted legislators, and the people of Florida. And growth must continue to be our key word, so that no young person of academic ability will be turned away at our gates. More buildings and more land to put them on, means more space for teaching, community and state service, and for research. Our vision is clear, we know what we must do to meet our higher educational needs in the future. But are you aware of what the university needs and why? Our great university can become a greater one, but only when we can all remember that the security of the future lies in asking questions at present. [end]
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Florida State University: Toward a Greater University. 1964. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/232390>, accessed 27 March 2025.
Florida State University: Toward a Greater University. 1964. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 27 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/232390>