1 |
Proclamation Appointing Joseph McCants as Secretary of the Florida Territory |
Van Buren, Martin (U.S. President) |
- |
1839-11-15 |
2 |
Oath of Office |
McCants, Joseph (Secretary of the Florida Territory) |
- |
1839-12-16 |
3 |
Instructions to Help Apprehend Willis Alston for Assault of Leigh Read |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bullock, E.D. (Captain, Company E, Second Dragoons); Arnold, R.A. (Lieutenant, Detachment of Company K, Second Dragoons) |
1840-01-05 |
4 |
Letter with Refusal to Help Apprehend Willis Alston for Assault of Leigh Read |
Bullock, E.D. (Captain, Company E, 2nd Dragoons) |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-01-05 |
5 |
Instructions to Help Apprehend Willis Alston for Assault of Leigh Read |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Beauzeau, T.H. [?] (Captain) and Hackley (Captain) |
1840-01-05 |
6 |
Letter Requesting Assistance from the Militia in Apprehending Willis Alston |
Sibley, Samuel S. (Justice of the Peace) and Betton, Turbutt R. (Justice of the Peace) |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-01-05 |
7 |
Governor's Message [fragment] |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-12 (circa) |
8 |
Orders Regarding Military Supplies and Bloodhounds |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-01-07 |
9 |
Orders to Continue Command of Territorial Militia Troops |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Major) |
1840-01-07 |
10 |
Letter Transmitting Published Laws of Florida and the United States |
McCants, Joseph (Secretary of the Florida Territory) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-10 |
11 |
Letter of Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Colonel) |
1840-01-10 |
12 |
Letter of Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Thompson, Leslie A. (Colonel) |
1840-01-10 |
13 |
Governor's Message [fragment of Item 7] |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-12 |
14 |
Letter Transmitting Published Laws of Florida and the United States |
McCants, Joseph (Secretary of the Florida Territory) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-01-14 |
15 |
Bank Draft in Favor of Quartermaster General John B. Collins |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Cashier of the Union Bank of Florida |
1840-01-14 |
16 |
Letter of Appointment as Quartermaster General |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-01-14 |
17 |
Orders to Purchase Horses, Saddles and Bridles for Military Use |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-01-14 |
18 |
Letter of Appointment as Adjutant General |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (General) |
1840-01-14 |
19 |
Letter Declining to Pardon William Cash |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
White, David L. |
1840-01-15 |
20 |
Letter Transmitting Correspondence from U.S. Secretary of State John Forsyth and Secretary of the U.S. Senate Ashbury Dickens |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-15 |
21 |
Letter Regarding a Request to Arm Laborers on the St. Augustine Road |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Heinselman (Captain) |
1840-01-16 |
22 |
Letter Regarding a Request to Arm Laborers on the St. Augustine Road |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Guyon (Captain) |
1840-01-16 |
23 |
Letter Regarding Bloodhounds at Magnolia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-01-16 |
24 |
Nominations for Office |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-16 |
25 |
Letter Submitting Report from Col. Richard Fitzpatrick, Special Agent to Cuba |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-17 |
26 |
Report on Efforts to Purchase Bloodhounds for Use Against the Seminoles |
Fitzpatrick, Richard (Special Agent to Cuba) |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-01-14 |
27 |
Accounts of Richard Fitzpatrick, Special Agent to Cuba |
Fitzpatrick, Richard (Special Agent to Cuba) |
- |
1840-01-14 |
28 |
Letter Acknowledging Receipt of a Letter |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Jenkins, Ephraim T. |
1840-01-18 |
29 |
Letter Transmitting Financial Reports |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-20 |
30 |
Order to Publish Legislative Acts in a Key West Newspaper |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-01-20 |
31 |
Letter Regarding Nomination of a Successor to Dr. C.G. English |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Shine, Richard Alexander, Sr. |
1840-01-26 |
32 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-20 |
33 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-20 |
34 |
Letter Regarding Arms at the Apalachicola Arsenal |
Talcott, George (Lieutenant Colonel of Ordnance) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1839-11-28 |
35 |
Endorsement of Item 34 |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-01-11 |
36 |
Letter Transmitting Statements and Report from the Territorial Auditor |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-21 |
37 |
Letter Transmitting an Account by John Price Against the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-01 |
38 |
Nominations of Directors of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-24 |
39 |
Letter Accepting a Militia Company for Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Langford, Thomas (Captain) |
1840-01-27 |
40 |
Letter Regarding Misconduct of Troops |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Redding (Captain) |
1840-01-27 |
41 |
Orders to Proceed to Camp Bailey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Johnson, Allen G. (Captain) |
1840-01-28 |
42 |
Letter Regarding Bonds |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-01-28 |
43 |
Letter Regarding Communications with Judge William Marvin |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Forsyth, John (U.S. Secretary of State) |
1840-01-29 |
44 |
Letter Recommending No Troops Be Released from Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-01-29 |
45 |
Two Letters Transmitting Information from the Secretary of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-01-30 |
46 |
Letter Forwarding Correspondence Regarding the Misconduct of U.S. Troops |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-01-29 |
47 |
Letter Regarding a Post on the Apalachicola River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-01-29 |
48 |
Letter Transmitting a Report of the Quartermaster General |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Warren, John (Florida Senate President) |
1840-01-29 |
49 |
Letter Regarding the Locations of Public Buildings |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-30 |
50 |
Letter Transmitting a Report from the Commissioner of the Tallahassee Fund |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-30 |
51 |
Letter Regarding the Nomination of Walker Anderson to Be Commissioner of the Tallahassee Fund |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-01-30 |
52 |
Bank Draft in Favor of Richard Alexander Shine |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Treasurer of the Territory |
1840-01-30 |
53 |
Orders to Deliver Bloodhounds at Magnolia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-01-30 |
54 |
Receipt for Check Totaling $3,770 |
Shine, Richard Alexander, Sr. |
