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growers their knowledge, with the result that many new and valuable varieties of citrus fruits
were propagated.
The varieties of citrus fruits now grown in Florida are divided into three classes: the early,
midseason, and late. Among the leading early varieties of citrus are: Parson Brown and Hamlin;
midseason: Pineapple, Enterprise Seedless, and Jaffa; and late varieties are Valencia and Iue Gim
Gong. Thin peel oranges (kid glove) are Dancy Tangerine, Mandarin, King oranges and Satsuma
(Owari); the early varieties of grapefruit are Duncan, midseason, Florida Common and Walters;
and also, Marsh Seedless.
Among the above named varieties there are three varieties that deserve mention because of
their bearing upon the citrus industry. The first of these is the Temple orange, that is either a hybrid
or an exceptionally fine bud variation. Named for the late William Chase Temple, who did so much
for the citrus industry in Florida, this variety received international attention. Known as the "$10-a-
box orange," its popularity became great, and in 1921 about 10,000 acres were budded to Temples in
Florida. The fruit, somewhat resembling the Florida round orange, in shape, has a remarkable
uniformity of size, a deep orange-red color, and a smooth, lightly pitted skin. The flavor is sweetly
aromatic and lasting to the taste. The very thin skin, although tough, is easily peeled, the segments
are uniform and easily separated. This orange is at its best from February to May, in fair shape in
January and June. Its keeping qualities place the Temple orange among the vest best for shipping
and it has proven to be a very valuable addition to the citrus industry in Florida.
One of the late oranges listed in the Lue Gim Gond [sic]. This variety was originated
by a Chinese peasant of the same name, who came to the United States in 1872. He carried on
his experiment in the vicinity of DeLand, Fla., and it was there that he successfully propagated
the Lue Gim Gong orange. For the
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Chicago Manual of Style
Corse, Carita Doggett. The History of Citrus in Florida. 1938. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181524>, accessed 26 December 2024.
Corse, Carita Doggett. The History of Citrus in Florida. 1938. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 26 Dec. 2024.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181524>
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(State Archives of Florida/Corse)