Letter of encouragement from Julianne E. Nolling to Priscilla Stephens praising Priscilla's activism and noting her fundraising endeavors to support Priscilla's cause.
Nolling, Julianne E.
Kruize, Priscilla Stephens, 1938-
23-02 34 Ave.
Long Island City 6, N.Y.
April 20, 1960
Dear Priscilla,
I am a thirty-three year old wife and mother who lives in the borough of Queens in New York City. My family, myself, and friends are proud of what you are doing for all of us and ours to come. Don't be discouraged more help is coming than sympathy. That you already have from all over the country.
Monies are being solicited and appropriated to help in this endeavor which is to establish