(Sumter County) - Officials
County Commissioners
# 6 (a-c)
County Commissioners Minutes missing since creation of county, Jan. 2, 1853 - Oct. 15, 1881. (vols. A, B, C)
County Commissioners met in Leesburg Oct. 15, 1881, to canvas returns of election held Oct. 10, 1881, for locating county site. Election returns as follows:
Town of Sumterville 444 votes
Leesburg 341
Helena 67
Adamsville 6
West Apopka 1
Total 859
Sumterville legally elected county site of Sumter County for next 10 years. (County Commissioners Minutes, vol. D, pp. 1, 3)
On July 10, 1911, an election was ordered to be held Sept. 1, 1911, for the purpose of locating the county site. Election returns as follows:
Sumterville 68 votes
Bushnell 282
Coleman 269
Webster 271
Wildwood 305
(County Commissioners Minutes, vol. F, pp. 578-579)
Sept. 2, 1911, “Ordered that second election be called for the location of the county site of said Sumter County & at election only those two places which had received the highest no. of votes at said first election be considered as candidates for the election of the county site, to wit, the towns of Wildwood and Bushnell.” (County Commissioners Minutes, vol. F, pp. 585 & 586)
Oct. 2, 1911, election returns as follows:
Precinct |
Wildwood |
Bushnell |
No. |
1 |
Sumterville |
36 |
18 |
" |
2 |
Oxford |
154 |
10 |
" |
3 |
Wildwood |
262 |
0 |
" |
4 |
Rutland |
12 |
1 |
" |
5 |
Bay Hill |
0 |
16 |
" |
6 |
Webster |
109 |
41 |
" |
7 |
Center Hill |
44 |
83 |
" |
8 |
Bushnell |
1 |
223 |
" |
9 |
St. Catherine |
13 |
38 |
" |
10 |
Linden |
8 |
30 |
" |
11 |
Coleman |
9 |
197 |
648 |
657 |
(County Commissioners Minutes, vol. F, p. 594)
Mar. 20, 1912, the Board declared Bushnell to be the county site.
(Co. Commr. Min, vol. G, p. 23)
First meeting held in Bushnell Apr. 1, 1912. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 24)
Board of County Commissioners met in Leesburg Oct. 15, 1881. (County Commr. Min., vol. D, p. 1)
Feb. 5, 1883, Ordered that Old Court House, lot and jail at Leesburg be advertised for sale 2nd Monday in March. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. D, p. 56).
Nov. 7, 1881, first meeting held in Sumterville in Clerk’s Office. Ordered County Circuit Court Records for Sumter County be moved from Leesburg to Sumterville. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. D, p. 5)
First meeting in Court House (Sumterville) May 5, 1884. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 108).
June 15, 1885, contract awarded to build jail. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. D, p. 193).
Mar. 1, 1909, the clerk is directed by the board to erect a brick vault in S E corner of the Court House Square and place the records of the county therein. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. F. p. 430).
Mar. 7, 1910, Mr. D. M. Lay contracted with the Board to add a room 12 x 24 feet to the Rutland building (now used as a Court House) for $35.00, the county to furnish all material. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 500).
Apr. 3, 1911, the Clerk is directed to advertise for plans and specifications for erection of a Court House building to cost from $12,000.00 to $20,000.00 (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 566).
June 5, 1911, the Board selected Messers. Chamberlin & Company of Birmingham, Ala. as their architect to build the Court House costing $20,000.00, and also selected Carlyle Peck of Starke, Fla. as architect to build jail costing about $10,000.00. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 572).
#8 (A-1)
Oct. 15, 1881, David Collins, P. B. Perry, H. F. Williams appointed to secure suitable rooms at Sumterville for keeping records and transacting business until public county buildings can be erected.
(Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 2)
Aug. 6, 1883, Court House and Jail in Leesburg on Lots 8 & 9 South of Main St. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 73).
The county arranged for temporary building to transact business during erection of permanent Court House. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 17)
#8 (A 1-2)
Mar. 6, 1882, Ordered to rent Baptist Church in Sumterville to hold Circuit Court, beginning 3rd Monday in March, 1882. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 21).
