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To the Honerable the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly met. The undersigned Citizens of the County of Alachua feeling a deep interest in the course of Education, and believing as they do, that you will do all in your power for its advancement in the commonwealth would repectfully Petition your Honorable Body for the establishment of a Military School or College in Said County. They have already raised the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) and a fine building is now nearly completed . But unless an Institution of this Nature is well endowed it cannot always sustain itself, a firm basis being necessary, all Literary Institutions are subject at one time or another to fluctuations in the number of students and consequently if they are well endowed, they will be able to withstand these changes by employing a competent faculty. The Universities of Cambridge, Virginia, North Carolina, and others that we could mention, are evidences of this. We have no College in the State and yet if we mistake not, provision is made for two. We believe that the Town of Newnansville in the County aforesaid from its central position as regards East Florida is a sutable location for one. In this respect we are much behind our Sister States. Alabama has her university. So has Mississippi, and Georgia too extends her fostering care to several. And shall Florida be behind these? As far as we are able we answer “no.” With regard to a Military Institute we humbly conceive that it if one were established it would be well attended. An Institution of this character is of vast importance in several respects. The discipline is superior and a student is benefited mentally and physically. And as to the benefit derived by the Country in case of war, our late war with Mexico proved this utility in this respect. Several of the States seeing this, have liberally patronized these Institutions. We would again respectfully suggest to your Honorable Body the aforesaid Town as a Suitable location for such an Institution and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray and--etc
