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Florida Press Association
Lake City, April 11-12, 1910
Monday, April 11.
11:00 a.m., at Columbia County Court House.
Called to order by the President, and Roll Call of members.
Invocation...Dr. H. W. Tribble, President of Columbia College
Address of Welcome...By the Mayor of Lake City
Response...Hon. M. F. Hetherington, Lakeland
Routine Business, and Adjournment.
2:00 p.m., Business Session.
Paper, "Why the Newspaper Men of the State Should Become Members of the Florida Press Association"...A.M.C. Russell Argus, Brooksville
Paper, "The Editorial Page of the Country Weekly"...W. B. Hare, News, Arcadia
Paper, "Good Roads and the Newspaper"...Harry L. Brown, Record, St. Augustine; C.L. Bittinger, Star, Ocala; J. W. White, Fraternal Record, Jacksonville
7:30 p.m., Literary Exercises at Columbia College.
Invocation...Rev. C. W. Inman, Pastor of Methodist Church
Overture...Misses Evarts, Carson, Grayson, and Mustoe
Annual Poem...W. E. Pabor
Quartette...Messrs. Geiger, Helvenston, Ives and O'Connor
Annual Address...President Harry L. Brown
Recitation...Lewis Tribble
Paper, "The Newspaper Man as a Prophet"...W. B. Crawford, News, Pensacola
Vocal Solo (selection)...Miss Porter
Paper, "A Typical Tropical Florida Editor"...Frank A. Walpole, Record, Manatee
Piano...Miss Mustoe
Paper, "Celery as a Brain Food"...R. J. Holly, Herald, Sanford
Chorus...Students of Columbia College
Tuesday, April 12.
9:30 a.m., Business Session
Invocation...Pastor of Presbyterian Church
Open discussion of advertising rates by all members, with question box. It is expected that this will take up the entire morning.
2:00 p.m., Business Session.
committee Reports, Routine Business, Election of Officers, etc.
Paper, "The National Editorial Association"...C. L. Bittinger, Star, Ocala
8:00 p.m., at Columbia College.
Invocation...Rev. W. T. Cavell, Rector St. James Episcopal Church
Chorus...Students of Columbia College
Address, subject to be selected by himself...Gov. A. W. Gilchrist
Piano...Misses Fields and Porter
Sextette...Students of Columbia College
Recitation...Miss Edwards
Twenty-Minute Talk on Hookworm...Dr. Hiram Bird
Vocal Selection...Miss Evarts
Piano...Miss Grayson
Quartette...Messrs. Geiger, Helvenston, Ives and O'Conner
Reception...By College Faculty and Students, held in Science Hall
The public is generally invited to all the meetings of the Association.
Geographic Term
Subject - Person
Florida Press Association
Lake City, April 11-12, 1910
Monday, April 11.
11:00 a.m., at Columbia County Court House.
Called to order by the President, and Roll Call of members.
Invocation...Dr. H. W. Tribble, President of Columbia College
Address of Welcome...By the Mayor of Lake City
Response...Hon. M. F. Hetherington, Lakeland
Routine Business, and Adjournment.
2:00 p.m., Business Session.
Paper, "Why the Newspaper Men of the State Should Become Members of the Florida Press Association"...A.M.C. Russell Argus, Brooksville
Paper, "The Editorial Page of the Country Weekly"...W. B. Hare, News, Arcadia
Paper, "Good Roads and the Newspaper"...Harry L. Brown, Record, St. Augustine; C.L. Bittinger, Star, Ocala; J. W. White, Fraternal Record, Jacksonville
7:30 p.m., Literary Exercises at Columbia College.
Invocation...Rev. C. W. Inman, Pastor of Methodist Church
Overture...Misses Evarts, Carson, Grayson, and Mustoe
Annual Poem...W. E. Pabor
Quartette...Messrs. Geiger, Helvenston, Ives and O'Connor
Annual Address...President Harry L. Brown
Recitation...Lewis Tribble
Paper, "The Newspaper Man as a Prophet"...W. B. Crawford, News, Pensacola
Vocal Solo (selection)...Miss Porter
Paper, "A Typical Tropical Florida Editor"...Frank A. Walpole, Record, Manatee
Piano...Miss Mustoe
Paper, "Celery as a Brain Food"...R. J. Holly, Herald, Sanford
Chorus...Students of Columbia College
Tuesday, April 12.
9:30 a.m., Business Session
Invocation...Pastor of Presbyterian Church
Open discussion of advertising rates by all members, with question box. It is expected that this will take up the entire morning.
2:00 p.m., Business Session.
committee Reports, Routine Business, Election of Officers, etc.
Paper, "The National Editorial Association"...C. L. Bittinger, Star, Ocala
8:00 p.m., at Columbia College.
Invocation...Rev. W. T. Cavell, Rector St. James Episcopal Church
Chorus...Students of Columbia College
Address, subject to be selected by himself...Gov. A. W. Gilchrist
Piano...Misses Fields and Porter
Sextette...Students of Columbia College
Recitation...Miss Edwards
Twenty-Minute Talk on Hookworm...Dr. Hiram Bird
Vocal Selection...Miss Evarts
Piano...Miss Grayson
Quartette...Messrs. Geiger, Helvenston, Ives and O'Conner
Reception...By College Faculty and Students, held in Science Hall
The public is generally invited to all the meetings of the Association.
Chicago Manual of Style
Florida Press Association. Florida Press Association Thirty-First Annual Session Programme. 1910-04-11. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/297355>, accessed 16 March 2025.
Florida Press Association. Florida Press Association Thirty-First Annual Session Programme. 1910-04-11. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/297355>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Florida Press Association)