- |
1840-01-30 |
55 |
Letter Correcting a Nomination for Director of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-01-30 |
56 |
Endorsement of an Account of S.S. Sibley for Publishing the Laws |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-01-31 |
57 |
Letter Requesting Payment to the Territorial Treasury |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of Treasury) |
1840-01-31 |
58 |
Nominations for Directors of the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-03 |
59 |
Nomination of Richard Heyward to Be Director of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-03 |
60 |
Letter Rejecting a Request to Be Recognized as a Militia Unit |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Jernigan, Alexander (Captain) [Jernigan, Aaron?] |
1840-02-03 |
61 |
Instructions to Provide Bloodhounds to Major Fauntleroy |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-02-03 |
62 |
Proclamation Pardoning Samuel Paynter |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-02-03 |
63 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-04 |
64 |
Nomination of Thomas Baltzell as Commissioner of the Tallahassee Fund |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-04 |
65 |
Letter Regarding Changes to the Corporate Charter of the Bank of Pensacola |
McCants, Joseph (Secretary of the Florida of Territory) |
Duval, William Pope |
1840-02-06 |
66 |
Instructions to Furnish Provisions to Captain John Townsend |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-02-07 |
67 |
Instructions to Cooperate with Colonel Davenport |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Major) |
1840-02-09 |
68 |
Letter Transmitting a Communication from the Governor of New Jersey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-10 |
69 |
Letter Transmitting a Communication from the Governor of New Jersey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-02-10 |
70 |
Letter Transmitting a Letter from the President of the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-02-10 |
71 |
Letter Transmitting a Letter from the President of the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-10 |
72 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-10 |
73 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-02-10 |
74 |
Letter Regarding Progress on the Construction of Public Buildings in Tallahassee |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) |
1840-02-04 |
75 |
Letter Regarding a Claim Against the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Betton, Turbutt R. |
1840-02-11 |
76 |
Letter Requesting a Thorough Survey of Military Posts in Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General) |
1840-02-12 |
77 |
Instructions to Pursue Seminoles Between Tallahassee and the Suwannee River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Major) |
1840-02-13 |
78 |
Letter Regarding Recent Orders to Major William J. Bailey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-02-14 |
79 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-17 |
80 |
Proclamation Offering a Reward for the Apprehension of King Gill |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-02-15 |
81 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-18 |
82 |
Letter Regarding an Attack on the Rowlett Family |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-02-02 |
83 |
Letter Regarding the Use of Bloodhounds |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fauntleroy, Thomas Turner (Major) |
1840-02-02 |
84 |
Letter Transmitting a Resolution |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida House of Representatives |
1840-02-18 |
85 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-19 |
86 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-19 |
87 |
Appointment as Paymaster General of the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Berry, R.H. (Colonel) |
1840-02-20 |
88 |
Instructions Regarding Troops at Fort Marion |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Townsend, John (Captain) |
1840-02-20 |
89 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-21 |
90 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-22 |
91 |
Letter Regarding Receiving a Company for Military Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Thigpin (Mr.) |
1840-02-20 |
92 |
Instructions to Pay J.W. Childs for a Dog |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-02-24 |
93 |
Letter Regarding the Sale of Public Lands |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-25 |
94 |
Letter of Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodward, Alfred LePaire |
1840-02-25 |
95 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-25 |
96 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-26 |
97 |
Memorandum Regarding Checks Issued |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-02 |
98 |
Letter Requesting a Statement of the Florida Territory's Account with the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gamble, John Grattan |
1840-02-25 |
99 |
Letter Regarding Compensation for Leaders of the Florida Territorial Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) |
1840-02-20 |
100 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-27 |
101 |
Order to Pay Richard A. Shine $3,050 from the Tallahassee Fund |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-02-27 |
102 |
Letter Regarding a Payment for Richard A. Shine |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-02-28 |
103 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-02-28 |
104 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-29 |
105 |
Governor's Message to the Territorial Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1840-02-28 |
106 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-03-02 |
107 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-03-02 |
108 |
Letter Regarding an Account |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gibbs, Kingsley Beatty |
1840-03-02 |
109 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1840-03-02 |
110 |
Memo of Check Issued to R.H. Berry |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-03-02 |
111 |
Letter Regarding the Exposure of Columbia County to Enemy Attack |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-03-02 |
112 |
Letter Regarding Orders for Major Bailey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-03-02 |
113 |
Letter Regarding Claims of Captain Moshier |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-03-03 |
114 |
Appointment to Copy and Index Laws from the Last Legislative Session |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Smith, Buckingham |
1840-03-03 |
115 |
Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Ferguson, Isaac, Jr. (Colonel) |
1840-03-04 |
116 |
Letter Regarding a Payment for Richard A. Shine |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-03-04 |
117 |
Orders to Publish Newly Created Laws in Newspapers Around the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-03-02 |
118 |
Letter Transmitting Resolutions from the Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Pennington, William (Governor of New Jersey) |
1840-03-04 |
119 |
Letter Regarding Payments for Cubans Who Contracted with the Army |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-03-06 |
120 |
