Dr. Arthur Moray Randolph Account of His Trip to Attend to His Dying Son.

Date: October 12 through November 30, 1862

Series: M75-86 - Randolph family.

Papers, 1820-1978.

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Early Florida Medicine


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Saturday Octr 25th. Had a visit from Rev Mr Packard of the Episcopal
Church. He is a relation of Dr Peyton. A tall Iron gray man and from
the state of Maine.
Eston coughed much last night and a good deal this morning less since
noon, expectorates largely. The cough racks him all over and is very
painful. This is a beautiful day warm and smoky.
Sunday 26th My patient rested tolerably last night and passed a
rather comfortable morning. The symptoms remain however unchanged,
perhaps the bowels are in better condition. Weather dull, dreary
cold NE rain falling steadily.
I forgot to note a visit Friday from Assist. Secry. "West" of Florida
and a companion. They had been in the neighbourhood sick as long as
Eston, had recovered and started that day for Winchester. Dr. Richard
Randolph has been near here too on sick leave.
My spirits are below par today, but I strive against despondency. I
can but bless God for enabling me to join my son, to wait no and
administer to his wants, to divert his thoughts from his sufferings
is a labor of love and those the task is to one of my nervous temper-
ament and under the peculiar circumstances a great sacrifice, I
make it gladly and trust it may be accounted as some attonement for
previous selfishness.
If it please God to hear my prayers and grant me the inestimable
boon of my sons life, that I may get him once more to his Mother
at home, I trust and believe the effect will be most favourable
on my future life. The amount of gratitude will be too large to be
forgotten while I live. But I am trying to do my duty in any event.
Gods will be done.
Octr 27th Monday
Three Doctors held consultation on Eston about 12. The result is
an opinion of his recovery, slowly but surely. A fluctuating tumor
appears near the right nipple it was ineffectually lanced by Dr
Peyton, not deep enough to reach the pus.
28th Dr Clarke paid his farewell visit and I paid his bill $120.
Dr Peyton assumed charge of the case. I wrote favourably of Dr
Clarkes qualities for a surgeons place to the Sec at War. Wrote a long
letter to Laura, more hopeful of our sons recovery, but alas, soon
after noon there was another unfavourable turn, difficulty of breath-
ing and restlessness, lasing pretty well through the night.

Wednesday 29th Eston seems more composed today, but has I fear lost
some ground since yesterday morning. The weather is cold, ice yes-
terday, frost morn.
Eston left at the Regimental depository in Richmond, a dark heavy
Overcoat formerly mine in his Talle. Guards uniform coat, a pair panta-
loon and a blanket.
He had another uneasy turn after dinner.
Thursday 30th Octr.
Eston has passed a more comfortable night and day so far (1 Oc) his
Pulse is now rising and he becoming restless.
I walked up and down the main road as usual for exercise this
morning, observed a man on horseback near the stone fence perhaps
150 yards off, I thought some neighbor conversing with some one
inside the field, returning to the house learned it was Yankee


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