Florida in the Civil War


Robert Watson - Civil War Diary

I must here state that nearly every man in the Regt. officers and all are blessed with some of Job’s comforters, the itch, head and body lice and bed bugs.


Sept 8th

Arrived in Cleveland at 10 ½ AM. We were all very tired for we had marched 20 miles without resting for we were closely pursued by the Yankees and it was so dark in some places that we could not see each other. On our arrival we jumped into the chars without permission from anyone for everything was in confusion as they were evacuating the place as the enemy were expected every moment and none of our troops are here. The train started at 11 ½ AM and arrived at Daulton at 4 PM. We camped close to the R. Road. While at Cleveland we conscripted a bag of flour and some bacon. It belonged to government and we have drawn no rations since we left the Regt.


My birthday and very dull one for we have nothing to eat but bread. We drew 2 days rations of flour and salt but could get no meat. At 3 PM 20 men and 1 officer were detailed to load cars. When they came back they brought a side of bacon weighing 60 lbs. And a box of tobacco which was divided among us. Col. Bullock’s wife being in the cars near us we went and serenaded her. Real music, we sang Fairey Bell, Let Me Kiss Him for His Mother, and the Homespun Dress. At the end of each song there was quite a clapping of hands in the cars. We went back to camps, took a smoke and turned in.


All our company busy today loading cars, moved camps in the afternoon. One soldier shot another through the head killing him instantly. Everything in confusion loading cars with all kinds of government stores. Some of the boys conscripted a ham, a lot of sugar and other things that we needed.


All hands at work loading cars, trains leaving all night and morning. Yankees reported close at hand at 10 AM. We were ordered to draw and cook 2 days rations and march to Lafayette, Ga, our brigade reported to be there. Started at 3 PM and marched until dark, halted by an old church and turned in. My clothes wet with perspiration and covered with dust but I slept well.


At 3 AM we turned out and marched until 10 ½ AM, halted and rested for 4 hours. All of us very tired for we had to climb some very steep hill, it was very warm and dusty. Soon after we stopped it rained which spoilt our rest. At 3 PM started and marched 4 miles when we met our Regt. who thought that the Yankees had taken us prisoners. They welcomed us back very warmly and were very glad to see us safely back. Drew 2 days rations and cooked them. This place is Lafayette, Ga., remained here all day.


Our brigade started early this morning to meet the enemy, marched about 4 miles and halted for 1 hour, cannonading in front. Starting again and marched back to the place we left in the morning and camped for the night.


Started at daylight and marched about ½ mile and halted in an open field for about 1 hour, then marched about 3 miles to the top of a hill, halted and remained all night.


Drew 1 days rations of corn and flour bread which was not half cooked having cooked during the night by the wagoners of the Regt. The corn bread musty and the flour burnt outside and raw inside and very heavy. No meat.


My breakfast consisted of musty corn bread and water. During the day drew 1 days rations of boiled beef, less than half pound to a man, miserable stuff. I must here state that nearly every man in the Regt. officers and all are blessed with some of Job’s comforters, the itch, head and body lice and bed bugs. I am one of the number and although I hunt for them every day I can’t get clear of them. I got stocked on board of the steamboats and we will not get clear of them until this affair is over and we get into the quarters again and boil our clothes and blankets, which is the only way to get clear of them. It is a common thin to see officers and men almost in a nude state hunting for the infernal devils. At 9 PM just as we were all turned in we were ordered to pack up and march and hid it not been for the fires along the road we never could have got down the mountain. We had to go in single file, the fires looked grand. Took the wrong road and had to counter march for some distance. Arrived at our old camping ground and camped for the night.


Turned out at 4 AM and drew 2 days rations of which was cooked. At 10 AM we were ordered to pack up and march off. Marched all day and camped at night. It was a dreadful hot and dusty day.