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Advertisement from the Atlantic Seashore Company for land for sale at Atlantic Beach (Neptune)
Geographic Term
(Atlantic Beach)
Neptune is the name of that magnificent tract of beach property adjoining the Continental Hotel lands,
situated on each side of the Atlantic Boulevard.
Neptune has the highest elevation of any beach land between St. Augustine and Mayport.
Neptune property is being graded and bulkheaded, and also being provided with every modern conven-
ience-the very best of artesian water from a seven hundred foot well-complete sewerage system (which
is absolutely necessary for the proper preservation of health at any beach or other resort), and electric
lights or gas, which latter can be used for cooking purposes as well as for lights.
Neptune will provide a summer resort of such character as the citizens of Jacksonville have long felt the
need of - a modern, attractive place close at home, where your families can spend the long, hot summer
months, and at the same time enable you to attend to your business affairs in the city and be with them in
the evening.
Neptune will have one or two new railroad stations, and when electric cars are in operation from Jack-
sonville to the beach, probably within the next year or two, every property owner will have a station at his
own door.
Neptune Lots Will be Placed Upon Sale on
Monday Morning, Jan. 20
We have only about twenty ocean front lots and one hundred lots along the paved boulevards, which have
not been previously sold or engaged. Jacksonville has a population of about 75,000 people; of course, there
are not enough of these high-class resort lots to go around-hence, if you are interested, we will be more
than pleased to have you call on us and look over our plats-no matter whether you purchase or not.
Terms of Payment Will be 10% Cash, 15% in 90 Days
Balance in One, Two and Three Years,
with interest at 6% per annum.
Having unbounded faith in the future development and value of this property, we will, during the next fifteen
days, make the following unusual proposition to you on a large number of these lots, to-wit:
First: When you have paid for a lot, we will loan you the money necessary for the building of a cottage, which you
can pay in yearly installments, with 6 per cent. interest. This will enable you to secure a home at the beach on easy pay-
ment plan. You can live in your cottage for two or three months in the season, and if desired rent it out during the
balance of the season for sufficient to pay the interest on your total investment, thus practically giving you a home at
the beach free of expense. Or,
Second: If you purchase a lot on the terms named herein and conclude at any time within twelve months that you do
not care to retain it, we will refund your money, together with interest thereon at 6 per cent. per annum. This is better
than a Savings Bank account, because, first: you get a better rate of interest; second: you can get your money with
interest any time you surrender your contract, and, third: you have the opportunity of disposing of your lot at a hand-
some profit in case you conclude not to build.
The summer will be upon us before we know it; therefore, now is the time to purchase your
lot, so you can have your cottage ready for occupancy during the coming season.
Phone or write us-or better still, call at our office, and let us figure with you.
The Atlantic Seashore Company
Geo. A. Carroll, President
Room 41, Buckman Building Telephone 1034
The Drew Press 251339
Geographic Term
Display Date
Subject - Corporate
(Atlantic Beach)
Neptune is the name of that magnificent tract of beach property adjoining the Continental Hotel lands,
situated on each side of the Atlantic Boulevard.
Neptune has the highest elevation of any beach land between St. Augustine and Mayport.
Neptune property is being graded and bulkheaded, and also being provided with every modern conven-
ience-the very best of artesian water from a seven hundred foot well-complete sewerage system (which
is absolutely necessary for the proper preservation of health at any beach or other resort), and electric
lights or gas, which latter can be used for cooking purposes as well as for lights.
Neptune will provide a summer resort of such character as the citizens of Jacksonville have long felt the
need of - a modern, attractive place close at home, where your families can spend the long, hot summer
months, and at the same time enable you to attend to your business affairs in the city and be with them in
the evening.
Neptune will have one or two new railroad stations, and when electric cars are in operation from Jack-
sonville to the beach, probably within the next year or two, every property owner will have a station at his
own door.
Neptune Lots Will be Placed Upon Sale on
Monday Morning, Jan. 20
We have only about twenty ocean front lots and one hundred lots along the paved boulevards, which have
not been previously sold or engaged. Jacksonville has a population of about 75,000 people; of course, there
are not enough of these high-class resort lots to go around-hence, if you are interested, we will be more
than pleased to have you call on us and look over our plats-no matter whether you purchase or not.
Terms of Payment Will be 10% Cash, 15% in 90 Days
Balance in One, Two and Three Years,
with interest at 6% per annum.
Having unbounded faith in the future development and value of this property, we will, during the next fifteen
days, make the following unusual proposition to you on a large number of these lots, to-wit:
First: When you have paid for a lot, we will loan you the money necessary for the building of a cottage, which you
can pay in yearly installments, with 6 per cent. interest. This will enable you to secure a home at the beach on easy pay-
ment plan. You can live in your cottage for two or three months in the season, and if desired rent it out during the
balance of the season for sufficient to pay the interest on your total investment, thus practically giving you a home at
the beach free of expense. Or,
Second: If you purchase a lot on the terms named herein and conclude at any time within twelve months that you do
not care to retain it, we will refund your money, together with interest thereon at 6 per cent. per annum. This is better
than a Savings Bank account, because, first: you get a better rate of interest; second: you can get your money with
interest any time you surrender your contract, and, third: you have the opportunity of disposing of your lot at a hand-
some profit in case you conclude not to build.
The summer will be upon us before we know it; therefore, now is the time to purchase your
lot, so you can have your cottage ready for occupancy during the coming season.
Phone or write us-or better still, call at our office, and let us figure with you.
The Atlantic Seashore Company
Geo. A. Carroll, President
Room 41, Buckman Building Telephone 1034
The Drew Press 251339
Chicago Manual of Style
Advertisement from the Atlantic Seashore Company for land for sale at Atlantic Beach (Neptune). 1915 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212466>, accessed 12 March 2025.
Advertisement from the Atlantic Seashore Company for land for sale at Atlantic Beach (Neptune). 1915 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212466>
AP Style Photo Citation