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the large quill feathers at the tip of each wing which are black or a very dark
brown. This is the largest of the American varieties.
The white pelican lives in groups or colonies. It is migratory and
at the close of winter goes North where the eggs are hatched and the
young raised. The eggs, from one to four in number, are cream or bluish-
white and are about the same size as duck eggs. Often groups of white
pelicans drive fish into shallow water. This maneuver has been described
by W.S. Goss (1868). U. S. Natl. Museum, Bulletin 121, p. 288.
"I have often noticed the birds in flocks, in pairs, or alone,
swimming on the water with partially opened wings, and head drawn
down and back, the bill just clearing the water, ready to strike and
gobble up the prey within their reach. When so fishing, if they ran into a
shoal of minnows, they would stretch out their necks, drop their heads
upon the water, and with open mouths and extended pouches scoop up
the tiny fry. Their favorite time for fishing on the seashore is during the
incoming tide as with it comes the small fishes to feed upon the insects
caught in the rise, and upon the low forms of life in the drift as it washes
shoreward, the larger fish following in their wake, each from the smallest
to the largest eagerly engaged in taking life in order to sustain life.
"All sea birds know this and the time of its coming well, and
the white pelicans that have been patiently waiting in line along the
beach, quietly move into the water, and glide
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Chicago Manual of Style
Cochrane, Herndone. A Funny Bird Is ... 1940. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181521>, accessed 26 December 2024.
Cochrane, Herndone. A Funny Bird Is ... 1940. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 26 Dec. 2024.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181521>
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(State Archives of Florida/Cochrane)