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Letter to Governor William S. Jennings from Noah J. Tilghman dated July 8, 1902
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Palatka, Florida, July 8th, 1902.
Hon. William S. Jennings Gov. of Fla. Tallahassee Fla.
Dear Sir:- When you read this you will [recollect] that on Dec. 24th. 1901 you issued a death warrant that N.j. Tilgham should be hanged on the 24th of Jan. 1902. A notice of the above appeared in the Jacksonville Fla. Times union and citizen of Dec. 25th. 1901. I was met by an old familiar friend who said to me I see that you are to be hanged in January. i smiled as I naturely do at a joke, but he said look at that and he pointed to the article in the Times Union, and I looked at it with astonishment, but there it was. If that had been all of it then it would have made but little difference, but the public have not all got as much good sense as they ought to have, and what followed after a while became annoying, the meeting people that I knew well and many that may have known me but many that i did not know greeting me with, I understand that you are to be hung, and how do you think you will stand hanging, and such questions day after day. You may know that patience will wearout by much imprudent use. more than this I am known in a number of states and my friends seeing this article many wrote to me for the particulars, you may think it is strange, but I did keep cool under all of it. I did ask Lawyer E. E. Jaskel who said he knew you to find what you had to say about it, but if you said anything he has never reported it to me. Congressman Davis a friend of mine and a citizen of this town told me that he had seen you and talked with you about the matter, but he brought no expression of yours to me. Many of your friends hear does not express themselves in the very fine language over it.
But i wish to say that I feel that a man in high official business over
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Palatka, Florida, July 8th, 1902.
Hon. William S. Jennings Gov. of Fla. Tallahassee Fla.
Dear Sir:- When you read this you will [recollect] that on Dec. 24th. 1901 you issued a death warrant that N.j. Tilgham should be hanged on the 24th of Jan. 1902. A notice of the above appeared in the Jacksonville Fla. Times union and citizen of Dec. 25th. 1901. I was met by an old familiar friend who said to me I see that you are to be hanged in January. i smiled as I naturely do at a joke, but he said look at that and he pointed to the article in the Times Union, and I looked at it with astonishment, but there it was. If that had been all of it then it would have made but little difference, but the public have not all got as much good sense as they ought to have, and what followed after a while became annoying, the meeting people that I knew well and many that may have known me but many that i did not know greeting me with, I understand that you are to be hung, and how do you think you will stand hanging, and such questions day after day. You may know that patience will wearout by much imprudent use. more than this I am known in a number of states and my friends seeing this article many wrote to me for the particulars, you may think it is strange, but I did keep cool under all of it. I did ask Lawyer E. E. Jaskel who said he knew you to find what you had to say about it, but if you said anything he has never reported it to me. Congressman Davis a friend of mine and a citizen of this town told me that he had seen you and talked with you about the matter, but he brought no expression of yours to me. Many of your friends hear does not express themselves in the very fine language over it.
But i wish to say that I feel that a man in high official business over
may be excused in blunders mistakes incompitence &c, &c. or even for signing a document without an examination of it wherein his clerk or secritary has made a mistake. But this continual neglect of the matter for more than six months. I do not see where he can expect forgiveness.
Now I would be glad to know what you wish do you propose for the [damaging] effects of your blunder and negligence in regard to it to continue or do you wish for its suppression. I am still being asked about this matter and what I will do in regard to it.
Your blunder has not lowered me in my own self respect nor do I believe it has in my friends or any that know me.
Yours truly. Noah J. Tilghman
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
Tilghman, Noah J. Letter to Governor William S. Jennings from Noah J. Tilghman dated July 8, 1902. 1902-07-08. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/325060>, accessed 27 January 2025.
Tilghman, Noah J. Letter to Governor William S. Jennings from Noah J. Tilghman dated July 8, 1902. 1902-07-08. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 27 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/325060>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Tilghman)