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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - April 9, 1918
Somewhere? April 9 1918
Dear Dad and Mother,-
Better than a whole month [?] gone since we have had mail [?] any sort from back home. Of [?]rse all of the fellows are [a]nxious and some a little worried. I can not understand it for it is [improbable] that all of the mail [bea]ring boats have been sunk so do[u]btless some is on the way now.
Was quite glad to get [?] last letter with some of the [i]nformation I had requested and glad [?] learn that you both are well. Art [?] I are about the same, neither [?] having been on the sick list [?] and nothing looks like an [?]ent in either of us. We have [?] shipped over, had our enlistment [?]nded instead.
Subject - Corporate
Somewhere? April 9 1918
Dear Dad and Mother,-
Better than a whole month [?] gone since we have had mail [?] any sort from back home. Of [?]rse all of the fellows are [a]nxious and some a little worried. I can not understand it for it is [improbable] that all of the mail [bea]ring boats have been sunk so do[u]btless some is on the way now.
Was quite glad to get [?] last letter with some of the [i]nformation I had requested and glad [?] learn that you both are well. Art [?] I are about the same, neither [?] having been on the sick list [?] and nothing looks like an [?]ent in either of us. We have [?] shipped over, had our enlistment [?]nded instead.
Now I've a thing to say about ourselves and our associates. I do not know [whether] Art had mentioned [?] but I'll put it in anyway. One [?] W.R. Johnson's boys is a shipmate [?] ours and has been for the last 8 months [inserted above]nice sort of chap too. You know who I [refer] to, the Johnson on L. Marion. Also there are 2 brothers who shipped the same time we did from Tampa whose father is a carpenter and who is working on [aviation] sheds at Arcadia, [perhaps] [?] with you. Mansfield is the name. [I]f you happen to know him (and if [you] don't then look him up) tell him [?] and I are right friendly with [?] Fred and Percy. [I've] told Fred [?] [?]ll his dad about you. It would [?]ther nice to meet him under these [?]mstances [don't] you think?
[Haven't] heard from Sis for a [?]ng time but presume she is better [?] I hope she'll make the necessary [?]ngements to join you all and the [?]er the better. Give her my love when [?]u write her.
Write us often and be sure and state if our allotments are reaching you and have you received our last remittance, the one I relayed across? You should h[?] [i]t by now surely. [I'll] try [?] [pen] another epistle while in port [t]his time unless we are hurried out [a]gain which often happens.
Love to you both
Your Son
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - April 9, 1918. April 9, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326955>, accessed 23 January 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - April 9, 1918. April 9, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 23 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326955>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)