Feb. 5, 1883, house known as Driskel & Wilhelm House be rented for $15.00 for the use of the Clerk’ [sic] Office. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 5 5)
June 18, 1883, ordered that plans and specifications for building of Court House in Sumterville accepted and contract awarded to Grayson & Brantley. (Co. Commr. Min. vol D, pp. 69, 73)
Apr. 8, 1884, notice of intention to build jail. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 106)
Feb. 1, 1909, Court House having burned on Jan. 30, 1909, the Board rented a building from Mr. F. L. Rutland at $150.00 per year which said building shall be used as a temporary Court House. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 427)
Oct. 4, 1909, the Board of County Commissioners finding that the building used as a temporary Court House and Clerk’s Office is inadequate in which to hold a term of Circuit Court, thereupon the Board designated a certain two-story building just South of the D. L. Belton House as the place in which the fall term 1909 of the Circuit Court shall be held. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 472)
#8 (A 3)
Public building used in Sumterville from Nov. 7, 1881, to May 5, 1884. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. D, p. 108)
May 4, 1885, jail building in Leesburg was used to this date. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 183)
Feb. 14, 1912, warrant was drawn for $750.00 in favor of Henry Beville in payment of 5 ac. of land. (Co. Commr. Min. vol G., p. 18)
Nov. 4, 1912, a tax of 5 mills on the dollar was levied for 4 years (1912-1913-1914-1915) to create a Special Building Fund for the erection of Court House and jail. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, pp. 59-61)
Jan. 6, 1913, contract awarded to J. F. Jenkins & Co. for building Court House at Bushnell for $49,759.00 and for building jail $10,987.00 (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 74)
Feb. 3, 1913, “Published notice to be given as required by law that the next session of the Fla. Legislature special legislation will be asked in reference to providing additional funds in regard to erection of Court House & jail at Bushnell, Sumter County, Florida.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 80).
#8 (B 6)
Jan. 4, 1886, Jail in Leesburg destroyed by fire. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 236)
Oct. 8, 1935, Board accepted $500.00 for lightning damages done to Court House from Insurance Co. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 182).
Messrs. Hocker & Mabry, Attys., legal advisors from Oct. 15, 1881 to date of resignation, Apr. 2, 1883. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, pp. 1, 60)
A. C. Clark, Counsellor for Board for 1 year from May 7, 1883. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 65)
J. C. Langley employed as Co. Attorney for 1 year beginning July 1, 1889 or 1891 (?) (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 432)
Mar. 5, 1917, J. C. B. Koonce appointed County Attorney for year 1917. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 456)
Dec. 2, 1918, J. C. B. Koonce resigned. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 600)
May 8, 1934, J. T. McCollum, Atty. for Board. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 65)
July 7, 1934, Attys. for Board J. T. McCollum, Hull, Landis & Whitehair, in [Bankruptcy] Petition for County. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 81)
June 18, 1935, P. B. Howell, County Atty. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 155).
Mar. 2, 1937, James West appointed Atty. for Board @ $50.00 per mo. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 288).
July 6, 1896, no justices qualified for Dists. Nos. 9 & 10, so districts were abolished and added to and made part of District #6. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pp. 230-231).
Sept. 1, 1902, boundary line of J. P. Dist. #3 is extended so as to include precinct #11 known as Coleman. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. F. p. 85)
Mar. 4, 1907, J. P. Dist. #4 abolished and the boundary of Dists. #2 & #3 are established. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 327)
Aug. 7, 1911, Justice of the Peace Dist. #10, Linden, is by order of Board of County Commissioners added to Justice Dist. #6, Webster. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 583).
Oct. 2, 1911, Pre. #6 & #10 are by order of the Board to comprise J. P. Dist. #10 and the order made on Aug. 7, 1911, is cancelled and is void. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 593)
Nov. 8, 1921, “Upon motion the Board employed Col. W. J. Chilton as County Prosecuting Attorney.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 198)
May 9, 1922, “Upon motion Col. W. J. Chilton’s services as Prosecuting Attorney were discontinued.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 237)
Jan. 15, 1929, Board agreed to pay $50.00 per mo. to County Prosecuting Attorney. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. I, p. 201)
Oct. 7, 1930, motion made and seconded that P. B. Howell be employed as Co. Attorney for Board at $12.50 per mo. and also that he be employed as County Prosecuting Attorney at $50.00 per mo., plus $5.00 for each conviction, said position to take effect in Dec. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. I, p. 346).
Dec. 5, 1892, Commissioners ordered D. J. Woodard be paid $4.50 as Fish Bailiff in the case of State vs. S. Y. Woodard. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 613).
May 5, 1902, Board recommended that Governor appoint Hon. J. T. Pemberton as Fish & Game Warden for Sumter Co. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 68).
Dec. 5, 1904, G. M. Marsh appointed Game Warden. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 195).
