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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Family - April 15, 1917
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U.S.C.G.C. Tampa 4/15/'17.
Dear Folks at home.-
Both Arthur and myself are in the cutter service. We have enlisted for one year and have been aboard one week today. It is way ahead of the Barnard for we are getting a little more money than the dredge was paying and at the same time traveling a little and serving Uncle Sam. I am [firing] and Art is passing coal. There is good chance for advancement which the Barnard did not offer. We will not draw much money this month for our [clothing] has made a big hole in our check but we have a little [coming] from the dredge which you can use [?] we buy our uniforms outright but get a reimbursement of $40 at end of year. Both Art and I are [planning] on [saving] some money while here. We will also try to stock the place. We have a steady job for a year and steady pay in case
Subject - Corporate
U.S.C.G.C. Tampa 4/15/'17.
Dear Folks at home.-
Both Arthur and myself are in the cutter service. We have enlisted for one year and have been aboard one week today. It is way ahead of the Barnard for we are getting a little more money than the dredge was paying and at the same time traveling a little and serving Uncle Sam. I am [firing] and Art is passing coal. There is good chance for advancement which the Barnard did not offer. We will not draw much money this month for our [clothing] has made a big hole in our check but we have a little [coming] from the dredge which you can use [?] we buy our uniforms outright but get a reimbursement of $40 at end of year. Both Art and I are [planning] on [saving] some money while here. We will also try to stock the place. We have a steady job for a year and steady pay in case
of sickness with all expenses and are both rated at $33.60 per month but I think I can raise mine to $38.40 soon. You see how that compares with the dredge. I think the only unfavorable feature is our being unable to come home.
We will soon send up our civilian clothes and will not bother you for the stuff I mentioned in the other letter.
The cutter is not like the regular navy yet we are under the navy now. Our duties is life [saving] and coast guarding. Something which there is very little danger [encompassed] with the regular service. [Don't] worry about us for we both like it and there is nothing to worry about.
You had better take the motor out of the boat and take it up to the house.
Also store the canoe in some place where it will be out of the weather and sun. If you tore the shop down you can find some kind of a place out on the farm, [perhaps] under the house will do. See Sheldon Nance and try and sell him the pool table. I do not know if you can but it is possible for he is something of a sport. Get about $40 out of it if you can not less than $35. Take good care of the stuff in the little shack for [I'll] want some of it. My big pistol is in the trunk. Keep it oiled and take the shells out of the magazines. Better soak a rag in oil and show throu[?] [?] [?] [keep] the other guns in good shape and we'll send you some shells [occasionally]. Use your own [judgment] regarding [things] but do not neglect them.
I want to get a setting of Cornish game eggs. When is the best time? How did you make out about [proving] up? Keep me posted about things for I am very much interested in the place. I am going to continue the I.C.S. and am studying a little English also. I will [?] before mailing for we are now at sea and I do not know when we will get in port.
4/18/17 6-30 PM
Just getting into port and feeling fine I think the salt air will help my catarral[sic] I surely hope so for that was my main reason for enlisting. The work is much easier than the dredge. The drills are interesting but [I] [am] pretty [awkward] yet.
Let us hear from you all.
Your Son, Algy Knox
A K Bevins
Key West Fla
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Family - April 15, 1917. April 15, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326934>, accessed 23 January 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Family - April 15, 1917. April 15, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 23 Jan. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326934>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)