Dr. Arthur Moray Randolph Account of His Trip to Attend to His Dying Son.
Date: October 12 through November 30, 1862
Series: M75-86 - Randolph family.
Papers, 1820-1978.
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Porters division, inquired after Col Ward and some other Floridians.
By 10 Oc the sun was shining brightly, tho there are many
clouds around the horizon and it continues cold.
I find that only Fitz John Poters division or corps that has moved,
Large bodies of the army still remain.
Dr. Peyton called to see Eston late in afternoon, he is very dolor-
ous over his losses. As night comes on the clouds thicken and wind
rises evidently getting colder, patches of snow still lie about
the lawn and fields. Mr. Foster has a rumor that McClellan is super-
seeded [sic] by Genl Burnside.
Sunday 9
Eston passed a bad night, the usual amount of anodyne failed to
give sleep, owing mostly to short but painful fits of coughing -
perhaps this was caused by a change for the worse, colder, about
night. The sky is quite overcast by dull leaden clouds and theres
a high wind blowing from NE. Yankee Army all gone from around here
except one Cavalry Reg' under Major Beaumont New Jerseymen. This
took a scare about noon broke up their camp hurriedly came rushing
by and drew up in line in the field opposite. They returned to
their camp ground in a couple of hours. We did not discover the
cause of the stampede.
Monday 10th
Another bad night for my poor boy, no respite from coughing spells,
most painful and distressing, how he keeps up is most wonderful.
for nearly a week he has taken but two meals a day and they spare
ones he cannot sleep without an opiate and badly then is constantly
strange, truly strange how he lingers.
Tuesday 11th
Estons cough very troublesome had to give during the night nearly
1 gr morphine. This morning he is comparatively quiet. Dr Speiden
failed to keep the appointment for 12 Oc today. Dr Peyton there-
fore desires Dr Cochran sent for again and Adam is now gone on
the blind mare. The day is bright and delightful white frost this
morning. Adam returned 8 Oc, having been stopped on the road by
Yankees and delayed some time. The mountain next Thoroughfare gap
Is on fire extensively and presents a striking view from the upper
windows. Mr Houston Foster spent the day with his parents.
Wednesday 12th
The abcess in Estons side opened again late yesterday and has run
more already, 10 Oc, than it did when first lanced. His side fur-
ther back than this opening where theres an internal abcess was
very painful and his night consequently bad.
Weather changed again, cloudy and spitting rain.
Dr Cochran did not come as was appointed.
Two dutch Yankees carried off Jimmys blind mare, given him by an
Officer of Porters Corps.
Thursday 13
Eston passed a tolerably easy night by the aid of heavy opiates.
The abcess is discharging freely all the time, surely it must come
from inside the chest.
The Doctors have determined my conjecture to be right and consider
the one opening sufficient to empty the chest did not make a second
as was intended. The cough and pain are much abated, all the bad
symptoms in fact, and the good ones are strengthened, pulse better
appetite improving etc.
Cleared off again quite cool.