Baldwin E. Fla.
Feb. 17th 1865
Miss Bardin
My Dear Mattie,
I presume you think that I have forgotten you entirely. I was at home when your letter came to Baldwin and did not return untill the 10th inst. I would hav written then, but kept thinking that I would see you before a letter would go through, but I have been disappointed. I hope you will look over my negligence this time. Just forgive me this time, and let me know it by your soon answer, and I will try to be more punctial hereafter.
I hope these may reach you in good health. These leave me rather on the puny order, as my third day, chills & fever has come back to me. I don't expect that I shall get clear of them before spring opens. Mattie, I have no news to write you that would be interesting or amuseing.
I expect that you are better posted about war matters than I am. If you are not you know but little concerning this, our little Confederacy! I see our Commissioners has returned from Washington - or Hampton Roads, at least - They were not allowed to go to the capitol - with no more prospect of peace than before they went.
I can't think of anything more to write. I have written all the foolishness I could think of. I will wind the thing up, as the old lady said to the old man's prayer.
I am Dear Mattie, your
Affectionate and Devoted
P.S. I wish it was with me now
As it has been before,
I'd with you never part
No never part no more.
A.S.C. -
Write soon.
*Transcribed with original spellings and punctuations.