Manuscript on Malaria by Dr. Alonzo Lashbrook Blalock, M. D., of Madison County, Florida.

Date: 1920-1950

Series: N2009-9 - Papers, ca. 1920-1950.

Personal and medical papers of Alonzo Lashbrook Blalock, a Madison, Florida, physician.

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Early Florida Medicine


Untitled Document

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gue fever, which I consider a type of malarial infection.
In accordance with my experience, clinically and microscopically,
the much affection due to malaria can be conveniently and scien-
tifically classified as follows:
Infection by Tertian Parasites. (1) Intermittent fever, paroxysm
every third day counting < day of 1st fever (handwritten)> (2) Malignant intermittent, due
to double infection, giving a quotidian fever or to severe[?]
infection giving rise to < haematuria (handwritten)> and other alarming
Infection by Quartan Parasites, (1) Intermittent fever, paroxysm
every fourth day (2) Irregularly intermittent, due to double in-
fection, it may be additional infection by Tertian Parasite.
Infection by both Tertian and Quartan Parasites. (1) Bilious
remittent fever, mild, severe and grave. This includes all grades
of intensity which are variously designated as Bilious Fever, , Bil-
ious Remittent Fever, and Hemorrhagic Bilious Fever.
Aestivo-Autumnal Parasites. (1) Continued Malarial fever, Typho-
Malrial. (2) Severe continued fever, malignant or pernicious ma-
larial fever, due to super-addition of infections by the Tertian
and Quartan parasites.
Under the foregoing classification after thorough and efficient
Microscopical research, may be arranged all Acute Malarial Diseases.
And in every instance the character of the disease depends on the species of micro-organism,
Plus the intensity and duplicity of the
Infection. Truly the microscope is an invaluable aid in prog-
nosis as well as diagnosis of malarial diseases. Thus it is possi-
ble to predict very accurately the course and duration of a given
In the early years of my career as a physician I was led to be-
Iieve that the question of Malaria was easy and what we had in qui-
nine a specific, With this impression, I now realize how many and

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