Sept. 2, 1907, Board recommended Governor to appoint Mr. Jeff Rutland, Rutland, Fla. and Mr. J. M. Marsh, Panasoffkee, Fla., Game Warden. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 352).
Feb. 3, 1908, Mr. W. H. Tompkins recommended by Board for Game Warden to be appointed by Governor. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 375).
July 5, 1909, W. H. Tompkins resigned and Mr. R. B. Graham was recommended to the Governor for appointment as Game Warden to take Tompkins' place. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 449)
July 5, 1915, W. F. Rutherford appointed by Board for Game Warden for county until Jan. 1, 1917, as required by Acts of 1915 Laws of Florida. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 260).
Nov. 8, 1921, Board recommended W. T. Coleman to Governor for appointment as Game Warden. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 198).
Apr. 4, 1916, resolution to establish Bond Trustees for Special Road & Bridge District #2. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 382).
May 1, 1916, resolution to establish Bond Trustees and accepted for Dist. #1, and resolution to establish Bond Trustees for Dist. #3 and accepted. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 369).
Apr. 2, 1917, Board adopts resolution requesting next Legislature to pass an act abolishing Bond Trustees. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 467).
Oct. 11, 1887, Governor requested to appoint Health Board for Sumter County (showing names and salaries of each). Organized against yellow fever. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 342).
Sept. 1, 1904, Dr. S. C. Wood is appointed as County Physician. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 180).
Feb. 4, 1907, Dr. J. F. Gardner is employed as County Physician. (Co. Commr. Min., vol. F, p. 322).
Mar. 2, 1908, Dr. I. H. Hunter’s proposition to serve as County Physician was accepted by the Board for 1908. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 378).
Nov. 6, 1913, Dr. K. C. Clarke appointed County Physician to make visits to county jail and any call for county elsewhere. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 433).
Apr. 6, 1937, Board donated $50.00 per mo. to the Board of Child Welfare of County to be used for the care of underprivileged children. (Co. Commr. Min, vol. J, p. 295).
July 6, 1937, Board agrees to contribute $62.50 per mo. to Board of Child Welfare of County. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 304).
Mar. 2, 1937, Board appointed Doris Woodard, County Nurse. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 288).
Oct. 2, 1893, Ordered that sheriff be and he is hereby authorized to hire out the county convicts in jail to the best advantage, and failing to do so, to work them on the public roads as directed by Commissioner Lay or otherwise if he can do so to an advantage. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 22). Also on April 1, 1895, a similar order entered. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 135), and on Dec. 7, 1896, a similar order entered. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 286).
Jan 1, 1906 – June 14, 1927, County convicts leased out to various parties at various times. (Co. Commr. Min. vols. F-I).
July 1, 1895, “Communication of C. F. Venable, Sec. of Trustee of Sub-Dist. No. 7 asking a levy of 3 mills for said Dist. was filed for consideration when levy for 1895 is made.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 145).
May 12, 1925, resolution calling for election for Special Tax Road & Bridge Dist. #6 be created. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, pp. 531-533).
Nov. 12, 1915, election held and votes for and against the creation of Special Road & Bridge Districts as follows:
Oxford Dist. #1 50 votes for 31 against (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 335)
Wildwood " #2 51 " " 48 " (Same, p. 338)
Rutland " #3 6 " " 4 " (Same, p. 340)
Apr. 13, 1917, election held and found 246 votes for and 140 against creation of Special Road & Bridge District #4, Webster. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 470).
Jan. 17, 1922, Special election held for purpose of creating Special Road & Bridge Dist. #5, Linden & St. Catherine) [sic], same receiving majority of votes. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 216).
Elections called relative to issuance of bonds for Spec. Rd. & Br. Dist. #6, June 16, 1925, (Co. Commr. Min. vol. I, p. 1) and Spec. Rd. & Br. Dist. #7, Mar. 16, 1926, (Co. Commr. Min. vol. I, p. 43). No record found as to elections being held.
July 1, 1889 - Legislature Act - 1889. The following persons appointed Supt. of Roads & Bridges: Commissioner Dist. #1 - A. J. Perry
" " #2 - R. V. Gibson
" " #3 - J. T. Hooks
" " #4 - W. F. Bozeman
" " #5 - J. B. Fussell
(Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 432)
July 6, 1891, County divided into 5 Road Districts which correspond with numbers and boundaries of Commissioners Districts and each County Commissioner to have charge of roads in his district as Road. Supt. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 539).
Reference in vol. H, p. 229 not clear.
