Interstate Quarantine Regulations.

Date: 1894

Series: S 900 - Florida State Board of Health Record Group.

Subject files, 1875-1975.

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Early Florida Medicine


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Interstate Quarantine Regulations.
appliances are provided for the necessary disinfection and treatment
of the vessel, passengers, and cargo; and after treatment of any infected
vessel at a national quarantine station, and after certificate shall have
been given by the United States quarantine officer at said station that
the vessel, cargo and passengers are each and all free from infectious
disease, or danger of conveying the same, said vessel shall be admitted
to entry to any port of the United States named within the certificate.
But at any ports where sufficient quarantine provision has been made
by State or local authorities the Secretary of the Treasury may direct
vessels bound for said ports to undergo quarantine at said State or
local Station.
SECT. 7. That whenever it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the
President that by reason of the existence of cholera or other infectious
or contagious diseases in a foreign country there is a serious danger of
the introduction of the same into the United States, and that notwith-
standing the quarantine defense this danger is so increased by the intro-
duction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the
right to introduce the same is demanded in the interest of the public
health, the President shall have power to prohibit, in whole or in part,
the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as
he shall designate and for such period of time a she may deem necessary.
SEC. 8. That whenever the proper authorities of a State shall sur-
render to the United States the use of the buildings and disinfecting
apparatus at a State quarantine station, the Secretary of the Treasury
shall be authorized to receive them and to pay a reasonable compensa-
tion to the State for their use, if in his opinion they are necessary to the
United States.
SECT. 9. That the act entitled "An act to prevent the introduction
of infectious or contagious diseases into the United States, and to
establish a national board of health," approved March 3, 1879, be, and
the same is hereby, repealed. And the Secretary of the Treasury is
directed to obtain possession of any property, furniture, books, paper,
or records belonging to the United States which are not n the posses-
sion of an officer of the United States under the Treasury Department
which were formely in the use of the National Board of Health or any
officer or employé thereof.

(Extract from act August 1, 1888.)
Whenever any person shall trespass upon the grounds belonging tp
any quarantine reservation, * * * such person, trespassing, * * *
shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not more than three hun-
dred dollars, or be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not more
than thirty days, or shall be punished by both fine and imprisonment,
at the discretion of the court. And it shall be the duty of the United
States attorney in the district where the misdemeanor shall have been
committed to take immediate cognizance of the offense, upon report
made to him by any medical officer of the Marine-Hospital Service, or
by any officer of the customs service, or by any State officer acting
under the authority of section five of said act.

(Extract from Act March 27, 1890)
SEC.2. That any officer, or person acting as an officer, or agent of
the United States at any quarantine station, or other person employed
to aid in preventing the spread of such disease, who shall willfully

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Interstate Quarantine Regulations.
violate any of the quarantine laws of the United States, * * *
or any lawful order of his superior officer or officers, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a
fine of not more than three hundred dollars or imprisonment for not
more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court.
SEC. 3. That when any common carrier or officer, agent, or employé
of any common carrier shall willfully violate any of the quarantine
laws of the United States, * * * such common carrier, officer, agent,
or employé shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on con-
viction, be punished by a fine of not more than give hundred dollars, or
imprisonment for not more than two years or both, in the discretion of
the court.

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