"As To Yellow Fever"
Author: Author: Wall, John P. (John Perry), b. 1867
Date: n.d.
Series: S 915
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American Public Health Association, 1886,
on disinfection and individual prophylaxis
against infectious diseases, by Dr. Sternberg,
Surgeon United States Army, we find the
following on yellow fever.
“This disease, like cholera, is contracted
in infected localities, rather than by contact
with the sick. Indeed, it is rarely, if ever,
communicated directly by a sick person to
his attendants. In infected places the poison
seems to be given off from the soil, or from
collections of decomposing organic matter,
and we have no definite evidence that it is
communicated through the medium of food
or drinking water (as is the case with chol-
era.—W.) The history of epidemics of this
disease shows that when it obtains a lodg-
ment in a city or town which is an unsani-
tary condition, in southern latitudes and
during the summer months, it extends its
area and invades new localities similarly sit-
uated, until frost occurs, or at least until the
weather becomes comparatively cool in the
autumn. Those who remain in an infected
area, unless protected by a previous attack,
are almost certain to contract the disease,
and much less can be done in the way of in-
dividual prophylexis than in cholera. We
therefore advise all who can get out of the
way of this fatal disease to do so. * * * *
* * * This being the case, we repeat
our advice to all those whose duty does not
require them to stay on the field of batter,
to make an orderly retreat to some place of
If such is the teaching of science, will
Medical men on county boards of health
please tell the public how much sense there
is in their fifteen days’ quarantine of indi-
viduals? Are they mere puppets of panic-
stricken communities, and by being thus,
prostitute science and professional propriety
to magnify their importance in the popular
estimation? Do they think it a light and
trivial thing to interrupt and prostrate all
business and bankrupt common carriers be-
cause these foolish measures of quarantine
are applauded by some scared editor who
has aroused by his ill-timed effusions on a
subject of which he knows but little, if any-
thing, a groundless popular apprehension?
Does it not occur to them that they are ex-
hibiting themselves to their professional
brethren who read and think, as being either
ignorant or dishonorable? Has it never oc-
curred to them that they are playing the role
of quacks and charlatans? Much would I
prefer to be shunned by the ignorant than
thus to sacrifice truth and science to the
clamor of a senseless scare, and forfeit my
own self-respect.
If, as is pretty well established, yellow
fever is not a contagious disease, and there
is no danger from the well, sick or dead,
from the infected locality – barring the
clothing and other effects – how is this thing
of confining a people to an infected locality
to be justified? Do they expect them to
remain and die like dumb brutes? If they
do, they are fools as well as inhuman mon-
sters. I told the people of Tampa that we
had yellow fever here, and advised them to
get out. I did this deliberately, and to pre-
vent reports being spread, I got the tele-
graph operators to refuse to receive any mes-
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sages that would give the alarm to the out-
side world until I could give the people a
chance to get away. I know, Mr. editor,
that I was not endangering the lives of 250,-
000 people of the State as you charged, be-
cause I knew that the infection was only
here, and did not extend all over the State.
I was guided by the teachings of science,
and actuated by humanity and common
sense in my proceedings. The result has
vindicated my course and prevented an in-
crease of calamity that would, in all proba-
bility, have amounted to a holocaust in
sacrifice to life, to say nothing of the in-
creased suffering that would have naturally
resulted. I have nothing but the profound-
est contempt for the nincompoop M. Ds. and
pseudonymous liars of the “Viator” stripe
who write about fifteen days’ incubation and
a State Board of Health, and took occasion
to maliciously misrepresent me at a time
when I had neither time nor opportunity to
defend myself. The charge made by the
T imes-Union and “Viator” that I said I
would guarantee that “no yellow fever got
into Tampa,” is false in toto. When that
“M. D.” quoted Flint about the fifteen days’
incubation, why did he not quote him cor-
rectly? and why did he leave out what I have
quoted from the same author on quarantine?
Do you think that was either gentlemanly or
It is just such nincompoops as he who
impose false ideas upon the people, and ex-
cite groundless apprehensions of danger.
As for railroad quarantine, it is an absurd-
ity, and the disinfection practiced with sul-
phur at the quarantine station, was bout as
efficient as so much ordinary smoke. Yet, it
met the approval, according to their report,
of two or three of your Jacksonville physic-
cians, who reported that the fumigation at
Dr. Caldwell’s camp was satisfactory, and
was of two or four hours’ duration, I am not
certain which. Now, in the article on Dis-
infection, in Vol. 2, Reference handbook of
the Medical Sciences, by Dr. Sternberg (pre-
viously quoted), page 480, can be found this:
“Fumigation with sulphur dioxide has
been largely relied on for the disinfection of
clothing. To be effectual, the articles to be
disinfected must be freely exposed to its ac-
tion, in a well closed chamber, for a period
of at least twelve hours. Burn three pounds
of sulphur for each thousand cubic feet of
air space in the room.”
And, besides, it is only efficient for micro-
organisms in the absence of spores, being
quite impotent for the destruction of these
reproductive elements. Now, do they know
anything about the micro-organisms and
spores of yellow fever? and whether or not
these spores—the reproductive elements—
pertain to the yellow fever poison? And as
for the closeness of the fumigating chamber,
if it was the one I saw, it was wholly lacking,
and failed to confine the fumes of the sul-
phur, which were escaping in a manner to
remind one very much of a country smoke-
house in the bacon-curing season. And yet
this was satisfactory to the sanitarians and
hygienists of Duval county!
In the North Carolina Medical Journal of
November, 1878, Dr. R. A., Kinloch, of Charles-