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Reports of Investigators on Meetings of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Ku Klux Klan, 1964
Council on Foreign Relations
Dobbs Brothers Book Bindery (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Florida. Legislature. Legislative Investigation Committee
Hate groups
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968
Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan (1915- )
Miami Herald Publishing Company
Monson Motor Lodge (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Secret societies
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Star-Banner (Ocala, Fla.)
Geographic Term
General Note
27 July 1964
SH from JB
Found Klan rally site late afternoon of 25 July, on U.S. 441 just north of town, (bout two miles). Banner out with KKK sign.
[Introduced] myself, this was about 5 p.m., to two men and two boys found at site. One man, wearing cowboy hat and khaki shirt and pants, named [redacted] forgot name of other, who said he from Jacksonville, he [apparently] [laryngectomy], had hole in throat for breathing..about 50 years old, balding and wearing glasses. Recall one boy's name as [redacted]. They said rally time was 8 p.m. Said no rally upcoming Sunday night, but that there had been one Friday night.
Returned to town, to eat, and to phone [redacted]. Arrived at rally scene, about 7:45. [redacted] was on hand, and gave him [some] small photos of his appearance at press conference in St. Augustine in June.
Checked with [redacted] regarding shooting activities. He found youth in Klan robe and hat, and asked for head man of local activity, to get permission. Lad said he'd look, but never reported back. [redacted] recommended me, and said "he's been through some real fire with us in St. Augustine."
Noted arrival of another cameraman, and later saw WJXT stationwagon, which also had inscription "[redacted], Photography" He was equipped with Keystone 16 mm camera, and a sun gun, but he never shot. Kept away from him, just in case press not welcome, only [redacted], [redacted] and the unidentified lad knew me.
Meeting began with brief address by man introduced as [redacted]. Then unidentified [...] with Klan robe, but no hat, made brief speech as to reason for meeting being good white Klansman had been shot by nigger, was in hospital, and his family needed money. He identified the victim as "Brother [redacted]"
This man also said it had been reported to him that some in the audience had been drinking, and he asked that anyone who was drinking to leave. Brief invocation, stressing God's guidance for white supremacy cause, then followed by cross-burning. About 50 robed and hooded klansmen and women circled around crosses.
Same man then introduced "a good brother who has something to say to us. This individual was a tall, gray-haired and bearded man, with glasses and string bow tie. Had earlier heard him addressed as "professor." He was not identified by name on the platform.
He said that due to the possible adverse publicity, he would read his remarks, although usually spoke extemporaneously.
Geographic Term
Subject - Corporate
Subject - Person
27 July 1964
SH from JB
Found Klan rally site late afternoon of 25 July, on U.S. 441 just north of town, (bout two miles). Banner out with KKK sign.
[Introduced] myself, this was about 5 p.m., to two men and two boys found at site. One man, wearing cowboy hat and khaki shirt and pants, named [redacted] forgot name of other, who said he from Jacksonville, he [apparently] [laryngectomy], had hole in throat for breathing..about 50 years old, balding and wearing glasses. Recall one boy's name as [redacted]. They said rally time was 8 p.m. Said no rally upcoming Sunday night, but that there had been one Friday night.
Returned to town, to eat, and to phone [redacted]. Arrived at rally scene, about 7:45. [redacted] was on hand, and gave him [some] small photos of his appearance at press conference in St. Augustine in June.
Checked with [redacted] regarding shooting activities. He found youth in Klan robe and hat, and asked for head man of local activity, to get permission. Lad said he'd look, but never reported back. [redacted] recommended me, and said "he's been through some real fire with us in St. Augustine."
Noted arrival of another cameraman, and later saw WJXT stationwagon, which also had inscription "[redacted], Photography" He was equipped with Keystone 16 mm camera, and a sun gun, but he never shot. Kept away from him, just in case press not welcome, only [redacted], [redacted] and the unidentified lad knew me.
Meeting began with brief address by man introduced as [redacted]. Then unidentified [...] with Klan robe, but no hat, made brief speech as to reason for meeting being good white Klansman had been shot by nigger, was in hospital, and his family needed money. He identified the victim as "Brother [redacted]"
This man also said it had been reported to him that some in the audience had been drinking, and he asked that anyone who was drinking to leave. Brief invocation, stressing God's guidance for white supremacy cause, then followed by cross-burning. About 50 robed and hooded klansmen and women circled around crosses.
