5363 items found
Keywords: "railroad" (All words)
Advertisement for book binding services by the Floridian and Journal in Tallahassee

Advertisement for book binding services by the Floridian and Journal in Tallahassee

1881 (circa)
... required by lawyers, merchants, bankers, railroad and steamboat companies, state and county officials, or private individuals, done equal workmanship and finish, and as cheap as anywhere.''
Advertisement for land in central Jefferson County offered by Abe Simmon of Monticello

Advertisement for land in central Jefferson County offered by Abe Simmon of Monticello

...located 12 miles south of Monticello, county seat of Jefferson County... Railroad transportation within one and one-half mile of southern boundary...About 1,500 acres ready for cultivation...Valuable lime deposit on property...The soil is especially fertile and particularly adapted to raising of staple crops...Precipitation well distributed through the year...Climate such as only north Florida enjoys.''
Advertisement for land offered by the St. Andrews Bay Railroad & Land Company

Advertisement for land offered by the St. Andrews Bay Railroad & Land Company

Description of land of St. Andrew's Bay and surrounding county. Terms. Company address: 227 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Advertisement for Orange County, 1924

Advertisement for Orange County, 1924

Advertisement for Orange County, outlining the various agricultural products of the county, including bananas, grapes, ferns, dairy products, and poultry. Published on page 23 of The Florida Times-Union's "Florida Roads and Resorts," 1924 edition.
Advertisement for Packer of Florida advertising agency, with Florida map, ca. 1945

Advertisement for Packer of Florida advertising agency, with Florida map, ca. 1945

1945 (circa)
An advertisement for the Packer of Florida advertising agency, encouraging potential customers to take advantage of the increase in automobile tourism in the state
Advertisement for the Arlington House, Gainesville, 1883

Advertisement for the Arlington House, Gainesville, 1883

Advertisement for the Arlington House, located in Gainesville in Alachua County, Florida. J.C. Ryder is listed as the proprietor. The house featured accommodations for 150 guests, including a billiard and pool room, reading and smoking room, electric bells, bath rooms, verandas, and fireplaces in all rooms. The ad included instructions for reaching the house by railroad. Printed on page 108 of Charles Henry Webber's The Eden of the South, Descriptive of the Orange Groves, Vegetable Farms, Strawberry Fields, Peach Orchards, Soil, Climate, Natural Peculiarities, and the People of Alachua County Florida (New York, 1883).
Advertisement for the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad, 1895

Advertisement for the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad, 1895

Advertisement for the Florida Central & Peninsular Railroad, including a map of the railroad and its connections in Florida and the Eastern Seaboard of the United States as far as New York City. The ad describes the services provided by the railroad company, and lists many of its agents in various cities around the Eastern United States. Printed on page 10 of Helen K. Ingram, Tourists' and Settlers' Guide to Florida (Jacksonville: Da Costa Printing & Publishing House, 1895).
Advertisement for the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, 1887

Advertisement for the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, 1887

Advertisement for the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, a large network of rail lines operating in Florida in the late 19th century. The ad lists the various destinations a passenger could reach on this line, and describes some of the amenities available on the trains. The ad also lists some of the officers of the rail line. Printed on page 44 of the Florida Official Path Finder, vol. 1, no. 3 (February 1887).
Advertisement for the Florida Southern Railway, the Orange Belt Route, 1883

Advertisement for the Florida Southern Railway, the Orange Belt Route, 1883

Advertisement for the Florida Southern Railway, the "Orange Belt Route of Florida," as well as its large land grant. The company was offering both transportation options and land for sale. Printed on page 112 of Charles Henry Webber's The Eden of the South, Descriptive of the Orange Groves, Vegetable Farms, Strawberry Fields, Peach Orchards, Soil, Climate, Natural Peculiarities, and the People of Alachua County Florida (New York, 1883).
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_br0036Advertisement for book binding services by the Floridian and Journal in TallahasseeTextBookbinders/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0036.jpg
RC14938Advertisement for excursions to Havana via the F.E.C. and Peninsular & Occidental Steamship Co.Advertisements
Service industries
Advertising--Steamboat lines
Advertising--Railroad companies
Advertising fliers
flc_br0058Advertisement for land in central Jefferson County offered by Abe Simmon of MonticelloTextAgriculture
Cities and towns--History
Land development
flc_br0041Advertisement for land offered by the St. Andrews Bay Railroad & Land CompanyTextCities and towns--History
Land companies
Land settlement
flc_917.59-f636_02Advertisement for Orange County, 1924TextAdvertisements
flc_br0092Advertisement for Packer of Florida advertising agency, with Florida map, ca. 1945Text/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0092.jpg
flc_917.5979-w371_03Advertisement for the Arlington House, Gainesville, 1883TextHotels
Business corporations
Tourism industry
flc_917.59-i54_01Advertisement for the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad, 1895TextRailroads
flc_385-p297-1887_07Advertisement for the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, 1887TextRailroads
flc_917.5979-w371_06Advertisement for the Florida Southern Railway, the Orange Belt Route, 1883TextRailroads
Tourism industry
Business corporations