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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - June 24, 1917
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be in favor of shipping them. We have all summer to think it over. It may be the last thing to do after all. I have been thinking of getting some range cattle and a good bull and breeding up. That will give hardy native stock to build on and as it is a beef strain which is to be desired I think a pole Angus bull would be about the ticket. I have big hopes of [making] a stock farm of the place. It can be made to produce quite an income that way. I can but poorly illustrate the advantages of such a project on paper so will wait until you get down to go over it with you.
Art and I are both pinching the nickels and if nothing [unforeseen] happens we should have a couple of hundred
Subject - Corporate
U.S.S. Tampa, Key West, Fla.
June 24, 1917.
My Dear Sister,--
We just docked a few hours ago, just getting back from a 6 day cruise. We had [laid] in the yard a couple of weeks previous to going out, getting repairs so it seemed good to get to sea again. I like the sea fine and as the weather proved good we had a very nice trip. Will [probably] be going out again soon now.
I [haven't] heard from home for about 2 weeks so do not know of anything happening. Am looking for a letter anytime. I am sure they are glad that you are [coming] down. The last I
heard from them said father was much better so it will do very well for you to wait until Fall before starting.
Sometime when you have time make a list of the things you wish to bring and let me see it. Of course all of this is of little importance but then there is little need of shipping things which can be duplicated here for what it would cost to ship them. Take your stock for instance. It would take no little sum to transport them and even after they got here it would be some little time before they would do well [owing] to [their] not being acclimated. No one hates poor blooded stock more than I. and good stock is rare here. That fact would
be in favor of shipping them. We have all summer to think it over. It may be the last thing to do after all. I have been thinking of getting some range cattle and a good bull and breeding up. That will give hardy native stock to build on and as it is a beef strain which is to be desired I think a pole Angus bull would be about the ticket. I have big hopes of [making] a stock farm of the place. It can be made to produce quite an income that way. I can but poorly illustrate the advantages of such a project on paper so will wait until you get down to go over it with you.
Art and I are both pinching the nickels and if nothing [unforeseen] happens we should have a couple of hundred
between us to invest in the stock when we get out. This is not [including] current expences at home and is a minimum figure. Am [making] a good many plans some of which I hope will materialize.
I wrote mother asking for your bust measure as I had thot[sic] of sending you a white duck blouse but she gave me no satisfaction. Now that your birthday is passed and it will no longer be a birthday present I will ask you. The jumper is what we wear in the service but I see a good many girls wear them so I know you'll like them. Let me know your size.
Answer when [convenient],
Your Brother,
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - June 24, 1917. June 24, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326918>, accessed 24 January 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - June 24, 1917. June 24, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 24 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326918>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)