Committees appointed by Board as viewers and investigators to mark out routes of the various Drainage Districts as follows:
Tompkins Creek Drainage Canal
Tuscanooga Creek Canal
Gant Lake Drainage District
Wolf Pond Canal
Jumpers Creek Drainage District
Warm Spring Drainage Canal
Reports of same were made from Oct. 7, 1912, through Oct. 5, 1914. (Co. Commr. Min. vol G, pp. 51-211) and May 9, 1922. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 234).
Sept. 1, 1913. The Tax Assessor is instructed to assess a special tax for 1913 for 6 years in the estimate for Tuscanooga Creek Canal the amount of such special tax as set forth in the estimate prepared & filed by the committee appointed in the proceedings to establish such canal, and clerk is instructed to furnish Tax Assessor a copy of such estimate and enter upon Minutes of Commissioners. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 123).
Board of County Commissioners instructed clerk to prepare and publish notices for bids for work on canals and bids received and contracts awarded and bonds filed by various parties as required by law and approved, June 2, 1913 through July 7, 1913. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, pp. 100 & 114).
Board advertised for bids on bonds for the various canals, bonds issued for Tuscanooga Creek Canal numbering from 1 to 6 inclusive for $3000.00, Oct. 6, 1913, (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 130) and bonds delivered Coleman numbered from 7 to 11 inclusive, Jan. 5, 1914. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 147).
May 9, 1922. We the undersigned drainage committee heretofore appointed by this Board on the 14th day of March, 1922, respectfully submit that the said Dist. has been organized under the General Drainage Law of the State of Fla., and that this Board is not functioning and therefore we recommend and ask that the order of this Board creating this Dist. be rescinded and cancelled.
“Whereas the Board has heretofore on the 14th day of March, 1922, created a drainage Dist. within said County, known as Jumper Creek Drainage Dist. & whereas there appears to be no outstanding indebtedness against the said Dist.” “The Commissioners appointed by this Board had recommended the rescinding & cancelling of said Dist.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 326).
March 8, 1932. “Resolved that the attys are instructed to first begin the enforcement of taxes in Jumper Creek Drainage Dist.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. I, p. 428).
June 4, 1894, Ordered that under Sec. 2335 that the county be and is hereby declared a district and that D. C. Jones of Precinct #6, Webster, be appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of cattle shipped or driven from this county. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pp. 64-66)
July 2, 1894, Ordered that M. C. Akins be and he is appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of cattle driven or shipped from Sumter County. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pp. 68-69).
Sept. 3, 1894, Ordered that S. S. Beville be appointed Inspector of cattle shipped or driven from this county. Also ordered that W. C. Stapp be appointed Inspector of cattle shipped or driven from the county. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pp. 85-86).
Feb. 3, 1896, Ordered that John R. Grant be appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of cattle driven or shipped or driven from cattle district #2 of this county in place of D. C. Jones who is hereby removed.
Feb. 3, 1896, “Ordered that the county be & is hereby divided into 2 cattle districts under Sec. 2325 of the Revised Statues as follows: All North of the South Boundary Line of township 19, being District #1 and all South of said line being District #2.” (Co. Commr. Min, vol. E, p. 203).
Nov. 7, 1898, Ordered that S. S. Beville be and he is hereby appointed as Inspector of cattle driven & shipped in and for the southern district of the county and is hereby authorized to act upon filing with the Clerk of the County Court the oath required by law. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 27).
Dec. 5, 1898, Registration of J. R. Gant as Inspector of cattle driven or shipped from the southern district was accepted and ordered filed. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 30).
May 6, 1901, W. W. Rieve in Precinct #4 to be both home and shipping Inspector. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 19).
May 6, 1901, Chas. Akin was appointed as home Inspector for Precinct #6 and Jas. Fussell shipping Inspector for same precinct. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 19).
July 1, 1901, Mr. R. D. Sloan was appointed shipping Inspector for District #6 in place of Jas. Fussell who resigned. (Co. Commr. Min, vol. F, p. 24).
June 6, 1904, R. D. Sloan is appointed as cattle shipping Inspector for Webster shipping point. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 166).
Nov. 4, 1907, “Petition of I. S. Futch & others asking that Mr. G. E. Mobley be recommended for appointment by the Governor to be Inspector of Marks and Brands of cattle or stock shipped or butchered in Dist. #6, Webster. All Inspectors of Marks & Brands & of stock shipped or butchered heretofore acting as inspector by appointment of the County Commissioners are hereby declared no longer legal inspectors as the new law requires that all inspectors of marks and brands & of stock butchered shall be appointed by the Governor.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 360).
