Florida in the Civil War
Impressment Certificate
(From: State governors' incoming correspondence, 1857-1888, Series S 577)
This is a certificate notifying Governor Milton that C.T. Taylor was empowered to conduct impressment single-handedly in Jefferson County in 1864.

Office [?] Commy [Commissary]
Second Dist [?]
Tallahassee Nov 30 / 64
His Excy
John Milton
Gov of Fla
C.T. Taylor is empowered to impress subsistence stores in Jefferson County in accordance with the requirements of the acts of Congress on this subject.
Very Respty [Respectfully]
Yr Obt Servt [Your Obedient Servant]
J.D. Westcott
Capt. A.C.S. [Assistant Commissary of Subsistence]