Letter Regarding Business with the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-03-06 |
121 |
Letter Regarding Commission of Charles Robionas Auctioneer of St. Johns County |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Brown, Thomas (Auditor of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-03-06 |
122 |
Proclamation Offering a Reward for the Apprehension of James Fort |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-03-06 |
123 |
Letter Proposing Transferring Territorial Militia Troops to Regular U.S. Army |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-03-09 |
124 |
Orders to Continue Defending the Frontier |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-03-10 |
125 |
Appointment as Commissioner to Examine the Bank of the Southern Life Insurance & Trust Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Jenckes, Edwin T. |
1840-03-10 |
126 |
Audit of Account of Benjamin F. Whitner for Printing Costs |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-03-11 |
127 |
Proclamation Offering a Reward for the Apprehension of Bill, a Slave |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-03-11 |
128 |
Letter Explaining Appointments of Military Officers |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, John L. (Major) |
1840-03-13 |
129 |
Appointment as a Commissioner to Examine Financial Institutions Near Apalachicola |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gibson, Edward Reynolds |
1840-03-14 |
130 |
Letter Regarding Possible Fugitive James Fort |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Irwin, Joseph |
1840-03-17 |
131 |
Memorandum Regarding Certificates Issued to Buckingham Smith |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-03-17 |
132 |
Letter Regarding a Loan by the Union Bank to the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gamble, John Grattan (Colonel) |
1840-03-17 |
133 |
Letter Enclosing Accounts to Be Paid |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-03-17 |
134 |
Letter Enclosing Resolutions from the Territorial Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Van Buren, Martin (President) |
1840-03-17 |
135 |
Letter Enclosing Resolutions from the Territorial Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1840-03-17 |
136 |
Letter Enclosing Resolutions from the Territorial Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Downing, Charles (Delegate to Congress) |
1840-03-17 |
137 |
Letter Regarding Warrants Sent to Midshipmen |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Paulding, James Kirke (U.S. Secretary of the Navy) |
1840-03-19 |
138 |
Letter Regarding Use of the Senate Chamber as an Office |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Robinson, James S. (Secretary of the Florida Senate) |
1840-03-22 |
139 |
Letter Regarding a Furlough for Dr. James Verdier |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General) |
1840-03-26 |
140 |
Letter Regarding Recent Attacks by the Seminoles |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-03-26 |
141 |
Appointment as Commissioners to Investigate Claims Against the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida); Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-03-30 |
142 |
Letter Regarding Recent Attacks in Alachua County and the Military Response |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Garrason, Isaac (Major) |
1840-03-30 |
143 |
Letter Regarding the Status of the War Effort in Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-03-30 |
144 |
Letter Regarding Extra Compensation for Senate Members |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Warren, John (Florida Senate President) |
1840-03-30 |
145 |
Letter Regarding Complaints Against Captain Burney's Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-03-31 |
146 |
Letter Regarding Funds for Construction of the Capitol in Tallahassee |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of the Treasury) |
1840-03-31 |
147 |
Instructions Regarding Troops for Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-04-01 |
148 |
Letter Regarding the Status of the War Effort in Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Mills, W.J. (Colonel) |
1840-04-02 |
149 |
Letter Regarding Raising Troops for Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-04-02 |
150 |
Letter Permitting Use of Legislative Council Chamber for Church Services |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Barnard, E., Jr.; Mapes, Charles; Bezeau, Thomas |
1840-04-03 |
151 |
Letter Regarding the Military Situation East of the St. Johns River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-04-03 |
152 |
Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dell, William F. (Colonel) |
1840-04-03 |
153 |
List of Preambles and Resolutions Sent to the Congressional Delegate |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-04-09 |
154 |
Letter Regarding Complaints Against Captain Burney's Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-04-17 |
155 |
Letter Regarding a Potential Commission |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Myers, Robert (Colonel) |
1840-04-17 |
156 |
List of Certificates Issued to Printers |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-04-18 |
157 |
Letter Enclosing Documents Relating to Banking in Florida |
McCants, Joseph (Secretary of the Florida Territory) |
Van Buren, Martin (President) |
1840-04-18 |
158 |
Leave of Absence Granted |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-04-20 |
159 |
Authorization to Sell Horses |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-04-20 |
160 |
Letter Regarding the Use of and Payment for Bloodhounds |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-04-20 |
161 |
Receipt for Bloodhounds and Spanish Keepers |
Wood, George W.F. (Assistant Adjutant General, First Florida Infantry) |
- |
1840-02-02 |
162 |
Receipts for Bloodhounds and Other Property Received from William H. Michael |
Lawton, Robert B. (First Lieutenant, Second Dragoons) |
- |
1840-02 |
163 |
Extracts from a Letter Describing Seminole Activity Near North River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-04-20 |
164 |
Lettering Regarding Mustering Troops |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Brown, Robert (Colonel) |
1840-04-21 |
165 |
Letter Asking for the Value of Materials Used for the Capitol |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Wilson, Daniel T.; Levinas, J.W. |
1840-04-21 |
166 |
Letter Rejecting a New Militia Company for Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Roberts, Arthur (Captain) |
1840-04-21 |
167 |
Letter Enclosing Requested Documents |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Forsyth, John (U.S. Secretary of State) |
1840-04-23 |
168 |
Letter Rejecting an Application to Serve in a Civil Office |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bryant, Thomas S. (Captain) |
1840-04-23 |
169 |
Letter Authorizing the Formation of a New Militia Company at Black Creek in Duval County |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Neighbours, J.S. (Captain) |
1840-04-23 |
170 |
Letter Regarding Captain Neighbours' New Company at Black Creek in Duval County |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Zachary (Brevet Brigadier General) |
1840-04-23 |
171 |