June 1, 1908, “Mr. R. C. Fussell of Dist. #11, Coleman is hereby recommended to the Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks and Brands & of stock shipped or butchered in Dist. #11, Coleman” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 387).
Sept. 7, 1908, “Petition of G. G. Beville & others asking that Mr. G. W. Croft be recommended for appointment by the Governor to be Inspector of Marks & Brands of cattle shipped & or butchered in Dist. #6, Webster. Said petition was filed & the clerk is directed to make the recommendation to the Governor.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 401).
July 1, 1910, “Petition of C. F. Venable & others were presented asking the Board to recommend James A. Poole for appointment by the Governor as Inspector of Marks & brands of cattle and hogs shipped & butchered in Dist. #7, Center Hill. Petition was approved & the clerk is directed to write the Governor & ask that the appointment be made.” (Com Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 518).
Aug. 30, 1932, “Motion was duly made by Com. Tompkins & seconded by Com. Gant that Sumter Co., Fla. be & the same is hereby divided into 5 cattle districts whose metes & bounds shall be in correspondence with the 5 Com. dists. of this Co., & the following named persons are hereby recommended for appointment as Inspectors of marks & brands of this Co., to Gov. Doyle E. Carlton: to-wit:
Dist. #1
" #2 George Stafford & W. A. G. Eichelberger
" #3 C. C. Belton & William Marsh
" #4 W. G. Gant & C. L. Archbell
" #5 C. E. Douglass & Henry Williams
Vote upon same was carried unanimously." (Co. Commr. Min. vol. I, p. 450).
Sept. 4, 1893, the following persons appointed Inspector of marks and brands of beef butchered in precincts as follows:
Precinct #1, Sumterville, J. E. Branch
#2, Oxford, R. P. Bowman
#3, Wildwood, T. N. Curington
#4, Ritland, Jefferson Rutland
#5, Bay Hill, J. D. Crump
#6, Webster, R. S. Hays
#7, Center Hill, H. Slone
#8, Bushnell, to be appointed
#9, Massacre, W. W. Hammock
#10, Pemberton, L. T. Pemberton
(Co. Comm. Min.
(vol. E, p. 20)
Oct. 2, 1893, bonds of J. E. Branch, T. N. Curington, Jefferson Rutland, and H. Slone approved. (vol. E of Co. Commr. Min., p. 23)
Nov. 7, 1893, W. C. Stapp appointed Inspector of Marks and Brands of beef butchered in and for Oxford Precinct. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 27). Bond approved Mar. 5, 1894. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 50)
Mar. 5, 1894, Alexander H. Marshall appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands for beeves butchered in Precinct #1, Sumterville, in place of J. E. Branch, resigned. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 49).
Mar. 5, 1894, David C. Jones was appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands for beeves butchered in Precinct #6, Webster. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pp. 49-50). Bond approved June 4, 1894. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E. p. 66).
Oct. 2, 1893, A. M. Norwood of Bushnell appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #8, and Bryant Fussel for Precinct #6 in place of R. S. Hays who declined to serve. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E?, p. 22).
Dec. 3, 1894, “Resignation of Jesse Nobles as inspector of marks & brands of beeves butchered for sale accepted to take effect when his successor is appointed & qualified.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 109).
May 7, 1894, Jesse Nobles appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct #1. Bond approved. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 60).
July 2, 1894, D. C. Smith appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct #7 and bond approved. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 69)
Sept. 3, 1894, Godfrey Tomkins appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered in Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 86). Bond approved Nov. 5, 1894. (Co Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 102).
Also W. R. Mann appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 86). And G. H. Hey appointed same in Precinct #8, Bushnell. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 96). Bond approved Nov. 12, 1894. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 107).
#31 Cont’d
Nov. 4, 1895, “Beef Inspectors were appointed as follows: R. C. Fussell, Center Hill, W. B. Swicord, Wildwood & Green Goodwin, Panasoffkee.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 182). Beef Inspectors (see p. 16)
May 4, 1896, the following Inspectors of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale were appointed: Sumterville, J. D. Ramsey, and Bushnell, Gordon Center. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pg. 219). Bond approved June 1, 1896. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 224).
June 1, 1896, G. W. Wilson appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves for sale, Center Hill Precinct. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 223).
Aug. 6, 1896, George E. Black appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct #6. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 245).
