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Flier advertising transportation, land, and hotel accommodations at Atlantic Beach
of 2
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0128
Includes full page map showing the subdivision of a part of lots at Atlantic Beach. Surveyed and platted by E. Ben Carter. Aug. 1900.
1901 (circa)
Geographic Term
The Florida East Coast Railway [column one] Having purchased the ... Pablo Beach Railroad, have extended it along the Beach to Mayport, regraded and relaid the entire distance with heavy steel rail, made it a standard gauge road, equipped with the best rolling stock obtainable, and in addi- tion have Five Daily Trains each way, and only 35 minutes ride from Jacksonville to the Beach. F.E.C. Garrett 755 [column two] Have You a Cottage At Atlantic Beach BY-THE-SEA? If Not Buckman, Agent 22 Hogan St., Jacksonville, FLA Florida East Coast Ry. [column three] Seven Miles of Ocean Front They have also purchased the entire Ocean Front for Seven Miles north from Pablo, Have surveyed and platted this Property into BUILDING LOTS Which are now being offered FOR SALE at prices within reach of all those who wish to own a... Cottage by the Sea [column four] A Boulevard Has been Graded Fifty Feet in width running through this property paralleling the Ocean from ::::::::: Pablo to Burnside A distance of seven miles. This Boule- vard is being shelled, and planted on each side with beautiful Palm trees and when completed will far surpass any- thing of its kind in this Country. [column five] The New Hotel Continental With its 1000 feet of broad Verandas; 200 large airy Rooms; 800 foot Ocean pier, and Golf Links, is similar in all respects to those already erected by the East Coast Hotel Co. along the line of The Florida East Coast Railway, WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF PURE ARTESIAN WATER AND A PERFECT SEWRAGE SYSTEM, GIVES TO FLORIDA ONE OF THE FINEST SEA-SIDE RESORTS IN THE COUNTRY. [column six] Have You Purchased a Lot? IF NOT, NOW IS YOUR OPPOR- TUNITY. THOSE BUYING NOW HAVE THE AD- VANTAGE OF SECURING CHOICE LOCA- TIONS. Why go North in the Summer? When you have within 35 minutes' ride of your business and home the Finest Beach, and what will shortly be the Sea-side resort of the South Atlantic Coast. The accompanying map shows the location of the ..... ...New Hotel... and the lots adjoining it. [across bottom of columns three through six] -------------------------------------------- For Maps and Price, C. Buckman, Agent, 22 Hogan Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Flier advertising transportation, land, and hotel accommodations at Atlantic Beach
Cities and towns--History
Land development
Includes full page map showing the subdivision of a part of lots at Atlantic Beach. Surveyed and platted by E. Ben Carter. Aug. 1900.
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0128
1901 (circa)
Florida Boom and Progressive Era (1900-1926)
Geographic Term
Atlantic Beach (Fla.)
Duval County (Fla.)
Display Date
ca. 1901
Land Sales and Development
Subject - Corporate
Florida East Coast Railway
The Florida East Coast Railway [column one] Having purchased the ... Pablo Beach Railroad, have extended it along the Beach to Mayport, regraded and relaid the entire distance with heavy steel rail, made it a standard gauge road, equipped with the best rolling stock obtainable, and in addi- tion have Five Daily Trains each way, and only 35 minutes ride from Jacksonville to the Beach. F.E.C. Garrett 755 [column two] Have You a Cottage At Atlantic Beach BY-THE-SEA? If Not Buckman, Agent 22 Hogan St., Jacksonville, FLA Florida East Coast Ry. [column three] Seven Miles of Ocean Front They have also purchased the entire Ocean Front for Seven Miles north from Pablo, Have surveyed and platted this Property into BUILDING LOTS Which are now being offered FOR SALE at prices within reach of all those who wish to own a... Cottage by the Sea [column four] A Boulevard Has been Graded Fifty Feet in width running through this property paralleling the Ocean from ::::::::: Pablo to Burnside A distance of seven miles. This Boule- vard is being shelled, and planted on each side with beautiful Palm trees and when completed will far surpass any- thing of its kind in this Country. [column five] The New Hotel Continental With its 1000 feet of broad Verandas; 200 large airy Rooms; 800 foot Ocean pier, and Golf Links, is similar in all respects to those already erected by the East Coast Hotel Co. along the line of The Florida East Coast Railway, WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF PURE ARTESIAN WATER AND A PERFECT SEWRAGE SYSTEM, GIVES TO FLORIDA ONE OF THE FINEST SEA-SIDE RESORTS IN THE COUNTRY. [column six] Have You Purchased a Lot? IF NOT, NOW IS YOUR OPPOR- TUNITY. THOSE BUYING NOW HAVE THE AD- VANTAGE OF SECURING CHOICE LOCA- TIONS. Why go North in the Summer? When you have within 35 minutes' ride of your business and home the Finest Beach, and what will shortly be the Sea-side resort of the South Atlantic Coast. The accompanying map shows the location of the ..... ...New Hotel... and the lots adjoining it. [across bottom of columns three through six] -------------------------------------------- For Maps and Price, C. Buckman, Agent, 22 Hogan Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Chicago Manual of Style
Flier advertising transportation, land, and hotel accommodations at Atlantic Beach. 1901 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212465>, accessed 12 March 2025.
Flier advertising transportation, land, and hotel accommodations at Atlantic Beach. 1901 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212465>
AP Style Photo Citation