Lincoln Letters

Letter on the End of the Civil War in Florida, 1865 (Page 4 of 4)

Date: April 29, 1865

Series: (M90-15)

Lincoln Letters

Lincoln Letters

Letter on the End of the Civil War in Florida, 1865

everything else I tried to keep Mr Spooner from whipping them but I could not I thinks it would be best to turn them over to the law of the land if there is any law to that effects

Miss Keene [?] has just left me she has been here ever since wednesday morning we have had a very pleasant time with the exception of the negroes scrape [?] I think Julia [?] and I ___ ____ ____ bottom of that stealing scrape though nothing has been said about it I wish [?] you would try and get me a lock for the house

I think that we will have a change some way soon for we cannot raise a southern army and we will have to submit Malcolm [?] do not tell that you killed a yankee for they might want to kill you for it goodbye my dear boys I pray the gods [?] Love to bless and keep you from all evil and bring you home in safety your affectionate

mother [Sarah] Fletcher

M.N. Fletcher