Letter Transmitting a Report on the Condition of the Pensacola Bank and its Railroad |
McCants, Joseph (Secretary of the Florida Territory) |
Forsyth, John (U.S. Secretary of State) |
1840-04-30 |
172 |
Letter Asking to Negotiate $25,000 in Bonds |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Williams, John (Cashier, Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company) |
1840-05-05 |
173 |
Memorandum Describing a Check to Quartermaster General John B. Collins for $5000 |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-05-05 |
174 |
Letter Regarding the Court Martial of Captain Langford |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-05-05 |
175 |
Letter Requesting Protection for Iola Near the Apalachicola River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-05-05 |
176 |
Instructions to Pay $5,000 to Thomas Baltzell, Commissioner of the Tallahassee Fund |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-05-07 |
177 |
Letter Regarding a Commission for Office |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gleason, Francis A. |
1840-05-07 |
178 |
Letter Transmitting Documents Requested by the U.S. Senate |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Forsyth, John (U.S. Secretary of State) |
1840-05-07 |
179 |
Letter Regarding the Unprotected State of East Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dell, Charles L. (Colonel, Aide-de-Camp) |
1840-05-12 |
180 |
Letter Regarding Bringing More Troops into the Territorial Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Garrason, Isaac (Major) |
1840-05-12 |
181 |
Letter Responding to Requests from Alachua County for Additional Protection from Seminole Attacks |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Carter, Jesse; Bird, E.; Sanchez, Francis Roman; Dell, Bennett M.; Prevatt, T.J. |
1840-05-12 |
182 |
Letter Describing the State of Affairs in Florida, with Extracts from Relevant Correspondence |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1840-05-09 |
183 |
Receipt for $25,000 in Territorial Bonds |
Williams, John (Cashier, Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company) |
- |
1840-05-08 |
184 |
Letter Regarding Accounts for Work on Public Buildings |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Wilson, David T.; Levinas, J.W. |
1840-05-14 |
185 |
Letter Regarding Claims of David T. Wilson and J.W. Levinas for Payment for Work on Public Buildings |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Baltzell, Thomas (Commissioner) |
1840-05-14 |
186 |
Instructions to Relocate Posts in West Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-05-14 |
187 |
Instructions to Report on the Number of Troops in the Territorial Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-05-14 |
188 |
Instructions to Raise Two Cavalry Companies for the Territorial Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dancy, Francis Littlebury (Colonel) |
1840-05-14 |
189 |
Letter Regarding Additional Companies for the Territorial Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fontane, J.M. (Aide-de-Camp) |
1840-05-14 |
190 |
Letter Transmitting a Copy of the Acts Passed at the 1840 Session of the Territorial Legislative Council |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Van Buren, Martin (U.S. President) |
1840-05-16 |
191 |
Instructions for the Defense of Marianna and Vicinity |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-05-18 |
192 |
Response to News of Incursions by the Seminoles Against Ciivilians Near Marianna |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Pittman, Dempsey (Colonel, Third Regiment, Florida Militia) |
1840-05-18 |
193 |
Letter Regarding a Claim for Payment |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Coudillay, Peter |
1840-05-21 |
194 |
Letter Regarding a Claim for Payment |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-05-20 |
195 |
Letter Regarding Claims by William Keith and Richard Cambach |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Long, Nicholas A. |
1840-05-21 |
196 |
Pardon of King Parker |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-05-23 |
197 |
Letter Regarding Distribution of Troops in Middle Florida and the Panhandle |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-05-25 |
198 |
Letter Regarding Provisioning at Camps Hamilton and Call |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-05-26 |
199 |
Pardon of P. Duval |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-05-27 |
200 |
Request to Publish Orders and Proclamations by the Governor in the Quincy Sentinel |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Knowles, Joshua (Editor, Quincy Sentinel) |
1840-05-28 |
201 |
Instructions to Publish Orders and Proclamations by the Governor |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gautier, Peter W., Jr. (Editor, St. Joseph Times) |
1840-05-28 |
202 |
Response to a Petition Asking for a New Militia Company to Be Recognized |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-06-01 |
203 |
Instructions for Raising Troops for the Defense of Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fontane, J.M. (Aide-de-Camp) |
1840-06-02 |
204 |
Letter Regarding Troops to Defend Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-06-02 |
205 |
Instructions for Counting Militia Troops in the Field |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-06-03 |
206 |
Letter Regarding Indian Attacks West of the Apalachicola River and the Government's Response |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Lott, Luke |
1840-06-03 |
207 |
Letter Regarding Funding for Supplies |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-04 |
208 |
Letter Regarding New Recruits for the War Against the Seminoles |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Greene, J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-06-03 |
209 |
Letter Enclosing Check to Pay the Territory's Military Debt |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-06-04 |
210 |
Letter Regarding an Election of Militia Officers at Fort Call |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Sparkman, N.K.; Gouge, Button; Prevatt, V.R. |
1840-06-04 |
211 |
Letter Dicsussing the Military Situation in West Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-06-05 |
212 |
Letter Regarding Reports on Alleged Misconduct by Assistant Quartermaster Perry and Lieutenant Walker |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-05 |
213 |
Letter Regarding Claims Against the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Brown, Robert (Colonel) |
1840-06-06 |
214 |
Letter Enclosing Documents Relating to the Assistant Quartermaster General |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-05 |
215 |
Letter Regarding the Arrest and Trial of Lieutenant Holt |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-06-05 |
216 |
Letter Regarding the Use of Infantry Versus Cavalry in the Florida War |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1840-06-06 |
217 |
Letter Regarding Recruiting More Infantry for the War Against the Seminoles |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-06-07 |
218 |
Memorandum Regarding a Check for $4,000 to Colonel John B. Cllins for Military Expenses |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-06-09 |
