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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - July 24, 1918
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July 24 1918
U.S.S. Tampa
U.S. Naval Forces, Europe
Base #9
Dear Sister,-
Fate has once more favored me for I have just received two letters one of May 26th and the other of June 23rd. These contained much of the information I desired so I do not have to go along blindly now. I have so much to say that I am at loss as to where to begin so I'll just ramble along touching lightly on the various subjects as they come to me. I surely made a blunder, when I left, in not leaving the affairs at home in better shape but as you know I had a few difficulties to buck so I figure I was partly justified in my actions. If I could only have a few days to get things in order I wouldn't mind staying over here until the end but I can not feel at ease until some adjustments
Subject - Corporate
July 24 1918
U.S.S. Tampa
U.S. Naval Forces, Europe
Base #9
Dear Sister,-
Fate has once more favored me for I have just received two letters one of May 26th and the other of June 23rd. These contained much of the information I desired so I do not have to go along blindly now. I have so much to say that I am at loss as to where to begin so I'll just ramble along touching lightly on the various subjects as they come to me. I surely made a blunder, when I left, in not leaving the affairs at home in better shape but as you know I had a few difficulties to buck so I figure I was partly justified in my actions. If I could only have a few days to get things in order I wouldn't mind staying over here until the end but I can not feel at ease until some adjustments
can be made. I have hopes of going back soon and if these hopes materialize I can fix things nicely. Of course if I get back I'll not be out long for I believe in seeing it through but when I leave the States again my affairs will be in proper shape.
Now regarding the facts, you are not alone when you find them a puzzle. I have realized for a long time that father is reaching his second childhood and that is my reason for urging you to go to them. I am tired of contributing funds to allay the [expenses] when I am not consulted as to how they should be used. You and I understand each other and I want to emphasize this point, to wit- I want you to consider this thing we have planned as a partnership and you are in no case to consider yourself under obligation to either the folks or me. The odds rather lay in your favor. I do not favor the idea of trying to acquire any more of that sand
out there by the homestead route I've a different section of the State in mind if at all so do not allow yourself to be led into such a venture. Dad has a habit of overstepping his assets and that is the very reason I have wanted you to join them. I can picture some stormy scenes unless we use a lot of tact and diplomacy. That's the reason Art and Dad [didn't] mesh smoothly. I regard the purchase of the machine as a hasty and unprofitable venture. My motto is safety first. Plunging is very good if a sure thing but a very insecure procedure in our case. Our big task lies not in making the place bring in huge profits such as father dreams of but rather in a modest living and a peaceable one.
I hope to be back before you leave Pennsy. but if not so lucky I'll say here that I think it out of the question for you to make the trip as you suggest. I believe Ellsworth shows good [judgment] in discouraging it. The additional expense can be gotten around without much trouble
I believe. I'll try to figure out a little of dope regarding that.
I'll try and trace that check from this end so don't let it trouble you. Sorry that the cows ruined your garden and flowers but glad that you are well. Art and I are as usual. Am sending you a photo to go with your collection. Don't fail to write often. Tell mother to address her letters to us the same as you do. It may be that that is the reason I get none from her. Remember me to [?] Geo. also Ellsworth.
Best wishes as usual
Your Bro. Algy
A.K. Bevins
U.S. Naval Forces,
Mrs. Merie Rieck,
Titusville, Penna.
R.F.D. #1
CENSORED [initials] 9-11-2
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - July 24, 1918. July 24, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326942>, accessed 23 January 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - July 24, 1918. July 24, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 23 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326942>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)