Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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Equalize the Burden and Reward, and thus Perfect Life.
The goal for which the nations strive, (Not reached while inequality in the yoke of life, To woman gives the greatest burden and she rewarded less,) Shall its fruition yield when, by voluntary act, Through liberty of choice, she can and will control her potency of sex. God is not tyrant. In Him, the origin of all that lives and is Has source of being, pronounced in all things, in language Unmistakable, bisexate; and did inequality in Him reside, This want of balance - in potence of sex unity and life - Would obliviate, and to nothingness reduce all sphere of action; For He would reign in arrogance and subjugate His other self, and thus destroy:- From thence, eternal death would be His portion. True government and reality of life can only come when usurpation Deprives not longer woman of her rights. Make right the central wrong! This achieved, all others in sequence And consequence throw off their weight, and - the curse of sexual Bondage driven to the wall - every lighter bondage fails, And there is curse no more.
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Subject - Corporate
Subject - Person
Equalize the Burden and Reward, and thus Perfect Life.
The goal for which the nations strive, (Not reached while inequality in the yoke of life, To woman gives the greatest burden and she rewarded less,) Shall its fruition yield when, by voluntary act, Through liberty of choice, she can and will control her potency of sex. God is not tyrant. In Him, the origin of all that lives and is Has source of being, pronounced in all things, in language Unmistakable, bisexate; and did inequality in Him reside, This want of balance - in potence of sex unity and life - Would obliviate, and to nothingness reduce all sphere of action; For He would reign in arrogance and subjugate His other self, and thus destroy:- From thence, eternal death would be His portion. True government and reality of life can only come when usurpation Deprives not longer woman of her rights. Make right the central wrong! This achieved, all others in sequence And consequence throw off their weight, and - the curse of sexual Bondage driven to the wall - every lighter bondage fails, And there is curse no more.
Chicago Manual of Style
Koresh (Cyrus Reed Teed), 1838-1908. Anniversary Souvenir from Victoria Gratia, 1900. 1900-04-10. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/329175>, accessed 12 March 2025.
Koresh (Cyrus Reed Teed), 1838-1908. Anniversary Souvenir from Victoria Gratia, 1900. 1900-04-10. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/329175>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Koresh (Cyrus Reed Teed))