Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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WHEREAS, during the month of January 1923, the African-American community of Rosewood, Florida, was destoryed, and
WHEREAS, the African-American residents of Rosewood, Florida, sustained personal and property damages, and
WHEREAS, The Rosewood Massacre was a unique tragedy in Florida's history in that the State and local government officals were on notice of the serious racial conflict in Rosewood during the entire week of January 1, 1923, and had sufficient time and opportuinty to act to prevent the tragedy; an entire town was destroyed and its residents killed or fled, never to return; and the State and local government officals thereafter failed to reasonably investigate the matter, failed to bring the perpetrators to justice and fialed to secure the area for the safe return of the displaced residents; and
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WHEREAS, during the month of January 1923, the African-American community of Rosewood, Florida, was destoryed, and
WHEREAS, the African-American residents of Rosewood, Florida, sustained personal and property damages, and
WHEREAS, The Rosewood Massacre was a unique tragedy in Florida's history in that the State and local government officals were on notice of the serious racial conflict in Rosewood during the entire week of January 1, 1923, and had sufficient time and opportuinty to act to prevent the tragedy; an entire town was destroyed and its residents killed or fled, never to return; and the State and local government officals thereafter failed to reasonably investigate the matter, failed to bring the perpetrators to justice and fialed to secure the area for the safe return of the displaced residents; and
WHEREAS, the State of Florida recognizes an equitable obligation to redress the injuries sustained as a result of the destruction of Rosewood, Florida, NOW, THEREFORE,
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble of this act are found and declared to be true.
Section 2. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is hereby directed to investigate the crimes committed in and around Rosewood, Florida, in 1923, to determine if any criminal prosecutions may be pursued, and to report its findings to the Legislature.
Section 3. The amount of $500,000 is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for the purpose of compensating the African-American families of Rosewood, Florida, who demonstrate real property and personal property damages sustained as a result of the destruction of Rosewood, Florida, in 1923. The attorney General is authorized to compensate each eligible family in the amount of $20,000, and, upon a finding by the Attorney General that the loss exceeds $20,000, the Attorney General may settle such property claims up to the amount of $100,000.
(2) The Rosewood Family Scholarship Fund shall be administered by the Department of Education. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for administering this program which shall at a minimum provide for the following:
(a) The annual award to a student shall be up to $4,000 but should not exceed an amount in excess of tuition and registration fees.
(b) If funds are insufficient to provide a full scholarship to each eligible applicant, the department may prorate available funds and make a partial award to each eligible applicant.
(c) The department shall rank eligible initial applicants for the purposes of awarding scholarships with preference being given to the direct descendants of the Rosewood families. The remaining aplicants shall be ranked based on need as determined by the Department of Education.
(d) Payment of an award shall be transmitted in advance of the registration period each semester on behalf of the student to the president of the university or community college, or his representative, or to the director of the area vocational-technical school which the recipient is attending.
(3) Beginning with the 1994-95 academic year, the department is authorized to make awards for undergraduate study to students who:
(a) Meets the general requirements for students eligibility as provided in s. 240.404, except as otherwise provided in this section;
(b) Files an application for the shcolarship within the established time limits;
This Act, which originated in the House of Representatives and was passed by the House of Representatives on April 4, 1994, has been examined and found to be correctly enrolled
Bolley L. Johnson [signature]
Speaker of the House of Representatives
John B. Phelps [signature]
Clerk of the House of Representatives
Passed the Senate on April 8, 1994
Pat Thomas [signature]
President of the Senate
Joe Brown [signature]
Secretary of the Senate
Approved this 4th day of May, 1994
Lawton Chiles [signature]
Filed in the Office of the Secretary of State on [blank], 19[blank]
Secretary of State
by SC
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Chicago Manual of Style
Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives. An act relating to Rosewood, Florida, 1994. 1994-05-04. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/350825>, accessed 28 March 2025.
Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives. An act relating to Rosewood, Florida, 1994. 1994-05-04. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 28 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/350825>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives)