L. B. Randolph Letter to His Friend, Miss Susan I. Harrison.

Date: January 11, 1829

Series: M75-86 - Randolph family.

Papers, 1820-1978.

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Early Florida Medicine


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To: Miss Susan I. Harrison
Cumberland County, Va.

Tallahassee, Jan. 11th, 1834

Affliction seems to pursue us both, dear friend. I have very
recently heard of the bereavement you and your family have suffered
by the loss of your dear brother - for a long while I expected to hear
this, but finding the blow so long suspended I began to hope, he might
be spared to his family. But he was a Christian, & why should we wish
to have detained him from his home we often long ourselves to be at
rest in the graves & yet we are so selfish, that when our Lord calls
back to himself some of the beloved objects He has lent us to cheer our
earthly pilgrimage, we mourn & lament, sometimes refusing to be com-
forted because they are not. Perhaps I should not say we, for indeed
my dear Sukey, I believe you have made such attainments in grace as to be ready
at all times to hear what the Lord will speak, & to say "It is well". Still
I know when the spirit is most willing, these strokes are grievous to the flesh
& my sad heart is still sadder when I think of you all - of the widow
& orphan children - but most of all for you mother - oh I remember well
when my mother mourned for her first born - what she suffered then
no human being knows - I believe as there is no love like a mother's so
there is no grief like hers when her children are taken from her.
I will not attempt to offer words of consolation. I well know there is
no healing for wounds like this, but what the great Physician gives, &
of Him you all have knowledge, to Him you will apply in this time
of need & He will comfort you. I have heard none of the particulars
of your affliction. I hope when you can that you will write & tell me.
I feel anxious about you, you all especially my aunt and yourself & your precious
babe. God grant that little creature may prove a blessing & a comfort to you
as long as you live, but take care that you do not learn to love it too
well. I too had a child that I loved as my own - I loved him too
well. I had besides a great deal of pride in him, and many vain hopes
had I bound up in his life - he was a fine boy & we were to each other



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