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Information Regarding Arrangements for a Conference on Resettlement of Cuban Refugees in Miami, 1961
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CONFERENCE ON RESETTLEMENT OF CUBAN REFUGEES ARRANGEMENTS INFORMATION Separate arrangements have been made for the payment of your hotel (room) accommodations for Sunday and Monday (January 29-30, 1961). In those few instances when the mode or time of travel necessitates arrival Saturday (January 28) or departure Wednesday (February 1), these arrangements will be adjusted accordingly. In any event, please register at the hotel desk on arrival, and check out on departure, as you would ordinarily do. At the time of your departure, you will of course settle any room service bill which you may have incurred other that the actual room charge. The following additional expenses of out-of-town conference participants will be reimbursed upon submission of appropriate vouchers which may be obtained from the Conference Registration Desk prior departure: 1. Transportation from home to Miami and return. (Ticket stubs should be attached.) 2. Taxi Fares to and from terminals. 3. Official telephone charges. 4. A per diem (in lieu of actual expenses for meals and other costs) of $7.20 per day. This is ⅗ of the $12.00 per day which is the authorized allowance for U.S. Government travel when lodging is furnished. This per diem will be computed in accordance with U.S. Government regulations which provide generally for ¼ of the per diem rate for each quarter of the day beginning at midnight when travel of more than 24 hours is involved. Completed vouchers (original and 3 copies) should be addressed to: The Cuban Refugee Corporation of Miami, Inc. 223 N.W. Third Avenue Miami, Florida If you have any personal questions regarding these or any other arrangements relative to this conference, please consult any one of the following members of the staff. Leo C. Beebe Eugene C. Kiger, Jr. Mark Foster
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Chicago Manual of Style
Information Regarding Arrangements for a Conference on Resettlement of Cuban Refugees in Miami, 1961. 1961. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346153>, accessed 28 March 2025.
Information Regarding Arrangements for a Conference on Resettlement of Cuban Refugees in Miami, 1961. 1961. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 28 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346153>
AP Style Photo Citation