Same man then introduced "a good brother who has something to say to us. This individual was a tall, gray-haired and bearded man, with glasses and string bow tie. Had earlier heard him addressed as "professor." He was not identified by name on the platform.
He said that due to the possible adverse publicity, he would read his remarks, although usually spoke extemporaneously.
lake city 25 july page 2
Speaker then read remarks, lasting about 45 minutes, very slowly, citing Jew-Communist-Negro threat to America, and said conspiracy to turn U.S. over to Communist rule was headed by Council on Foreign Relations. He said the CFR could be considered the Senate of an invisible government, or establishment, dedicated to this cause, and the House of Representatives was the Foreign Policy Association.
One man seated near me about 15 yards from speaker's platform, a truck asked identity of speaker. Man next to him didn't know, neither did I. [redacted] then came by and told the man, in [answer] to repeated query, that speaker was "[redacted]" (or that was my interpretation of the sound the name ... Rice later said the name was [redacted]
Speaker said he had long been involved in patriotic activities, and had been associated with the America First organization since 1919.
He urged responsible opposition [to] Civil Rights law, and integration efforts. He said that "these bombing are not the way.. they are the work of irresponsible people, you might call them juvenile delinquents."
([redacted] who was still talking with the unidentified man on my left, then mentioned "them boys they picked up in St. Augustine didn't have anything to do with it," regarding the Monson Motor Lodge fire-bombing. He said "I talked to them at 6:30 that morning, when I was passing through on the truck").
[redacted] informed the crowd that he had inquired of State Attorney General as to what law was regarding bearing arms in Florida, and read statement signed by [redacted] regarding Florida law, which permits keeping pistol in glove compartment of car.
[redacted] said illegal seizures have been made, of weapons, and that victims could sue.
He recommended non-violence at present, and said that all hands should keep their weapons available for the day they would be called upon to to rise up and defend the whiteman.
[redacted] also read a 10-point recommendation for opposing the conspiracy, which calls for providing weapons, secrecy, refusing to give information to law enforcement officials, providing food, and propaganda efforts.
[redacted] was still talking to man on my left, and said of speaker "he's too educated for these people." He also said there were some present who didn't want [redacted] to speak, and that he felt the question of whether [redacted] should speak should be left up to the crowd.
However, when [redacted] finished, another appeal for contributions was made by first Klansman to speak, and more funds collected. This man then said the sole purpose of the meeting had been to collect money to aid the family of the wounded man, and "for no other purpose". Then asked over
lake city- 25 jul page 3
the public address system, if the Grand Titan had any announcements to make regarding future meetings. This brought no response, after the second such request.
Meeting then broke up. During the meeting, [redacted] woman companion sold KKK flags at .75 each, and Confederate flags at .50 each, which she has done at all rallies also in St. Augustine.
Before meeting in conversation with unknown man, to whom I did not identify myself, he said "we had a better meeting place for our rally." I asked where and he said "in Union County." Somebody came up and began conversation with him before I could find out when and where meeting had been held.
Before rally, it was announced that some cars were parked on private property of woman who lived next to rally site, and asked that they be moved. Also was announced that FHP had said all cars parked on highway right of way would be ticketed. Numerous cars then moved to parking areas, including mine.
On way out of parking area, tried to get as many license plates as possible, but got only four which were : [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] and [redacted]
Did not get a chance to ask [redacted] why he did not speak.
During rally it was announced that Klan membership applications were available at the table behind the speaker's platform. Kept eye on table, saw about 15 application blanks being assembled as meeting ended. Reference also made to States [Rights] Party, and fact that petitions would be available at the table. Not too many people apparently signed, as traffic was slight around the table.
SH from JB
27 July, 1964
St. Augustine Klan rally for 24 July cancelled, with statement this would enable preparation for motorcade to Lake City KKK rally set for 25 July.
This enabled attendance at SCLC mass meeting in First Baptist Church 8 p.m. 24 July.