Nov. 2, 1896, C. A. Webb appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct #9. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 277). Bond approved Feb. 1, 1897. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p/ [sic] 301).
Mar. 1, 1897, Ralph Failes appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves for sale, Precinct #7, and E. L. Kimbrough same for Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, pp. 304-305).
Apr. 5, 1897, John Hanson appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale, Precinct #8. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 308). Bond approved May 3, 1897. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 315).
June 7, 1897, W. F. Cassady appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 317). Bond approved Sept. 6, 1897. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 336).
Aug. 2, 1897, Henry Wilson appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct #6. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 333).
Sept. 6, 1897, P. A. Solomon appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct #6, and T. H. Parish appointed same for Precinct #7, and his bond approved Nov. 1, 1897. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 348).
Nov. 1, 1897, T. B. Steeley appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 348).
Apr. 4, 1898, J. E. Robbins appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #7. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 383).
June 6, 1898, Frank Shephard appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands in and for Precinct #7. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 390).
Aug. 1, 1898, Resignation of J. A. Hanson as Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct #8 accepted, and A. E. F. Grant appointed as his successor. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 401).
#31 Cont’d
Oct. 29, 1898, L. G. Connell appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 425).
Nov. 7, 1898, E. S. Kimbrough declared a legal Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #1, at Panasoffkee. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 427).
Jan. 2, 1899, T. W. Smith appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #7. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 436). Bond approved Feb. 6, 1899. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 444).
June 5, 1899, H. M. Eichelburger appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #4. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 460).
Mar. 6, 1901, Geo. R. Nickols appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #2. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 19).
Oct. 7, 1901, J. M. DeWitt appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #8. Also Henry Lanier appointed same for District #6. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 42). DeWitt bond approved Nov. 4, 1901. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 47) and Lanier bond approved Dec. 2, 1901. (Com. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 53).
July 7, 1902, C. P. Akins appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct [#6] (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 75). Bond approved Aug. 4, 1902. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 82).
June 6, 1904, H. C. Parish appointed Inspector of Marks & Brands, Webster, District. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 166). Bond approved Sept. 1, 1904. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 179).
Oct. 3, 1904, G. E. Mobley appointed Inspector of stock butchered at Webster, District #6. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 192).
Nov. 7, 1904, John DeWitt appointed Inspector of stock butchered in District #8. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 195).
Dec. 5, 1904, D. C. Jones appointed Inspector of stock butchered in District #6. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 196). Bond approved Aug. 7, 1905. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 246).
Oct. 2, 1905, H. F. Melson appointed Inspector of stock butchered in District #11, Coleman. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 254). Bond approved Nov. 6, 1905. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 258).
June 4, 1906, M. L. Traylor appointed Inspector of stock butchered, District #1, Sumterville, and bond approved. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 283[)]. Sept. 3, 1906, Thomas Marsh appointed Inspector of stock butchered, District #1, Panasoffkee and bond approved. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 294).
#31 Cont’d
Sept. 3, 1906, T. H. Crum appointed Inspector of stock butchered, District #1, and bond approved, and C. C. Beville appointed same for District #8, Bushnell, and bond approved. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 294).
May 6, 1907, “By order of the Board, Center Hill, Precinct #7, is made a cattle district, & Mr. R. H. Beville is appointed Inspector or Marks and Brands of stock butchered or shipped or transferred.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 333.) Bond approved June 3, 1907. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 337.)
June 3, 1907, “Wm. J. Pendarvis is appointed as Inspector of Marks & brands & of stock butchered for Dist. #4, Rutland.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 338). Bond approved July 1, 1907. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 341).
Sept. 2, 1907, “The Bd. of Co. Com. recommends for appointment by the Gov. the following officers for Sumter County” Inspectors of Marks & Brands & of stock butchered or shipped.” Mr. W. R. Mann Inspector Dist. #1, Mr. C. C. Culbreath, Inspector Dist. #1 & 8, Mr. G. W. Croff, Inspector Dist. #6.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 352).
Jan. 6, 1908, Board recommended appointment by the Gov. of W. B. Swicord as Inspector of Marks & Brands in Precinct #11, Coleman. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 367).
Mar. 2, 1908, “A petition of Hon. W. C. G. Kilgore & others asking that T. N. Curington be recommended for appointment by the Governor as Inspector of Marks & Brands & stock butchered in Dist. #3, Wildwood.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 378).
May 4, 1908, “Mr. R. H. Beville is hereby recommended for appointment by the Governor to be appointed as Inspector of Marks and Brands and of stock shipped or butchered in Precinct #7, Center Hill.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 384).
