Warning of the Imminent Threat of a Leprosy Epidemic.
Date: September 5, 1888
Series: S 900 - Florida State Board of Health Record Group.
Subject files, 1875-1975.
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Together with the latent cases, which must
come to the surface within the next years, I
feel safe to give the present number as one
hundred and fifty cases.
This fully explains the spread of this pest-
ilence over the neighboring places.
Dr. Wall, Health Officer of this place,
had me examine, in presence of Dr. Barba-
rossa, an incipient case, which I showed to
be genuine Lepra graecorum in the tuber-
cular state, to the full satisfaction of these
gentlemen. Upon my suggestion, Dr. Wall
was quite ready to send this case promptly to
Havana to the Leper-Hospital, as this case,
a stout vigorous lad of 22 years, originally comes
from there, by the way of K.W.
The next day (second to my arrival there) I dis-
covered an other, well pronounced case of
Lepra tuberculosa in the hyperaesthetic state.
The first is a cigarmaker, the second a waiter
in a restaurant.