[Program] under direction of [redacted] Reports were made by [redacted] student in charge of voter registration, in which he said progress was good, but urged continuous effort; and [redacted] ([redacted] of Houston, Texas) in charge of SCLC testing program of Civil Rights law compliance.
Lingo rather jubilant over issuance of warrants for [redacted]. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted] in connection with cross-burning on private property (the cross burned several nights at same location, which apparently is owned by City Banking Co., St. Augustine) this site is vacant field just north of Dobbs Brothers Book Bindery plant, just off State Road 207, just south of St. Augustine.
[redacted] advised the some 100 persons present that "we're going after these Klansmen"., and implied the five warrants issued were the work of SCLC, when actually they resulted from apparent investigation by State Attorney [redacted]
[redacted] said "we're going after the Klansmen with cameras," and that photographers would be included in testing crews at restaurants, to get pictures if any of the testing crews were attacked. In later reference to this, [redacted] said [redacted] SCLC member from Atlanta, would be the cameraman.
[redacted] also made a long prefatory speech, in which he had some interesting [remarks] about the Harlem situation. He said the N.Y. police department would not allow any Negroes to be cops in Harlem, because of the important position and the access for graft,..dope, prostitution, etc. "if you want any dope, you see the cop on the beat."
Usual "freedom songs" routine followed..tried taping some of this, and [redacted] remarks, but acoustics were lousy.
Dr. [redacted] St. Augustine dentist and SCLC president late in arriving, with party of guests from Ocala, including the [redacted]., who was principal speaker. Most of [redacted] speech taped, but poor reproduction.
[redacted] reported he resigned as school teacher to help promote integration, and that before the effort was completed school superintendent would welcome him back.
27 July-JB- page
Among Ocala guests introduced were white man, identified as [redacted], representing AP, who, [redacted] said "got fired from the radio station for telling the news as it was;" [redacted], Negro, introduced as the first Negro reporter ever hired by the Ocala Star-Banner, and a Negro named [redacted]
Checked with [redacted] Saturday morning, 7/25, and plans for testing lagging, first set for 9:30, still no action by 1:30, by which time I departed for Lake City. Meanwhile had visited with [redacted] and talked briefly with him. Asked information about known Klansmen in St. Augustine area, and he gave me [duplicate] of [redacted] Miami Herald story of 6/14/64, which was based on interview with [redacted]. Basis of [redacted] background information on [redacted] appears to be [redacted] testimony from federal court appearance before Judge [redacted],in which [redacted] [allegedly] asked [redacted] if the [Ancient] City Gun Club (or Hunt Club) wasn't merely a Klan front.
[redacted] said [redacted] simply was "doorman" or errand-boy for the respectable members of the club, until catapulted into prominence at the court hearing, at which time he was identified as president of the club. This hearing also appears to be the basis of the LIFE article of June 12, in which reference was made of Monson Motor Lodge, and other "respectable" club members apparently had relinquished control to [redacted] [redacted] said [redacted], of Bozard Ford Co., was hunt club member, and showed placard which he said was found in a car which had been sent to Ford place for repair. The card bore the inked inscription -- from [board] inking instrument, [apparently] a marking [pen] " DR. KING_ WHY DON'T YOU LEAD YOUR FILTHY SAVAGES BACK TO AFRICA? BEFORE WE LEAD THEM TO A GAS CHAMBER? ...the sign also bore a swastika drawing, and the letters at the bottom - N.S.A.W.P. & S.A.
([redacted] also said that Sheriff [redacted] and businessman [redacted] whose name I have not heard before, were members of [Ancient City Hunt Club]).
[redacted] said immediate future plans include court hearing Tuesday, 28 July on suit against some 19 restaurant owners, and continued testing of restaurants. The case against several alleged Klansmen, including [redacted] [redacted], et al, for intimidation of businessmen, has been continued to Aug. 7.
[redacted] also said to his knowledge, Martin Luther King will return to St. Augustine around the first of August.
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
Reports of Investigators on Meetings of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Ku Klux Klan, 1964. 1964-07-27. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/333811>, accessed 30 March 2025.
Reports of Investigators on Meetings of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Ku Klux Klan, 1964. 1964-07-27. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 30 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/333811>
AP Style Photo Citation