July 6, 1908, “By the order of the Board Cattle Dist. #7 (Center Hill) & Cattle Dist. #6 (Webster) are consolidated into one cattle Dist. as to shipping or driving cattle & shall be #7." (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 391).
Aug. 3, 1908, “A petition signed by G. W. Gideons & others asking that Mr. Dave Whitman be recommended to the Governor for appointment as Inspector of Stock Butchered in Dist. #6, St. Catherine, said petition was filed and the clerk is hereby directed to make the recommendation as requested.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 397).
Oct. 5, 1908, petition asking that Geo. W. Stafford, Jr. be recommended for appointment by the Governor as Inspector of Marks & Brands of stock butchered in Dist. #11, Sumterville. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 404).
Sept. 6, 1909, petition asking that Board recommend appointment of H. B. Jordan by the Gov. to be Inspector of Marks & Brands of stock butchered or shipped at Center Hill, Precinct #7. Also same for J. R. Wilkerson be appointed same for District #3, Wildwood. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 467).
#31 Cont’d
Sept. 5, 1910, D. M. Lay, Jr. recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct #1, Sumterville. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 531).
July 3, 1911, Tom Parrish recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands, District #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 576).
Sept. 4, 1911, W. H. Gamble recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands, District #3, Wildwood. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 587).
Mar. 3, 1913, M. W. Williams recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands for St. Catherine. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 86).
July 7, 1913, R. C. Fussell recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands for District #11 (Coleman), and A. P. R. Churchill for District #6 (Webster). (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 103).
Aug. 4, 1913, E. L. Nobles recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #1. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 117).
Oct. 6, 1913, A. T. S. Akins recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct #9, St. Catherine, and O. L Bogue same for Precinct #2, Oxford. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 131).
Feb. 2, 1914, W. D. Matchett recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct # 9. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 156).
Aug. 3, 1914, J. W. Norman recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands for Precinct #8, and W. H. Gamble same for Precinct #3. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 192).
Sept. 14, 1914, R. H. Beville recommended to Governor for appointment as Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #7. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 200[)].
Apr. 5, 1915, following named inspectors of stock butchered: A. P. R. Churchill, Prec. #6; R. H. Beville, Prec. #7; G. H. Goodwin, Prec. #8; W. D. Matchett, Prec. #9. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 246).
June 4, 1917, Board recommends M. Marsh & W. S. Marsh be appointed as marks and brands inspectors for Precinct #12 of stock butchered. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. G, p. 481).
#31 Cont’d
May 8, 1928, “The Board recommends for appointment the following names [sic] persons for mark & brand inspectors of stock butchered - C. C. Belton, Sumterville & Panasoffkee; J. Rutland, Rutland; W. Caruthers, Oxford; M. J. Berry, Center Hill; James Gant, Bushnell; T. J. Townsend, Bay Hill; G. W. Stafford, Coleman; J. S. Gamble, Wildwood; W. B. Tompkins, Linden; N. J. Merritt, St. Catherine; R. Fussell, Webster,” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 163).
Sept. 6, 1932, C. C. Driggers & Frank Rutherford recommended for appointment as Inspectors of Marks & Brands for District #1. (Co. Commr. Min, vol. I, p. 457).
Bonds Approved of Inspectors of Marks & Brands
Dec. 7, 1896, G. W. Croft, Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct #7. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 286).
Mar. 18, 1895, W. B. Swicord, Inspector of Marks & Brands of beeves butchered for sale in Precinct No. 3. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 184).
Nov. 1, 1897, T. [H]. Parish, Inspector of Marks & Brands, Precinct No. 7. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. E, p. 348). You should show this as T. H. Parish elsewhere.
Sept. 1, 1904, L. C. Connell, Inspector of Marks & Brands, District #1, at Panasoffkee. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 179).
Jan. 2, 1905, G. W. DeWitt, Inspector of Marks & Brands, District #8. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 202).
Sept. 4, 1905, J. L. Kilpatrick, Inspector of stock butchered in District #1, and Oscar Cassady, same for District #1, Sumterville. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F?, p. 250); also W. M. Fails, same for District #7, and W. C. Stapp, same for District #2. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F?, p. 250).
Mar. 4, 1907, R. J. Beville, Inspector of stock butchered & shipped in District #7 (Center Hill). (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F?, p. 325).
