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Letter from Olive Fish to Minnie Bevins - August 24, 1916
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Centreville Pa August 24 1916
My dear daughter and family
recd your letter a few [days] ago. [Sorry] you [are] both feeling poorly Well now it is bedtime but I will start a letter to you see Ellis has his pa horse & boards at home & he [don't] get [home] till 7 then I do his work up & do his dinner up it is late he starts from home in the morning half past 5 Maye did not want to board him I told him we would board him a little while to help him get the [colt] paid for but it is [too] much [for] me to do but today is our picnic day Centreville & Hydetown & Gilson Ridge Sunday School went to [mystic] park nearly all the neighbors went but your pa & I he did not
Centreville Pa August 24 1916
My dear daughter and family
recd your letter a few [days] ago. [Sorry] you [are] both feeling poorly Well now it is bedtime but I will start a letter to you see Ellis has his pa horse & boards at home & he [don't] get [home] till 7 then I do his work up & do his dinner up it is late he starts from home in the morning half past 5 Maye did not want to board him I told him we would board him a little while to help him get the [colt] paid for but it is [too] much [for] me to do but today is our picnic day Centreville & Hydetown & Gilson Ridge Sunday School went to [mystic] park nearly all the neighbors went but your pa & I he did not
want to go & I was not fit to go so we had a chicken & [stayed] at home your pa was quite poorly 3 [days] last week but is feeling better now [there] is not much [difference] in my self the grabel[sic] bothers me some yet We had a hard thunder & lightning storm tuesday it struck several trees around [here] but nothing [more] around [here] but we [read] of a bury off around me Kinny had 2 barns burnt & 4 horses it was a hard storm the wind blew very hard it rained hard & we did [need] the rain for it had been [awful] hot 95 in the shade & [every] thing was [dried] up but it has been nice & cool [every] Since I could not work in the after noon it was so
very warm but [every] thing begins to look fall & it will soon [be] fall the summer has been so short I had quite a surprise last Sunday an auto [came] into the house I went to the [door] & it was Rose Fish & Grant & Melvin & Rilla & they had not been [here] long when Dall & Emma come so we had quite a house full Rose has 4 girls married she has got so fleshy one would hardly know her but she is just the same good girl. Minnie did your other [sweet] potatoes do [anything] you will have a nice lot of them I think [Arthur] is about right when he said he would not do [any] more planting [if] the potatoes did not do [anything] this time
I [don't] see how you can stand it [there] I would think the men would get home sick [too] will you get your [deed] this fall Mr [Bevins] was [here] the other day he [seems] real well he was stacking hay for [Homer] [there] is [some] not [done] haying yet & [every] body is working at [their] Oats but they are light the dry weather hurt them & the wind blew the corn down [badly] we had [sweet] corn to use now I [won't] have [any] squashes this fall nor cucumbers [either] but will have some [cabbage] I will finish in the morning Friday will say I am feeling better your pa has [gone] to town for the wind blew off lots [of] apples it rained some this morning & is quite cool I do hope we will all live till you can come [illegible] for I do want to see you so bad but life [illegible] so understand love to all hope you feel better
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Chicago Manual of Style
Olive Maria Fish, 1843-1916. Letter from Olive Fish to Minnie Bevins - August 24, 1916. August 24, 1916. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326906>, accessed 23 January 2025.
Olive Maria Fish, 1843-1916. Letter from Olive Fish to Minnie Bevins - August 24, 1916. August 24, 1916. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 23 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326906>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Olive Maria Fish)