"Ode to Health;

Date: 1896-1903

Series: N2009-5 - Civil War veterans medical journal, 1896-1903.

Civil War Veterans Medical Journal.

(Page 3 of 24)

Early Florida Medicine


Untitled Document

[page 3]
But we are told that they are "purely vegetable."
that may be true, and by this the people are deceived, forgetting that the most violent poisons in nature
are vegetable poisons. Are not strycnine, and prusic
acid vegetable productions? After a patient has
taken a few boxes of the wonder working vegetable pills,
or a few bottles of the magic bitters, or concentrated compounds, for a time he feels as much better as the
man when his shins stop smarting after having them
kicked. When poison or an injurious article is taken
into the system, the vital principle rouses up all her
energies to cast it out; and if she succeeds, she feels better
for a time after the effort. But why take in an enemy
to over tax the system, and expend so much effort to cast
him out again? The system thus wound up soon runs down again, and then some one recommends some new cure all,
the poor patient growing weaker under each succeeding effort, and like the weary animal under his heavy burden at
last lies down, and makes no further effort to arise.
And men occupying the sacred desk, the editor's chair, and
the doctor's office, as well as those in common life have
given the influence of their names in support of those secret,
so called remedies. I do not impugn their motives, but very much

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