219 |
Instructions to Update and Present Financial Accounts |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-09 |
220 |
Instructions to Update and Present Financial Accounts |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Berry, R.H. (Paymaster General, Florida Militia) |
1840-06-09 |
221 |
Memorandum Regarding a Check for $568.50 to R.H. Berry for Arms Purchased |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-06-11 |
222 |
Letter Regarding Captain Mason's Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-06-09 |
223 |
Letter Regarding Returns for an Election to Replace Daniel Savage as Sheriff of Columbia County |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Columbia County Judge |
1840-06-11 |
224 |
Letter Regarding Organization of a New Regiment for the Florida War |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dancy, Francis Littlebury (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-06-12 |
225 |
Letter Accepting Resignation of Colonel Alfred A. Fisher |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fisher, Alfred A. (Colonel) |
1840-06-15 |
226 |
Letter Rejecting an Offer for an Unspecified Military Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Edwards, Sherrod |
1840-06-15 |
227 |
Letter Rejecting an Offer for an Unspecified Military Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Campbell, Neill |
1840-06-15 |
228 |
Letter Enclosing Resignation of Colonel Alfred A. Fisher |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-06-15 |
229 |
Letter Regarding Leadership of a New Regiment |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Chamberlin, W. (Captain); Gates, Joseph; McDowell, E.M.; Hick, J.H. |
1840-06-13 |
230 |
Letter Requesting the Use of the Seminole Interpreter Perryman |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bullock, E.D. (Captain, Company E, Second Dragoons) |
1840-06-17 |
231 |
Instructions for Sending a Letter to Captain Bullock of the U.S. Dragoons |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-17 |
232 |
Letter Regarding Defenses in the Vicinity of the Apalachicola River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Lott, Luke |
1840-06-17 |
233 |
Requisition for Arms for Captain Francis Arnow's Volunteers at Iola |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Williams, John (Lieutenant, Commander of U.S. Arsenal at Mount Vernon) |
1840-06-17 |
234 |
Letter Regarding Acquisition of Arms at U.S. Arsenal at Mount Vernon |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Arnow, Francis (Captain, Iola Volunteers) |
1840-06-17 |
235 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to Colonel Francis Littlebury Dancy |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Stevens, James |
1840-06-17 |
236 |
Letter Recommending Relocation of Troops and Posts in the Vicinity of the Apalachicola River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-06-17 |
237 |
Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Cole, James B. |
1840-06-21 |
238 |
Letter Regarding the Number of Troops West of the Suwannee River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-06-21 |
239 |
Letter Regarding Complaints About Expenditures from the Tallahassee Fund |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Shine, Richard Alexander, Sr. |
1840-06-23 |
240 |
Instructions to Guard Exposed Property Near the Wakulla River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Burney, Arthur (Captain) |
1840-06-25 |
241 |
Letter Regarding Seminole Interpreters |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fauntleroy, Thomas Turner (Major, U.S. Dragoons) |
1840-06-25 |
242 |
Letter Asking for Accounts Relating to the Florida War |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-27 |
243 |
Instructions to Supply Iola Volunteers with Ammunition |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-06-29 |
244 |
Letter Regarding Seminole Prisoners Captured by Colonel William Bailey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-06-29 |
245 |
Letter Demonstration Washington Approval for a Release of Arms to Captain Francis Arnow |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Williams, John (Lieutenant, Commander of U.S. Arsenal at Mount Vernon) |
1840-07-01 |
246 |
Letter Requesting Money Granted to the Florida Territory by Congress Be Released to the Territorial Treasurer |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of Treasury) |
1840-07-01 |
247 |
Instructions to Pay $3,000 from the Tallahassee Fund to Richard Alexander Shine, Sr. |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-07-01 |
248 |
Instructions to Determine Precise Number of Volunteers Serving in the Territorial Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Adjutant General of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-07-01 |
249 |
Letter Asking How Much Money the Territory Owed to Volunteer Militiamen |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Berry, R.H. (Paymaster General, Florida Militia) |
1840-07-01 |
250 |
Letter Accepting Resignation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, Berry R. (Assistant Surgeon) |
1840-07-10 |
251 |
Appointment as Commissioner to Investigate the Magnolia Bank at St. Joseph |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gibson, Edward Reynolds |
1840-07-11 |
252 |
Letter Accepting a New Company into Miltia Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
McClellan, George E. (Captain) |
1840-07-11 |
253 |
Instructions Regarding Formation of a New Regiment |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dancy, Francis Littlebury (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-07-11 |
254 |
Instructions Regarding the Uniforming of Militia Troops |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dancy, Francis Littlebury (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1840-07-11 |
255 |
Letter Regarding Receiving Militia Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-07-11 |
256 |
Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Berthelot, James A. |
1840-07-04 |
257 |
Appointment as Aide-de-Camp |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Smith, Thomas Jefferson |
1840-07-11 |
258 |
Request to Purchase Arms from the U.S. Arsenal at Mount Vernon |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Williamson, John (Lieutenant) |
1840-07-11 |
259 |
Letter Declining to Receive Men into Militia Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gillis, R. |
1840-07-12 |
260 |
Letter Asking for Information About Sick Soldiers in Captain Albritton's Company |
. |
- |
1840-07-14 |
261 |
Letter Regarding Seminole Prisoners |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-07-14 |
262 |
Proclamation Offering a Reward for the Apprehension of Bryant Meridith |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-07-18 |
263 |
Letter Regarding Banks in the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-07-14 |
264 |
Instructions for Delivering Seminole Prisoners to St. Marks |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Hall (Captain) |
1840-07-17 |
265 |
Letter Regarding Seminole Prisoners |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fauntleroy, Thomas Turner (Major, U.S. Dragoons) |
1840-07-17 |
266 |
