State Library of Florida, Florida Ephemera Collection
This brochure provides tourist information about Floyd L. Wray's Flamingo Groves and Botanic Gardens in Fort Lauderdale.
General Note
Flamingo Gardens is a 60 acre not-for-profit attraction with a wildlife sanctuary, aviary, and botanical garden. The Gardens were originally the property of Floyd L. and Jane Wray, who in 1933 built a home and citrus grove on what was then the edge of the Everglades, where they started a botanical collection of tropical and subtropical fruit trees and shrubs.
There are Three
stores where
Beautiful Gift Packages
of Delicious Tree-Ripened
Flamingo Groves
Citrus Fruit May be Purchased.
3501 So. Federal Highway
Ft. Lauderdale - JA 2-0331
Flamingo Orange Groves
West of Davie - LU 3-4365
2125 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood - WA 2-3061
More than 700 botanical trees from all over the tropical world are gathered in the Gardens ... sausage trees, giant fig trees, papaya and rubber trees are real eye-openers! No wonder Floyd Wray's Flamingo Groves and Tropical Botanic Gardens are known far and wide as one of Florida's oldest and finest tourist attractions!
You Are Invited For a "Happy Time" At Flamingo Groves ...
Yes, a visit to these famous groves and botanical gardens must be included on your list of things to do in Florida. Here is tropical nature at her loveliest -blooming with crimson poinsettias and bougainvillea and flame-vine -a grove where 76 different kinds of citrus fruit are grown. See the pink hued flamingos in their native habitat ... while East Indian peacocks strut in all their gorgeous finery in the Gardens. What a story to tell the folks at home! Once you've seen the citrus harvest at Flamingo Groves -there are 460 acres of citrus trees -you will understand the care and attention that is given to sending the finest juice-heavy Florida fruits to your friends at home ... and you'll have a truer insight into one of Florida's finest industries -citrus gift boxes! Yes, when it comes to fruit, only the best is grown at Flamingo Groves!
Thousands of visitors enjoy the Flamingo Grove GIFT STORE. Citrus fruit is packed in "convenient for auto-carrying" mesh bags. Citrus gift boxes and fancy baskets are displayed for express shipments to friends back home. You will be thrilled at the many hundreds of souvenir gifts for sale. OPEN YEAR AROUND.
[small illustrated map showing location of Flamingo Groves]
Gift packages of the most delicious citrus fruits are made up for you, your friends and family at the Flamingo Groves Packing House. A fancy citrus fruit pack makes an impressive gift for all occasions - we will be happy to send them for you anywhere in the country. Visitors are always welcome.
Chicago Manual of Style
Flamingo Gardens (Davie, Fla.). Brochure for Floyd L. Wray's Flamingo Groves and Botanic Gardens in Fort Lauderdale. 1960 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <>, accessed 10 March 2025.
Flamingo Gardens (Davie, Fla.). Brochure for Floyd L. Wray's Flamingo Groves and Botanic Gardens in Fort Lauderdale. 1960 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 10 Mar. 2025.<>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Flamingo Gardens (Davie)