An Act to Provide for the Establishment of the Seat of Government in the Territory of Florida
Acts, Legislative
Act of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida providing that commissioners be appointed to survey a suitable location for a new capital of the Territory
Florida. Territorial Legislative Council
State Archives of Florida, Series s222
Duval, William Pope, 1784-1854
Murray, George
Fatio, Francis Joseph, 1792-1829
Territorial Florida (1821-1845)
AN ACT, To provide for the establishment of the seat of government in the Territory of Florida. Be it enacted, by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, That with a view to the location of the seat of government for the territory aforesaid, there shall be appointed by the Governor, two commissioners, one from that part of the territory known as East Florida, and one form that known as West Florida. That the commissioners thus appointed shall meet at St. Marks. On the Gulf of Mexico, on the first day of October next, and thence proceed carefully to explore and examine all that section of country embraced between the Ocklockny river on the West, and the Suwannee river on the East, and between the Northern boundary line of said Territory, and the Gulf of Mexico. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, after making the examination aforesaid, to select the most eligible and convenient situation for the seat of government for the Territory of Florida. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall keep a journal and take notes on the topography of the country, examined by virtue of this act, particularly describing the quality of the soil, its local situation, and the streams by which it is watered. That on or before the first day of January next the said commissioners shall submit to the Governor of the Territory a report in writing, of all their proceedings by virtue of this act, accompanied
with their journals and topographical notes on the country by them examined.| Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if the said commissioners shall disagree with regard to the situation on which the seat of government should be located, then and in that case, the journals and topographical notes of the said commissioners, together with the subject of their disagreement, shall be submitted to the Governor of the Territory, who shall be, and he is hereby authorized, from all the information adduced, to decide in favor of the situation selected by either commissioner. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, that the situation thus selected shall thenceforth constitute the seat of government for the Territory of Florida. Sec 6. Be it further enacted, That the next session of the Legislaitve Council of said Territory shall be held at the situation selected by said commissioners, or by the governor and either of them, in case of the dis- agreement of said commissioners, if in the opinion of the Governor the Legislative Council can be there accommodated. Sec 7. Be it further enacted, That if the seat of government for the Territory aforesaid, should not be located in time for the meeting and accommodation of the Council at its next session, then and in that case, the Governor shall be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered to issue his proclamation, directing the next session of the Legislative Council, to be held at the City of St. Augustine. Sec 8. Be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall receive five dollars each per day, in full compensation of all services rendered by virtue of this act. Geo. Murray, President of the Legislative Council. Attested, F.J. Fatio, Clerk. (Approved 24th June 1823.) WM. P. Duval. Governor of the Territory of Florida