Memorandum Regarding a Check for $1,000 Issued to Quartermaster General J.B. Collins |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-07-21 |
267 |
Letter Regarding the Organization of New Companies for Military Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-07-25 |
268 |
Letter Regarding the Organization of New Companies for Military Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Burney, Arthur (Captain) |
1840-07-25 |
269 |
Instructions to Facilitate Transfer of Territorial Militia Troops to Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-07-24 |
270 |
Instructions to Pick Up Arms from the U.S. Arsenal at Mount Vernon |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-07-25 |
271 |
Request for Arms |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Williamson, John (Lieutenant) |
1840-07-25 |
272 |
Letter Enclosing a Communication from Major Elias E. Blackburn |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-07-26 |
273 |
Letter Countermanding Order to Muster Captain Arthur Burney's Company Out of Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-07-27 |
274 |
Letter Regarding Travel Plans for the Governor and His Family |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1840-07-27 |
275 |
Instructions to Select Express Riders |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-07-28 |
276 |
Letter Countermanding Order to Muster Captain Arthur Burney's Company Out of Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-07-28 |
277 |
Letter Regarding the State of Affairs in West Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-07-28 |
278 |
Instructions to Muster Troops into the Federal Forces |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-07-29 |
279 |
Instructions to Supply Ammunition and Supplies to Colonel William Bailey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-07-29 |
280 |
Instructions to Supply Arms and Ammunition to Troops at Camp Harlan |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-07-29 |
281 |
Letter Regarding Mustering Florida Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-07-29 |
282 |
Letter Regarding Sick Soldiers at Camp Harlan |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Verdier, John H. (Surgeon) |
1840-07-29 |
283 |
Letter Regarding the Free Man of Color John Bones and His Wife Harriet |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Forsyth, John (U.S. Secretary of State) |
1840-07-26 |
284 |
Letter Regarding Mustering Florida Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fauntleroy, Thomas Turner (Major, U.S. Dragoons) |
1840-07-29 |
285 |
Letter Regarding Mustering Florida Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Blackburn, Elias E. (Major) |
1840-07-29 |
286 |
Instructions to Furnish a Horse to Colonel Armstrong |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-08-03 |
287 |
Letter Regarding Mustering Florida Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-08-02 |
288 |
Arrest Warrant for Park G. Street of St. Joseph |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-11-21 |
289 |
Recommendations for Military Actions West of the Suwannee River |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1840-07-29 |
290 |
Letter Regarding Soldiers for Express Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-08-03 |
291 |
Letter Regarding Mustering Florida Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Churchill, Sylvester (Major) |
1840-08-05 |
292 |
Letter Regarding Colonel Bailey's Illness |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-08-05 |
293 |
Letter Regarding Complaints Against a Party of Soldiers |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fauntleroy, Thomas Turner (Major, U.S. Dragoons) |
1840-08-10 |
294 |
Letter Regarding Mustering Florida Troops into Federal Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bailey, William J. (Colonel) |
1840-12-10 |
295 |
Instructions for Paying for Subsistence for Captain Burnett's Company of Volunteers |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Perry, Samuel J. (Major) |
1840-12-12 |
296 |
Letter Regarding Funding for Subsisting Captain Burnett's Company of Volunteers |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-12-12 |
297 |
Instructions to Prepare Accounts for Inspection |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-12-12 |
298 |
Letter Responding to Accusations Against Governor Reid |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Forsyth, John (U.S. Secretary of State) |
1840-12-10 |
299 |
Instructions to Submit a Statement of the Condition of the Territorial Treasury |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1840-12-21 |
300 |
Letter Rejecting an Appeal to Pardon George Bell |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Anderson, Walker |
1840-12-21 |
301 |
Letter Estimating Expenses Incurred by the Florida Territory during the Second Seminole War |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Mapes, Charles (Major) |
1840-12-21 |
302 |
Bank Draft for Interest on Loans to the Territorial Government |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1840-12-22 |
303 |
Instructions for Furnishing the Chambers of the Territorial Legislative Council in the Capitol |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Jacobi, John C. |
1840-12-21 |
304 |
Instructions to Provide Forage to Captain Burney |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Berry, R.H. (Paymaster General, Florida Militia) |
1840-12-25 |
305 |
Instructions to Present Accounts to a Representative of the War Department |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1840-12-26 |
306 |
Letter Regarding Exposure of the Region West of Tallahassee to Seminole Attack |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Read, Leigh (Brigadier General) |
1840-12-26 |
307 |
Letter Regarding the Finances of the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (U.S. Secretary of War) |
1840-12-26 |
308 |
Letter Regarding Procedures in the Event of a Seminole Attack |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Long, Richard H. (Colonel) |
1840-12-26 |
309 |
Letter Enclosing Military Communications |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Read, Leigh (Brigadier General) |
1840-12-26 |
310 |
Letter Regarding the Removal of a Port Warden |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Tift, A.F.; Mallory, Stephen Russell; English, William F. |
1840-12-26 |
311 |
Letter Regarding Raising Troops for the Defense of Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Richards, Stephen |
1840-12-26 |
312 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to General Leigh Read for an Appointment |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Cadwell, E.C. |
1840-12-26 |
313 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to General Leigh Read for a Question About Raising Troops |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Shelton, William B. |
1840-12-26 |
314 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to General Leigh Read for a Question About Defense of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Roche, Stephen Justin |
1840-12-26 |
315 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to General Leigh Read for a Question About Defense of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Tabor, W. |
1840-12-26 |
316 |
Letter Rejecting a Request for a Company to Be Received into the Territorial Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bright, Mortimer; Miller, William |
1840-12-26 |
317 |
Letter Regarding the Removal of a Justice of the Peace |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Williamson, John (Lieutenant) |
1840-12-28 |
318 |
Proclamation Establishing a Medal for Troops Who Defended the Withlacoochee Block House |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1840-12 (circa) |
319 |
Letter Requesting Funds to Subsist Captain Norton's Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gamble, John Grattan (President, Union Bank of Florida) |
1841-01-02 |
320 |
Letter Canceling a Previous Proposition for Funds But Asking Terms for Borrowing Money in the Future |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gamble, John Grattan (President, Union Bank of Florida) |
1841-01-04 |
321 |
Letter Regarding Financing for the Expenses of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gamble, John Grattan (President, Union Bank of Florida) |
1841-01-06 |
322 |
Letter Transmitting Reports Relating to Banking in the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of Treasury) |
1841-01-09 |
323 |
Letter Requesting Information About the Conviction of Rene C. Ragland for Gambling |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Balch, Alfred (U.S. Judge for the Middle District of Florida) |
1841-01-09 |
324 |
Letter Transmitting a Statement of the Condition of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-11 |
325 |
Letter Transmitting Legislative Journals and Reports of Florida Banks |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of Treasury) |
1841-01-11 |
326 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to General Leigh Read for an Appointment |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Fitzgerald (Captain); Bates, James M. |
1841-01-16 |
327 |
Letter Transmitting Claims |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate |
1841-01-18 |
328 |
Letter Transmitting a Statement of the Condition of the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-25 |
329 |
Letter Transmitting Claims and Correspondence from Jesse Carter of Alachua County |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Gautier, Peter W., Jr. (Speaker, Florida House of Representatives) |
1841-01-25 |
330 |
Letter Transmitting Presentments of the Grand Jury of Duval County from Its December 1840 Term |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Duval, William Pope (President, Florida Senate) |
1841-01-26 |
331 |
Letter Transmitting the Annual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-26 |
332 |
Letter Recommending Appointment of Rev. John Tucker of Alachua County as Chaplain of the Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Read, Leigh (Brigadier General) |
1841-01-26 |
333 |
Letter Regarding an Unnamed Judicial Case |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Howe, Marshall Spring (Captain) |
1841-01-26 |
334 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-27 |
335 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-27 |
336 |
Letter Transmitting a Report |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-29 |
337 |
Nominations for Directors of the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-01-29 |
338 |
Letter Regarding a Vacancy in the Field Staff of the Florida Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Taylor, John L. (Major) |
1841-01-29 |
339 |
Letter Regarding a Vacancy in the Field Staff of the Florida Militia |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Read, Leigh (Brigadier General) |
1841-01-29 |
340 |
Letter Regarding Collusion Between African Americans and the Seminoles |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Sibley, Charles S. (U.S. District Attorney) |
1841-01-29 |
341 |
Letter Regarding Payment for Military Service |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Mizell, Enoch Everett (Captain) |
1841-01-29 |
342 |
Letter Referring Correspondent to General Leigh Read |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Pellicer, Francis (Captain) |
1841-01-29 |
343 |
Nominations for Directors of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-02 |
344 |
Appointment as Directors of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Chaires, Thomas P.; Randolph, Thomas P.; Gause, Benjamin W., Jr. |
1841-02-02 |
345 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-03 |
346 |
Letter Transmitting Report from the Commissioner of the City of Tallahassee |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-03 |
347 |
Letter Requesting a Report from the Territorial Treasurer |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Austin, Thomas Hall (Treasurer of the Territory of Florida) |
1841-02-03 |
348 |
Letter Transmitting Report on the School Law Fund from the Territorial Treasurer |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-03 |
349 |
Letter Enclosing Correspondence with the Florida Senate and the Territorial Treasurer |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Miller, John (Auditor of Public Accounts of the Territory of Florida) |
1841-02-04 |
350 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-04 |
351 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-05 |
352 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-06 |
353 |
Letter Regarding a Recently Apprehended African American Woman |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Sibley, Charles S. (U.S. District Attorney) |
1841-02-06 |
354 |
Letter Regarding a Directorship for the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company Branch at Apalachicola |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Mr. Myers of Apalachicola |
1841-02-06 |
355 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-08 |
356 |
Letter Regarding Contact with Friendly Creek Indians and Surrendering Seminoles |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1841-02-07 |
357 |
Letter Enclosing Report of the Territorial Auditor |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-08 |
358 |
Letter Regarding the Miranda Grant |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Elzuardi, Joseph |
1841-02-08 |
359 |
Letter Regarding the Financial Situation of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Woodbury, Levi (U.S. Secretary of Treasury) |
1841-02-09 |
360 |
Letter Regarding Payments Due to Robert Brown's Regiment and Isaac Garrason's Battalion |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-10 |
361 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-10 |
362 |
Letter Regarding a Claim by Captain George E. McClellan |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-02-09 |
363 |
Letter Authorizing a Military Draft for the Defense of the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Read, Leigh (Brigadier General) |
1841-02-09 |
364 |
Letter Regarding a Military Draft for the Defense of the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Pittman, Dempsey (Colonel, Third Regiment, Florida Militia) |
1841-02-09 |
365 |
Letter of Appointment as Director of the Union Bank |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Bush, T. M.; Anderson, John George |
1841-02-10 |
366 |
