Early Drama in St. Augustine
Published Date
published 1940
(1) Index of the Cedulas and Royal Orders. Letters to the government
of St. Augustine from 1595 to 1762 in the archives of Span. (Translation
by Miss Emily Wilson from photostats obtained from Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C.
(2) Tickner, George: History of Spanish Literature. 3 vol. First edition
1849; Harper Bros. New York.
(3) Inventerio de los ornamentos alteres, efigies, companas y alhajas
portenecientes a la Inglesai Parroquil, a las confradias del Presidie de San
Augustin de la Florida. (Inventory of the altar ornaments, sacred statutes,
belle and jewels pertaining to the parochial church and religious
brotherhoods of the presidio of St. Augustine.) Photostat copy of original
translated by F. H. Crow and Edward Lawson. Original in Library of
Congress. Copy of Augustine Historical Library.
(4) Law, Katherine; Histogran, St. Augustine Record; 1937
(5) Siebert, William Henry, Loyalists in East Florida; 2 vols. Florida
State Historical Society, 1929, Deland, Florida.
(6) Federal Writer's Guide to Savannah, Ga: American Guide series,
(7) Brown, G. M. Ponce De Leon Land: Record Printing Co., St.
Augustine 1902.
(8) Ashton, Tony, The Fool's Opera: 1705; Library of Congress.