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General Note
Share-the-Meat Program
Feature-news story for use any time
May be localized by quoting local Nutrition Committee Chairman.
Have you told Fido or Kitty yet that he or she is going to have to get along with less meat under the government’s voluntary Share-the-Meat program?
If not, it might be a good idea to break it gently to your cat and dog that if he gets his red meat in the future, his share must come out of the two and a half pounds suggested for you as an adult, under the regulations applying to meat consumption until rationing takes place.
You pet may let out a yowl, but about the only thing you can do is sit down quietly and explain that pork chops and rib roasts and such things are probably going to be out for him for the duration.
Fido will have to be content with bits and leavings from the table and possibly a discarded cooked bone on festive occasions, but Kitty will probably hail the news that there are not restrictions on liver or fish, or some other parts of meat animals which may be bought without limitation.
It need not be entirely a starved dog’s life, however, as dehydrated dog foods can be enriched with milk or the gravy from the family roast or with the water in which vegetables were cooked.
And, animal nutritionists add, mixing meat grave with vegetables or cereals or dried foods is an excellent way to persuade the dog to eat these unaccustomed foods.
Share-the-Meat Program
Feature-news story for use any time
May be localized by quoting local Nutrition Committee Chairman.
Have you told Fido or Kitty yet that he or she is going to have to get along with less meat under the government’s voluntary Share-the-Meat program?
If not, it might be a good idea to break it gently to your cat and dog that if he gets his red meat in the future, his share must come out of the two and a half pounds suggested for you as an adult, under the regulations applying to meat consumption until rationing takes place.
You pet may let out a yowl, but about the only thing you can do is sit down quietly and explain that pork chops and rib roasts and such things are probably going to be out for him for the duration.
Fido will have to be content with bits and leavings from the table and possibly a discarded cooked bone on festive occasions, but Kitty will probably hail the news that there are not restrictions on liver or fish, or some other parts of meat animals which may be bought without limitation.
It need not be entirely a starved dog’s life, however, as dehydrated dog foods can be enriched with milk or the gravy from the family roast or with the water in which vegetables were cooked.
And, animal nutritionists add, mixing meat grave with vegetables or cereals or dried foods is an excellent way to persuade the dog to eat these unaccustomed foods.
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
United States. Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services. Share the Meat Program, 1942. 1942-11-19. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/341172>, accessed 30 March 2025.
United States. Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services. Share the Meat Program, 1942. 1942-11-19. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 30 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/341172>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/United States. Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services)