Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.
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Florida Federation of Women's Clubs meeting at the newly opened Royal Palm State Park lodge.
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Edwards, Adair Irwin
Evans, Floretta
Goodrich, Belle
Jackson, Kate V.
Jarrett, Gertrude
Jenison, Alce W.
Jennings, May Mann, 1872-1963.
Loveland, Agnes Stewart
Meigs, Louise Caroline
Moffett, Emma C.
Moore, Mary Sorenson
Mosier, Charles A.
Mosier, Charles I., 1910.
Mosier, Hettie Green (Mary), 1870.
Munroe, Mary Barr
Safford, William Edwin
Stranahan, Ivy J. C. (Ivy Julia Cromartie), 1881-1971.
Swinson, Alice M. Mosier, 1897-1987.
Taylor, Gertrude A.
Twyman, Edith M.
Waite, Josephine
Young, Margaret Rankin
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Identified and numbered are the following: 1. Mrs. Thomas E. Evans of Homestead, 2. Mrs. Theodore V. Moore of Miami, 3. Mrs. Gaston Holcombe Edwards of Orlando, 4. Mrs. Leslie Alfred Moffett of Miami, 5. Mrs. Kirk Munroe of Coconut Grove, 6. Mrs. Frank Stranahan of Fort Lauderdale, 7. Mrs. George M. Taylor of Princeton, 8. Mrs. Sherman H. Jenison of Jacksonville, 9. Mrs. Iverson Lewis Twyman of Homestead, 10. Florida's First Lady and President of the Federation Mrs. William S. Jennings, 11. Alice M. Mosier (later Mrs. Alton Harold Swinson), 12. Mrs. Stephen B. Waite of Longview, 13. Miss Kate V. Jackson of Tampa, 14. Mrs. Edward Collins Loveland of Longview, 15. Economic botanist with the USDA in Washington, D.C. Dr. William Edwin Safford, 16. Mrs. Hiram Byrd of Princeton, 17. Miss Louise Caroline Meigs of Jacksonville, 18. Mrs. Daniel H. Goodrich of Fort Lauderdale, 19. Mrs. Harvey J. Jarrett of Miami, 20. Mrs. William B. Young of Jacksonville.
First at left is Charles A. Mosier, well-known botanist from Little River and first warden of the Royal Palm State Park (appointed on March 1, 1916); Center of the door is his wife Mary "Hettie" Green Mosier and their child Charles I. Mosier is in front of Dr. Safford.
Royal Palm State Park was established in 1916 and later became the nucleus for Everglades National Park.
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Florida Federation of Women's Clubs meeting at the newly opened Royal Palm State Park lodge. 1917-09. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/24202>, accessed 24 January 2025.
Florida Federation of Women's Clubs meeting at the newly opened Royal Palm State Park lodge. 1917-09. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 24 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/24202>