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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - January 18, 1917
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more in the last three months than I picked up in the last 3 years [preceding] them. I have cut booze all together also tobacco. I believe it pays too.
It is almost time to go to work so I will have to drop off here. Never have any fears about telling me about the happenings up there, about yourself, even if I [don't] approve. I am considerate and won't be [provoked]. The only way to be intimate is to know each other. Some time this barrier of distance will surely be broken. [Let's] look forward to that.
Your Loving Bro,
Al. Knox.
P.S. So Cousin May has a girl baby. You say she made a mistake. I think I understand. It's all the same to me. Al.
Will forward the clippings on to ma.
Subject - Corporate
Jacksonville, Fla, U.S.E.D. Barnard, 1,-18,-'17.
Dear Sis,__
Your long welcome letter bearing the news of Art Southwick's death reached me O.K. I always think it much sadder for a young person to go out into the great beyond, than for an older one. Such happenings as the one brought home to us are happening all around and tend to show how insecure our position here is. I believe in [Destiny] to a certain extent and do not dread death so much, of course I regret it but we all have a time and we will not be called until then. I leave that in the hands of the great judge.
I am sorry that you are so unhappy[.] What the outcome of our lives will be, we are not in condition to say. I firmly [believe] we can shape [Destiny] a little at least, so let us hope for the best. If I was not under such obligations to the folks. If circumstances were better I could assist you I know. As it is I cannot [definitely] say [whether]
I will drift around your way this spring or not. I do not like to hold out any false hopes. There are [probabilities] of it however.
If Art. took as much [interest] in the welfare of the folks as I, It [wouldn't] be so hard on me. I'll pull thro[sic] all right I believe. My present plans are, that when the boat leaves for Tampa, which will not be before the first of March to go the other way. I am undecided as to where to land but am in no shape to waste time and money visiting around. [Probably] will strike a city up close to Penna. tho[sic].
I'm filling out civil service papers and if they pass I may get an appointment and not go at all. "Queyen[sic] sabe" (Spanish - who knows)
I find Jax very interesting. It is the largest city in Fla. and wide open in liquor and women. - two things that I don't play with. We have about 45 men aboard the Barnard and 19 of them are suffering from some form of [venereal] disease got since we arrived here. I have learned
more in the last three months than I picked up in the last 3 years [preceding] them. I have cut booze all together also tobacco. I believe it pays too.
It is almost time to go to work so I will have to drop off here. Never have any fears about telling me about the happenings up there, about yourself, even if I [don't] approve. I am considerate and won't be [provoked]. The only way to be intimate is to know each other. Some time this barrier of distance will surely be broken. [Let's] look forward to that.
Your Loving Bro,
Al. Knox.
P.S. So Cousin May has a girl baby. You say she made a mistake. I think I understand. It's all the same to me. Al.
Will forward the clippings on to ma.
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - January 18, 1917. January 18, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326916>, accessed 24 January 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - January 18, 1917. January 18, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 24 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326916>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)