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Copy of an Election Return from Grantham's Precinct Submitted to John A. Cuthbert of Jefferson County, 1832
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To John A. Cuthbert, Esqr. Presiding Justice for the County of Jefferson We the undersigned, citizens of the Territory of Florida, by an act of the Legislative Council, have been thrown out of the County of Leon into the County of Jefferson, as will be fully apparent by reference to lines drawn and specified in said act. Believing by the spirit of the act it was not the intention of the Legislative Council to [disenfranchise] a respectable portion of the citizens of this Territory, we have this 6th day of February 1832 attended the Election held at Grantham's, Precinct first, in the County of Jefferson, & in accordance with the act of 1829, entitled an act to provide for the Election of certain officers, passed the 18th November, approved 21st Nov., year as aforesaid, offered to the inspectors of said Election our votes for|[Clerk] of the County Court, Sheriff, Coroner and County Surveyor, which they refused, unless we would take the oath, "that we had resided within the limits of the district where we were about to vote for the space of three months previous to the day of election, &c. agreeable to the 8th sect of an act passed the 20th November 1828, approved 22d November 1828. Our right of voting as citizens of Jefferson County is fully sustained by the opinion of His Excellency, the Acting Governor of the Territory, the Honorable President of the Council & the Honorable William B. Nuttall, as you will see by reference to [the?] communications herewith enclosed. Believing our right of voting to be sacred, fully recognized and granted by the act first mentioned, we do hereby certify to you, as the presiding justice of the county, that we have proceeded to hold an election for the officers before mentioned, and have appointed Nathaniel P. Hunter, O.U. Gadsden and William Childers as managers thereof. We submit the|matter for your consideration & respectfully request that it may form a part of your report to His Excellency the Acting Governor of the Territory. Signed by John Johnson, Asa Allbriton, Amos Allbriton, Jesse D. Brown, John P. Brown, William Holinsworth, Marma D. Skipper, James Scott, Gabriel Skipper, Thomas J. Andrews, William Childress. We the subscribers, inspectors of Election for County officers, do hereby certify that at the Election held at Grantham's, Precinct 1st, that there were eleven voters, a list of whose names|is herewith annexed, and that there were two candidates for Clerk of the County Court, viz: William H. Mathers [Mathews?] & L.B. Harlow; two for Sheriff, John B. Scott & Joseph Manning; Two for County Surveyor, Robert D. Bradley and William Connell; Two for Coroner, Erasmus Terril & William Childress, voted for, and that of the said votes, William H. Mathers received 3, L.B. Harlow, 8. Joh B. Scott, 0. Joseph Manning, 11 (Eleven). Robert D. Bradley 8. William Connell, 2. Erasmus Terril 2. William Childers 9. Gabriel Skipper, [Clerk]. N.P. Hunter O.U. Gadsden William Childress Inspectors Certified to be a true copy from the original. John A. Cuthbert Presiding justice for the County of Jefferson. Jno. A. Cuthbert Election
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Chicago Manual of Style
Cuthbert, John A. Copy of an Election Return from Grantham's Precinct Submitted to John A. Cuthbert of Jefferson County, 1832. 1832. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346232>, accessed 7 January 2025.
Cuthbert, John A. Copy of an Election Return from Grantham's Precinct Submitted to John A. Cuthbert of Jefferson County, 1832. 1832. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 7 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346232>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Cuthbert)