Statement Regarding the Vote for Whether to Accept the 1838 State Constitution |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-10 |
367 |
Letter Transmitting Report of the Auditor Relating to Arrearages Due to and from the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-11 |
368 |
Letter Requesting Legislative Action on a Communication |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
English, William F. (Senator, Territorial of Florida) |
1841-02-12 |
369 |
Instructions to Dispose of Bloodhounds at Auction |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General of Florida) |
1841-02-12 |
370 |
Instructions to Discharge R. Armstrong from His Position in the Quartermaster Department |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-02-12 |
371 |
Letter Enclosing Resolutions Commending the Military Conduct of Lieutenant Colonel William S. Harvey |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Harney, William Selby (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1841-02-10 |
372 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-12 |
373 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-13 |
374 |
Letter Explaining Orders for Military Action in Middle Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-02-13 |
375 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-17 |
376 |
Remission of Half the Sentence Conferred Upon Rene C. Ragland |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-02-18 |
377 |
Remission of Half the Sentence of John Wooten |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-02-18 |
378 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-19 |
379 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-19 |
380 |
Appointment to Copy and Index the Laws of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John |
1841-02-19 |
381 |
Letter Regarding the Claims of Colonel Robert Brown and Major Isaac Garrason Against the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-22 |
382 |
Extradition Order for Harrison Adams |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-02-22 |
383 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-22 |
384 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-25 |
385 |
Veto Message Regarding a Claim for Relief by the Administrator of the Estate of James W. Exum |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-25 |
386 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-02-26 |
387 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-01 |
388 |
Request for an Appropriation for the Private Secretary of the Governor |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-02 |
389 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-02 |
390 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-03 |
391 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-03 |
392 |
Veto Message Regarding An Act Relating to Public Elections |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-03 |
393 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
394 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
395 |
Report of the Public Accounts of the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
396 |
Fragment of the Journals of the Two Houses of the Territorial Legislative Council |
. |
- |
1841-03 (circa) |
397 |
Approval of Legislation |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
398 |
Nominations |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
399 |
Message Regarding Militia Service in Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
400 |
Veto Message Regarding An Act Involving Appeals and Writs of Error in Civil Cases |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
401 |
Letter Regarding Procedures for Overriding a Veto |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-04 |
402 |
Order to Publish the Laws and Resolutions of the Legislative Session in the Pensacola Gazette, the Floridian, and the Florida Herald and Southern Democrat |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Florida Senate and House of Representatives |
1841-03-16 |
403 |
Fragment of a Letter Regarding Claims by Colonel Robert Brown and Major Isaac Garrason |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Cole, James B. (Colonel); Bell, James S. (Colonel) |
1841-03 (circa) |
404 |
Commission to Investigate Claims Made by Colonel Robert Brown and Major Isaac Garrason Against the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Cole, James B. (Colonel); Bell, James S. (Colonel) |
1841-03-18 |
405 |
Memorandum of a Letter Sent to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Regarding a Claim for Mileage by Buckingham Smith |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-03-24 |
406 |
Memorandum of a Letter Sent to John C. Jacobi Regarding Furtniture for the Capitol |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-03-24 |
407 |
Memorandum of a Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Regarding John C. jacobi and Capitol Furniture |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-03-24 |
408 |
Letter Regarding a Petition Asking for an Unnamed Military Action |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Smith, John; McCoy, Jackson; Pukett, Stephen |
1841-03-29 |
409 |
Memorandum of a Letter to General Leigh Read Endorsing a Petition from Citizens of Gadsden County for Protection |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-03-29 |
410 |
Letter Regarding Alleged Debts of the Florida Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Dunlap, Thomas (President, Bank of the United States) |
1841-03-30 |
411 |
Memorandum of a Proclamation Offering a Reward for the Apprehension of William J. Carr |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
- |
1841-04-01 |
412 |
Letter Regarding Claims Against the Territory and of the Territory Against the United States |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Hunt, Thomas F. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1841-04-01 |
413 |
Letter Enclosing an Extract of Instructions from Federal Authorities Calling for Accounts of the Territory |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Colonel, Adjutant and Inspector General of the Territory of Florida); Berry, R.H. (Colonel, Paymaster General); Collins, John B. (Colonel, Quartermaster General) |
1841-04-02 |
414 |
Letter Commending Service as a Commissioner to Examine Claims |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Crossman, George [?] (Captain) |
1841-04-02 |
415 |
Appointment to Distribute Copies of the Laws Passed at the Recent Legislative Session |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Colonel, Adjutant and Inspector General of the Territory of Florida) |
1841-04-02 |
416 |
Letter Transmitting Accounts and Documents Received from Captain Crossman |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Hunt, Thomas F. (Lieutenant Colonel) |
1841-04-02 |
417 |
Letter Regarding Seminoles Remaining in Middle Florida |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Armistead, Walker Keith (Brigadier General) |
1841-04-02 |
418 |
Instructions to Take Measures Against Further Threats from the Seminoles |
Reid, Robert Raymond (Governor of the Territory of Florida) |
Graham, John (Colonel, Adjutant and Inspector General of the Territory of Florida) |
1841-04-02 |