
Date: 1885

Series: 613.122 B465 - "Bethesda;:

a Traveler's Criticism on Our Health Resorts, Their Scenery, Climatic Peculiarities and Curative Influence.

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Early Florida Medicine


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the system, to make good blood and increase the red globules ; and there is nothing equal to NICHOLS' BARK AND IRON for this purpose. Iron is always indicated in consumption.

2. The bronchial form of consumption generally has its foundation in impaired digestion, dyspepsia, and a weak and morbid conditions of the stomach. A sense of weight and fullness is felt, the food sours before digestion is completed, which is indicated by foul breath, nausea, heartburn, etc., etc.

NICHOLS' BARK AND IRON can readily be borne by the weak or disordered stomach ; does not produce acidity and flatulence, and is therefore invaluable in dyspepsia and indigestion, and will promptly vitalize the exhausted functions of the stomach, and bring back the lost appetite and enjoyment of food.

All intelligent physicians agree with Dr. Eaton, of Belgrade, Mo., on this point. He remarks : "I would say, in reference to NICHOLS' BARK AND IRON, that I consider it an excellent chalybeate, unsurpassable for its tonic effects. I have tried it on several patients, some of whom presented remarkably serious anaemic symptoms, and in each case the administration of the Bark and Iron was eminently efficacious and successful in building up and vitalizing the general system."

Bronchitis, pleurisy, and lung fever result from a cold, damp. and changeable weather, etc., but back of this the cause is an enfeebled condition of the vital principle, poor blood, the want of sufficient vitality in the system to throw off a cold. Asthma has its origin mainly in the nervous system, and is always aggravated by a cold. Hay asthma and hay fever is a combination of asthma and influenza.

The reader may easily understand why NICHOLS' BARK AND IRON is the most valuable medicine in all these diseases. It is absolutely necessary that the remedy should be restorative and not debilitating in its effects. NICHOLS' BARK AND IRON is a regenerator, transforms the blood, vitalizes the exhausted functions of the stomach, and eradi-

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