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Plate IV.
Six Other Rivers Discovered by the French
Sailing hence, about six miles further on they discovered another river which they called the Loire and subsequently five others, of which the first was named Charente, the second Garoone, the third Gironde, the fourth Belle, and the fifth Grande. After exploring them thoroughly they made many observations in an area of less than sixty miles, finding many singular things. However, not being content with that, they advanced further north, following the route which would lead them to the river Jordan, perhaps the most beautiful of all seven rivers.
The digital copies of the de Bry engravings (N2012-6) included here are made possible by a donation from the Michael W. and Dr. Linda Fisher Collection.
All translations are taken from Discovering the New World, Based on the Works of Theodore de Bry, edited by Michael Alexander (New York: Harper & Row, 1976).
Plate IV.
Six Other Rivers Discovered by the French
Sailing hence, about six miles further on they discovered another river which they called the Loire and subsequently five others, of which the first was named Charente, the second Garoone, the third Gironde, the fourth Belle, and the fifth Grande. After exploring them thoroughly they made many observations in an area of less than sixty miles, finding many singular things. However, not being content with that, they advanced further north, following the route which would lead them to the river Jordan, perhaps the most beautiful of all seven rivers.
Chicago Manual of Style
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598. IV. Six Other Rivers Discovered by the French. 1591. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/294770>, accessed 9 March 2025.
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598. IV. Six Other Rivers Discovered by the French. 1591. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 9 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/294770>
AP Style Photo Citation