June 3, 1907, H. L. Snowden, Inspector of Marks & Brands, District #2, Oxford. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F?, p. 337).
Beef Inspector
Nov. 7, 1892, D. W. Swicord appointed Beef Inspector at Coleman. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 606).
Apr. 6, 1885, According to Acts of Florida passed by Senate Clerks for beef markets were appointed by Commissioners. (Sec. 1 through 5 incl.) 10 precincts. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. D, p. 179).
Nov. 4, 1907. Appointment of enumerator to take agricultural statistics for Sumter Co. See Chap. 5609 Acts of 1907. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. F, p. 361).
The county has employed enumerator or County Demonstration Agent since Nov. 4, 1907 --.
Dec. 30, 1922, “Next came the matter of buying a car for the County Home Demonstration Agent or Home Economics & upon motion it was left entirely with Miss Mae Morris, Home Economic Agent to select a Ford or a Star.” (Co. Commr. Min. vol. H, p. 224).
Appointment of Home Demonstration Agent not found.
Dec. 18, 1933. W. J. Bell recommended for appointment as County Traffic Officer for 3 months. (Co. Commr. Min. vol. J, p. 14). Traffic Officer Bell discontinued on account of lack of funds.
Sumter Co.
September 24, 1938
Mr. G. A. Elfers, Secretary
Bushnell Boosters’ Club
Bushnell, Florida
Dear Mr. Elfers:
Replying to yours of September 22, I enclose herewith some Sumter County data compiled from various sources. On account of the [tremendous] amount of work I am having to do, the arrangement of matter may not be very satisfactory, but I trust it will help you.
Sumter County was created January 8, 1853. Adamsville was the first county seat. About 1867 (I cannot give you the exact data) Leesburg (now in Lake County) was made the county seat. Sumterville was the next county seat after Leesburg, and Bushnell, your present county seat, probably attained that honor in either 1912 or 1913. I have just talked with Justice Glenn Terrell about this. He got the bill through the legislature of 1911 providing for a county seat vote, but he couldn’t be exact about the date when the vote was taken. Your county commissioners’ minutes should show.
I have given you a list of 120 citizens of Sumter County in 1886, as I thought these old names would be interesting to you. Your first representative in the legislature was William S. Harris, but as he represented Marion and Sumter together, I cannot tell in which county he lived.
Your representative in the Secession Convention of 1861 was David G. Leigh.
Your representative in various constitutional conventions were:
1865---James Love
1868---Not given, but it was probably included with Marion for election purpose. The delegates from Marion were: J. H. Goss, A. Chandler, W. Rodgers, E. D. Howse. One of these probably lived in Sumter.
1885---W. A. Hocker, H. H. Duncan, W. M. Bennet.
Trusting what I send will assist you, I am
Sumter Co.
Sumter County Times
Official Paper Sumter County
$1.00 Year in Advance
GRAHAM & WINTER, Publishers
[Advertising] Rates Upon Application
Fine Commercial Printing
Bushnell, Florida
March 17, 1937
Mrs. Ellen C. Jarratt,
District Supervisor,
Historical Records Survey,
Manatee, Florida.
Dear Madam:-
I have read the historical sketch of Sumter County prepared by Mrs. Iva T. Sprinkle and find the statement of facts therein correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Very truly yours,
Sydney N. Graham, Sr [signed]
Sydney N. Graham, Sr.,
Supervisor of Registration,
Sumter County, Florida.
MAR 20 1937
Sumter Co.
Sept. 22, 1938.
Hon. Senator Cash,
State Historian & Librarian,
Tallahassee, Florida.
Dear Senator Cash:
I have been called upon to furnish a 1500 word article on the history of Sumter County from its inception to be used in a radio salute to Sumter County in the very near future.
Being unable to secure any definite information prior to 1884, especially as to when and where the various county seats were located after the first one at Adamsville, both my friends former Senator Sam Getzen and our present representative J. C. Getzen, Jr., suggested I write to you for a copy of the county history you have on record there in your office.
Assuring you this information will be very highly appreciated, I am,
Sincerely yours,
G. A. Elfers [signed]
Corresponding Sec’y.
Sumter Co.
March 17, 1937
Mrs. Ellen C. Jarratt
District Supervisor
Historical Records Survey
Manatee, Florida
Dear Madam:
I have read the historical sketch of Sumter County prepared by Mrs. Iva T. Sprinkle and find the statement of facts therein correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Yours very truly,
Roy Caruthers [signed]
Clerk Circuit Court
MAR 20 1937