1 Bennett M. Dell Sr
2 Wm Dell
3 Saml W. Burnett
4 Elias Knight
5 Daniel Lynn
6 William Malphurs
7 Thos C. Love
8 John B. Cason
9 W. W. Scott
10 Benjamin M. Lane
11 Saml R. Pyles
12 James Russell
13 Stephen Fagan
14 James G. Dell
15 Bennett M. Dell
16 Elishia Carter
17 John B. Standley
18 John Z. Fetner
19 John W. Burnett
20 G.U. Ellis
21 Robt Youngblood
22 J. B. Thomas
23 Thomas K Wells
24 M O'Brien
25 L. M. Scarborough
26 Chas L. Wilson
27 David J. Ridaught
28 E. Barrow
29 W. W. Scott Jr.
30 E. S. Gunnell
31 Rolling Thomas
32 James E. Johnson
33 A Hague
34 J. H. Thornton
35 J. J. Kennard
36 Guilford Sikes
37 S. P. Crews
38 Danl D. V. Strobel
39 Samuel Baxley
40 Jesse T. Bernard
41 A. M. Caston
42 S. F. Halliday
43 S. J. Sanchez
44 H. L. Williams
45 James E. Johnson
46 Jas Burnett Sr.
47 W. D. Clark
48 J. F. Prevatt
49 L. Randle
50 Henry Bradford
51 T A Bradford
52 J. B. Cason
53 H. C. Wilson
54 Leml Wilson
55 Maxey D. Colson
56 Jas Bevill
57 Chas W. Johnson
58 Paul B. Colson
59 W. Tison
60 A. Hague
61 J. Marx
62 Thos J Prevatt
63 S. Whitehead
64 James S. Jenkins
65 Robt Campbell
66 George L. Brown
67 Chas F. Fitchett
68 Geo W. Boston
69 B. T. Stokes
70 T. S. Chesser
71 William H. Brooks
72 Daniel Hurst
73 William Malphus
74 Saml Baxley Jr
75 Martin Wimberly
76 Jos G. Bell
77 Asa Clark
78 John [illegible]
79 W. H. Bryant
80 Jno. Rogers
81 A. Gillit
82 L. Shulz
83 W. Smith
84 William Cannon
85 R. Burns
86 N. P. Suggs
87 R. Polk
88 H. Polk
89 D. Polk
90 A. Shepard
91 Jno. Townsend
92 A. Thigpen
93 A. Gillett
94 J. Gillett
95 J. C. Hope
96 Jno. Osteen
97 F. S. Wheaton
116 Philip Dell
117 Jas. M. Rimes
118 Enoch T. Geiger
119 Henry H. Colding
120 G. S. Sanchez
121 James S. Gibbons
122 I. J. Carter
123 JG Rawls
124 Leroy Wilson
125 Jacob Halbrook
126 John T. Prevatt
127 John H. Ellis
128 John K. Stephens
129 John W. Burnnett
130 Jerome N. Jones
131 H. A. Shearhouse
132 R. R. Davis
133 John B. Standley
134 George W. Sanchez
135 Paul C. Colson
136 Simeon Dell
137 Walter Button
138 H. B. Turner
139 L. Williams
140 R. Burton
141 J. Hunt
142 Jas H Cooper
143 Shephen P. Bevill
144 Samuel J. Kennard
145 Leonard Varnadore
146 Oliver Bryant
147 Jno. Baxter
148 James C. Standly
149 A Hozle [?]
150 A. Thomas
149 A Hozle [?]
150 A. Thomas
Geographic Term
To the Honerable the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly met. The undersigned Citizens of the County of Alachua feeling a deep interest in the course of Education, and believing as they do, that you will do all in your power for its advancement in the commonwealth would repectfully Petition your Honorable Body for the establishment of a Military School or College in Said County. They have already raised the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) and a fine building is now nearly completed . But unless an Institution of this Nature is well endowed it cannot always sustain itself, a firm basis being necessary, all Literary Institutions are subject at one time or another to fluctuations in the number of students and consequently if they are well endowed, they will be able to withstand these changes by employing a competent faculty. The Universities of Cambridge, Virginia, North Carolina, and others that we could mention, are evidences of this. We have no College in the State and yet if we mistake not, provision is made for two. We believe that the Town of Newnansville in the County aforesaid from its central position as regards East Florida is a sutable location for one. In this respect we are much behind our Sister States. Alabama has her university. So has Mississippi, and Georgia too extends her fostering care to several. And shall Florida be behind these? As far as we are able we answer “no.” With regard to a Military Institute we humbly conceive that it if one were established it would be well attended. An Institution of this character is of vast importance in several respects. The discipline is superior and a student is benefited mentally and physically. And as to the benefit derived by the Country in case of war, our late war with Mexico proved this utility in this respect. Several of the States seeing this, have liberally patronized these Institutions. We would again respectfully suggest to your Honorable Body the aforesaid Town as a Suitable location for such an Institution and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray and--etc
1 Bennett M. Dell Sr
2 Wm Dell
3 Saml W. Burnett
4 Elias Knight
5 Daniel Lynn
6 William Malphurs
7 Thos C. Love
8 John B. Cason
9 W. W. Scott
10 Benjamin M. Lane
11 Saml R. Pyles
12 James Russell
13 Stephen Fagan
14 James G. Dell
15 Bennett M. Dell
16 Elishia Carter
17 John B. Standley
18 John Z. Fetner
19 John W. Burnett
20 G.U. Ellis
21 Robt Youngblood
22 J. B. Thomas
23 Thomas K Wells
24 M O'Brien
25 L. M. Scarborough
26 Chas L. Wilson
27 David J. Ridaught
28 E. Barrow
29 W. W. Scott Jr.
30 E. S. Gunnell
31 Rolling Thomas
32 James E. Johnson
33 A Hague
34 J. H. Thornton
35 J. J. Kennard
36 Guilford Sikes
37 S. P. Crews
38 Danl D. V. Strobel
39 Samuel Baxley
40 Jesse T. Bernard
41 A. M. Caston
42 S. F. Halliday
43 S. J. Sanchez
44 H. L. Williams
45 James E. Johnson
46 Jas Burnett Sr.
47 W. D. Clark
48 J. F. Prevatt
49 L. Randle
50 Henry Bradford
51 T A Bradford
52 J. B. Cason
53 H. C. Wilson
54 Leml Wilson
55 Maxey D. Colson
56 Jas Bevill
57 Chas W. Johnson
58 Paul B. Colson
59 W. Tison
60 A. Hague
61 J. Marx
62 Thos J Prevatt
63 S. Whitehead
64 James S. Jenkins
65 Robt Campbell
66 George L. Brown
67 Chas F. Fitchett
68 Geo W. Boston
69 B. T. Stokes
70 T. S. Chesser
71 William H. Brooks
72 Daniel Hurst
73 William Malphus
74 Saml Baxley Jr
75 Martin Wimberly
76 Jos G. Bell
77 Asa Clark
78 John [illegible]
79 W. H. Bryant
80 Jno. Rogers
81 A. Gillit
82 L. Shulz
83 W. Smith
84 William Cannon
85 R. Burns
86 N. P. Suggs
87 R. Polk
88 H. Polk
89 D. Polk
90 A. Shepard
91 Jno. Townsend
92 A. Thigpen
93 A. Gillett
94 J. Gillett
95 J. C. Hope
96 Jno. Osteen
97 F. S. Wheaton
116 Philip Dell
117 Jas. M. Rimes
118 Enoch T. Geiger
119 Henry H. Colding
120 G. S. Sanchez
121 James S. Gibbons
122 I. J. Carter
123 JG Rawls
124 Leroy Wilson
125 Jacob Halbrook
126 John T. Prevatt
127 John H. Ellis
128 John K. Stephens
129 John W. Burnnett
130 Jerome N. Jones
131 H. A. Shearhouse
132 R. R. Davis
133 John B. Standley
134 George W. Sanchez
135 Paul C. Colson
136 Simeon Dell
137 Walter Button
138 H. B. Turner
139 L. Williams
140 R. Burton
141 J. Hunt
142 Jas H Cooper
143 Shephen P. Bevill
144 Samuel J. Kennard
145 Leonard Varnadore
146 Oliver Bryant
147 Jno. Baxter
148 James C. Standly
149 A Hozle [?]
150 A. Thomas
149 A Hozle [?]
150 A. Thomas
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
Petition to Establish the East Florida Seminary in Alachua County, 1852. 1852. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/339317>, accessed 28 March 2025.
Petition to Establish the East Florida Seminary in Alachua County, 1852. 1852. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 28 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/339317>
AP Style Photo Citation