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1961 (circa)
Video Details
ca. 1961/27:50; B&W; sound; V-68 DA004; S. 828
This film is a WTVJ (Miami) TV program called "For Your Information." It begins with a young Cuban refugee, Pepito, and follows his story. There are sequences of refugees on rafts and small boats arriving on the Havana-Palm Beach ferry, small airplanes and passenger airlines. Viewers see the processing of refugees at Public Health Service, where families are reunited.
There are scenes of the Cuban Refugee Center and Miami, including clothes distribution, looking for a home, and Pepito's father pawning his watch. Pepito enrolls in parochial school. Then, there are scenes of fellow refugees in Miami's Cuban colony and their homes.
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Abraham Ribicoff, arrives in Miami to survey the refugee problem. Monolo Reyes, WTVJ Latin Correspondent, gives views on the situation. Governor Farris Bryant gives remarks at a press conference and Pepito recites the Pledge of Allegiance. The film has interesting transition graphics. It is kinescope.
There are scenes of the Cuban Refugee Center and Miami, including clothes distribution, looking for a home, and Pepito's father pawning his watch. Pepito enrolls in parochial school. Then, there are scenes of fellow refugees in Miami's Cuban colony and their homes.
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Abraham Ribicoff, arrives in Miami to survey the refugee problem. Monolo Reyes, WTVJ Latin Correspondent, gives views on the situation. Governor Farris Bryant gives remarks at a press conference and Pepito recites the Pledge of Allegiance. The film has interesting transition graphics. It is kinescope.
Corporate Subject
Geographic Subject
Personal Subject
FYI-The Plight of Pepito: Cuba's Lost Generation
Cuban revolution
Cold War
This film is a WTVJ (Miami) TV program called "For Your Information." It begins with a young Cuban refugee, Pepito, and follows his story. There are sequences of refugees on rafts and small boats arriving on the Havana-Palm Beach ferry, small airplanes and passenger airlines. Viewers see the processing of refugees at Public Health Service, where families are reunited.
There are scenes of the Cuban Refugee Center and Miami, including clothes distribution, looking for a home, and Pepito's father pawning his watch. Pepito enrolls in parochial school. Then, there are scenes of fellow refugees in Miami's Cuban colony and their homes.
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Abraham Ribicoff, arrives in Miami to survey the refugee problem. Monolo Reyes, WTVJ Latin Correspondent, gives views on the situation. Governor Farris Bryant gives remarks at a press conference and Pepito recites the Pledge of Allegiance. The film has interesting transition graphics. It is kinescope.
There are scenes of the Cuban Refugee Center and Miami, including clothes distribution, looking for a home, and Pepito's father pawning his watch. Pepito enrolls in parochial school. Then, there are scenes of fellow refugees in Miami's Cuban colony and their homes.
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Abraham Ribicoff, arrives in Miami to survey the refugee problem. Monolo Reyes, WTVJ Latin Correspondent, gives views on the situation. Governor Farris Bryant gives remarks at a press conference and Pepito recites the Pledge of Allegiance. The film has interesting transition graphics. It is kinescope.
1961 (circa)
Image URL
Video Details
ca. 1961/27:50; B&W; sound; V-68 DA004; S. 828
Video Filename
YouTube ID
Geographic Term
Dade County (Fla.)
Miami (Fla.)
Palm Beach (Fla.)
Palm Beach County (Fla.)
Subject - Person
Bryant, Farris, 1914-2002
Reyes, Monolo
Ribicoff, Abraham, 1910-1998
Subject - Corporate
Cuban Refugee Center (Miami, Fla.)
Video Snippet
A young Cuban refugee, Pepito...
Video Time
Video Category
Chicago Manual of Style
FYI-The Plight of Pepito: Cuba's Lost Generation. 1961 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/245399>, accessed 24 January 2025.
FYI-The Plight of Pepito: Cuba's Lost Generation. 1961 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 24 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/245399>